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Blach Intermediate School and Egan Junior High School Named United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon Schools
United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has announced that both Blach Intermediate School and Egan Junior High School, in the Los Altos School District, have been named United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon public schools. A total of 287 public and private schools have been recognized. Only twenty-four schools in California were honored with this prestigious award this year. Blach and Egan are two of only four schools to
be recognized in Santa Clara County.
Click here to read the full press release.
Governing Boards Vote in Favor of Executing Multi-Year Agreement Resolving Long-Standing Facilities Dispute
On July 28, Los Altos School District and Bullis Charter School voted unanimously to approve a five-year facilities agreement, putting to rest the long-standing dispute over the allocation of public school facilities in Los Altos.
Under the terms of the agreement that was reached through mediation, LASD will provide BCS with guaranteed facilities and the time-consuming litigation process will end. Both groups expect the agreement to improve current students' educational experience and help accommodate growing enrollment at both the charter school and LASD.
Click here to view the approved settlement agreement.
Click here to view the full press release dated July 29, 2014
District and Charter School Announce 5 Year Agreement
The Los Altos School District and Bullis Charter School are pleased to announce that they have agreed to material terms to resolve their long standing dispute.
Resolution of conflict requires compromise, creativity, and collective will to find solutions. Both the Bullis Charter School Board and the Los Altos School Board have a deep commitment to educate children and provide them with the best opportunities for growth and success. This collaborative effort furthers our shared mission -- providing a top-notch education for our kids.
The non-binding term sheet is available for public review on the LASD and BCS web sites. Public response and comment are welcomed before July 28 when both boards will take action on a final agreement.
Los Altos School District Announces New Assistant Superintendent
The Los Altos School District is pleased to announce it has selected Dr. Edsel Clark as the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction effective July 1, 2014. Board President Tamara Logan stated, "We are pleased to select Dr. Clark from among a very talented pool of applicants. He has an impressive track record of sustaining, developing, and implementing programs along with a demonstrated ability to collaborate and innovate. Dr. Clark will bring even greater opportunities to our already thriving schools and students."
Click here to read the full press release.
HOT LUNCH: California Roll, Chicken Caesar Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tri Tip Sandwich.
Good luck to the Blach athletes who will be competing in today’s track and field league finals. Those going on the bus need to go directly to the locker rooms after six periods and be on the bus by 2:25 for the trip up to Graham.
Los Altos School District to Innovate in Library and Classroom Spaces
Thanks to generous donations from local community members, Los Altos School District has been presented with two incredible opportunities to test innovative learning spaces for improved student learning experiences that will ultimately benefit students in the entire district. The opportunity to create these innovative classrooms and test their efficacy in two of the local schools - Gardner Bullis and Loyola Schools - will help inform future classrooms designs for all students.
Click here to read the full press release.
Two Los Altos School District Schools Receive National Blue Ribbon Nominations
The California Department of Education has nominated two Los Altos School District schools to receive a prestigious National Blue Ribbon from the United States Department of Education: Blach and Egan Junior High Schools. There are more than 12,000 public, charter and private schools in California, and only 35 were nominated for this highly-esteemed award. Los Altos School District is honored to have both of our junior high schools nominated for the sustained exemplary achievement of their students and school communities.
Read the full press release here.
HOT LUNCH: Beef Hot Dog, Pasta w/butter, Pasta w/Marinara Sauce, Shredded Chicken Burrito.
The WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE tickets will be sold at lunch. Don’t miss out.... see you Friday night.
Congratulations to yesterday's NOON LEAGUE winner and overall champion LEWIS!!!!! They will go up against the teacher's team at lunch today in a highly anticipated game. Be sure to come out and watch. Everyone should be ready to go by 1:15.
The Blach Running Club will NOT be meeting today but will start up again right after the break.
Have you ordered your 2013-2014 Falcon yearbook yet? If you didn't order in December, it's not too late! Turn in your order by the end of January to the office or Mrs. Hickman's room, D-2. Order forms were emailed home to parents; extras are available in the office. The price of the yearbook is now $40. Don't delay- the only way to guarantee that you'll have a yearbook in June is if you order one NOW!
The library will be closed again today. It WILL, however, be open the entire week for Think Tank.
The 7th grade girls defeated Egan yesterday 5 to 0.
Blach's 7th grade boys basketball team defeated Egan yesterday 48-29 behind strong defense and driving to the basket. Both Sebastian and Ian were high scorer with 12 points apiece. Basketball practice for 7th grade only today.
Effective December 11, 2013, the Santa Clara County Department of Health has revised its requirements for TB screening of students entering schools. Click here for more information.
LASD board sends notice of Facilities Use Agreement (FUA) violations and invites BCS representatives to its November 12 board meeting where it will consider potential remedies.
3/28/25 3:45 PM