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This document provides an overview explaining the changes to program offerings that the Los Altos School District has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency and the major impacts of the closures on students and families.
Dear Los Altos School District Community,
In the midst of a global pandemic that has laid bare the persistent inequities in our nation, our hearts are heavy from the recent race-related killings and ensuing events. As protests surge in our local communities and beyond, we feel the need to speak out. Silence and inaction only perpetuate injustice, bias, and racism.
In LASD we value and teach equity, diversity and inclusion. We actively teach our students conflict resolution, to communicate their own feelings of injustice, and to rise against intolerance in defense of others.
But, recent events clearly show we must do more. As a school district, we must ensure our students understand the injustices people of color face every day and work with our children to build a more just world together.
We are all partners in this effort. Below are some resources to engage in direct discussions on culture and race with children. Even our youngest children can learn about race and racism in ways appropriate for them.
● NPR Podcast: Why All Parents Should Talk with their Kids about Social Identity
● Teaching Tolerance: Lessons for the classroom and home and A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice
● Today’s Parent: How to Talk to Kids about Racism, an age by age guide
For our part and as the governance team of our school district, we commit to our families, students and teachers, that we, as an entire school district community, will work to ensure our students are empowered with the tools to build a more equitable and just world.
We can and will do better for our children.
As always, thank you for your partnership.
Jeffrey Baier, Superintendent
Bryan Johnson, President, Board of Trustees
Vaishali Sirkay, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Steve Taglio, Clerk, Board of Trustees
Vladimir Ivanovic, Member, Board of Trustees
Jessica Speiser, Member, Board of Trustees
We hope that all of you are doing well as we continue to shelter in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this challenging time, Living Classroom is helping to balance out "screen time" with backyard "green time" with our at-home activity videos that help connect students with our nature-based curriculum at home. If you haven't done so already, please visit the Living Classroom Parent Page where you can find at-home activity videos as well as additional nature-based resources (click here to learn how to make pretzels at home or here to learn how to plant a Three Sisters garden). We encourage you to also check out the Living Classroom - Los Altos School District YouTube Channel where we are posting LASD specific virtual garden tours, including our new LASD Mystery School Series videos which highlight the plants growing in the Living Classroom gardens at each of the schools (click here to watch the first video in this fun series... can you guess
which school we are at?). Please share these resources widely and check back frequently as new videos and activities are being added weekly.
Keep Calm and Garden On! - Living Classroom Staff
Dear Los Altos School District Families,
As summer approaches, I always focus on encouraging our students to reflect on what they’ve learned, honoring their amazing achievements and setting them off on the right foot for success as they move forward in their educational journeys. More than ever, I feel a meaningful close of the school year is very important due to the circumstances under which this school year has unfolded.
Our teachers, board, administrative team, principals and staff have worked tirelessly to collaborate on a cohesive end-of-year plan. Our plan will prepare students for success in the next grade level and reinforce everything they learned this year, both while in our classrooms and in LASD Virtual School.
The final eight days of the school year will be filled with many end-of-year celebrations and other student-focused events to close out this year and prepare for the next. For that reason, regular classroom instruction in our LASD Virtual School will end on May 29, but the learning will continue until we meet again in August.
Below is a description of all of the activities that will take place in the final eight days of the school year from June 1-10.
Celebrating Student Success, Preparing for Summer Learning
Although May 29 will be the final day of teacher-directed regular instruction in our LASD Virtual School, student learning will continue. Starting June 1, students will be introduced to the next phase of this unique school year: LASD’s Summer Learning for All program (described below). Teachers will continue to connect with students in a total of 3-4 Google Meets to celebrate their classroom community, reflect on what they’ve learned this year and respond to any questions about the Summer Learning for All program.
To honor our 6th and 8th grade graduates, junior high and elementary principals are preparing virtual commencement events on June 10: the last day of the 2019-20 school year. Please keep an eye out for an invitation from your principal.
2020-21 School Year Planning
While we all want a return to normalcy next school year, Governor Newsom has clearly signaled our schools will operate differently in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Though we have not yet received specific guidance from state or local health officials, LASD is developing a series of plans encompassing multiple school re-opening scenarios. Due to public health conditions, it is likely that distance learning will continue in some form next school year.
Professional Development: Improving Our LASD Virtual School
While our teachers did a phenomenal job leaping into distance learning, dedicating time and resources to improve LASD Virtual School is essential to continue strong student achievement into the next school year. That is why our teachers will engage in critical further professional development around virtual instruction during the last eight days of the school year.
End of Year Details
Teachers and staff will assist parents and students during the last days of school with the enormous task of retrieving and returning academic materials such as musical instruments, textbooks and student work or belongings some time between June 1 and 10. Your school will send the details soon for an organized process to ensure proper social distancing protocols for everyone’s health and safety.
Summer Learning for All
To build a bridge to the next school year, LASD developed a Summer Learning for All program for students at all grade levels. While summer participation is not mandatory, the first segment of the program will coincide with our last eight days of school and all students are required to participate.
During the summer, we will provide online grade-level activities encouraging students to review and practice reading and mathematics during the summer in preparation for the next school year. This will be in place of our traditional LASD Summer School, which we do not anticipate being able to offer this year based on public health restrictions.
Summer Learning for All will also include engaging projects that explore the critical skills and habits we teach and foster in LASD so students develop the capabilities they need for lifelong learning. We call these the 6Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Character and Citizenship. The 6Cs encourage students to look at the world from different perspectives, see connections across the disciplines and engage real world interests, needs and challenges.
Your Input and Feedback Is Essential
As we prepare to close out the school year, we want to hear from you. We will hold a Town Hall forum on Monday, May 18 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm to discuss the pandemic situation, our response to this ongoing public health crisis and questions or concerns you may have as we move forward. In addition, I am working with all principals to develop a survey to understand your experience in Virtual School this year to build upon and improve our online instruction for next year. We value and encourage your participation.
In this challenging time, I believe our culture of collaboration and innovation will propel us into the next school year with the enthusiasm, skill and tenacity to continue our tradition of academic excellence. As always, I thank you for your partnership and welcome any questions.
Jeffrey Baier
Los Altos School District
Los Altos School District Board Proposes Extension to Current Facilities Agreement with Bullis Charter School Due to COVID-19 Uncertainties
At its Monday, April 27 meeting, the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees directed Board President Bryan Johnson to propose a 2-year extension to the current facilities agreement with Bullis Charter School (BCS). The current agreement provides facilities for BCS at the Egan Junior High and Blach campuses for a total of up to 1,111 students and expires at the end of the 2020-21 school year.
Superintendent Jeffrey Baier highlighted three issues resulting from the pandemic crisis that complicates future facilities planning for a long term agreement with the charter school, including state and local requirements for social distancing on school campuses for future school years; financial implications resulting from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis; and restrictions on in-person meetings limiting the opportunities for public feedback on any facilities proposals.
Click here to read the full press release
3/26/25 4:17 AM