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Dear Los Altos School District Families,
I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy. As we prepare to begin the LASD Spring Break, new announcements from Governor Newsom, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, and our local public health officials are sobering reminders of the need to continue physical distancing to protect our community from the novel coronavirus.
Today, Governor Newsom clarified school campuses across the state will not reopen for the remainder of the school year. While this announcement was not unexpected, it is a stark acknowledgement of the severity of the public health crisis our community faces.
In coordination with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SSCOE) and the thirty-one school districts in our county, Los Altos School District will not reopen its campuses this school year.
To be clear, the 2019-20 school year is not over. Rather, it means that all students will continue to attend school via our Virtual School for the remainder of the year. Please read today’s letter from Santa Clara County Superintendent Dewan and the thirty-one school district superintendents.
There is no doubt that enduring school closures will be difficult for families, students and staff. However, I want to reassure you that the Los Altos School District has a plan in place to continue, build upon, and improve the success of our LASD Virtual School for the remainder of the school year. The district will also continue to work with SCCOE, Santa Clara County Public Health Department (SCCPHD) and our neighboring school districts regarding school closures. There will be numerous details to address as a result of school campus closures through the end of the year. We will continue to collaborate with our community partners to address these details and help ensure we balance the need for all students to access excellent education as we simultaneously protect public health.
Spring Break
Our teachers rose to the challenge of a nearly instantaneous launch of online learning in order to ensure our students’ progress continued. Spring Break will provide our teachers the valuable time they need to have the energy and insights to provide an excellent education for your children when LASD Virtual School resumes on Monday, April 13.
To help our families with fun and educational activities for children during Spring Break, we’ve created a catalog of resources. I hope these ideas provide you and your family with opportunities to have a good time together, exploring your home and backyard in new ways while keeping our community safe and healthy by Sheltering in Place.
Shelter in Place
Additionally, in coordination with five other Bay Area Counties, SCCPHD announced it is extending the Shelter in Place Order to continue through May 3, 2020. The extension is designed to prevent a dangerous strain on our local healthcare resources so our hospitals are prepared to effectively battle the novel coronavirus public health crisis. Read the press release here.
The Shelter in Place extension includes new, stricter social distancing regulations to help prevent the spread of this very communicable and dangerous disease. Quite simply, by staying home with our families, we will save lives.
A few highlights of the new order as you prepare for Spring Break:
1. All travel, except essential travel such as to purchase groceries, is prohibited
2. Playgrounds, recreational areas and our local schools’ play equipment and buildings are closed to the public
3. All public or private gatherings involving more than a single household or living unit are prohibited
Mental Health Services for Students
Anxiety, fear and depression are all emotions that our students could be experiencing during this enduring crisis. Our school psychologists and counselors are available to help your child work through these difficult emotions. If your child needs help, please contact your school principal with your concerns. Additionally, mental health professionals at the Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) are available to help our students. They are offering telehealth services that you may access by calling 650.965.2020. If your child is currently working with a CHAC therapist, please include their name in your voicemail. Please also take a look at the multiple resources CHAC includes on its website, that could help any members of our community suffering from mental health challenges.
Every Family Counts: 2020 Census
If you haven’t yet, please be sure to fill out the 2020 Census for your family. The census is a count of all people living in the U.S. and takes place every 10 years. It is simple and confidential to complete and will affect everything from political boundaries to county, state, and federal funding. It is more critical than ever that every household in the district responds accurately, especially since young children are the most likely to be overlooked. For the first time ever you can complete the census online. More information can be found at
I hope that you and your family enjoy your time together during Spring Break. May this time allow you to discover creative ways to connect, explore new interests and have fun in these very unusual and challenging circumstances. We will continue to work together and in collaboration with our families as we extend our Virtual School to the end of the school year. We look forward to learning and growing with your child when Virtual School resumes on April 13.
Jeffrey Baier
Los Altos School District
Bay Area School Closures and Student Dismissals
From Regular School Attendance to be Extended Through May 1, 2020
San Jose, CA – Seven Bay Area county health officers, in collaboration with their six county superintendents of schools have made a unified, regional decision to extend school closures and student dismissals from regular school attendance through May 1, 2020 to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible. The safety and wellness of students, school personnel, and the community are the highest priorities of all schools and districts in these six counties.
Building on the regional coordination the Bay Area jurisdictions took on March 16, 2020 in issuing Health Officer orders requiring all residents to shelter-in-place, the following Bay Area county agencies have been working together over the last several weeks to align strategies and practices during this unprecedented time for public education:
• Alameda County Office of Education
• Contra Costa County Office of Education
• Marin County Office of Education
• San Francisco Unified School District
• San Mateo County Office of Education
• Santa Clara County Office of Education
Dear Los Altos School District families,
We’ve been hearing the word “unprecedented” a lot lately. Every time I hear the word, I reflect more deeply on the times we're facing and consider how I can rise up to the challenge.
What I find most unsettling about the COVID-19 crisis is that we have no experiences to draw upon and find our way. None of us has experienced social distancing or school closures of this magnitude before. Our lives have been upended, we fear for our loved ones and we feel uncertain. I find myself reaching out even more frequently for that social interaction we all miss, making time for additional calls to friends, family and neighbors.
Without experience to guide us, I’ve found a sense of purpose in the core values that I believe we all share as a school district community:
I see these values in action around me every day, in my neighborhood, in the news and - most importantly to me - in our school community.
We know that this pandemic will not impact all people in the world to the same extent. It, unfortunately, has heightened xenophobia. We also know the disease and resulting economic impacts will strike harder at those who lack financial security or reliable health care. This is where I believe our LASD core values point us towards the innovative and collective spirit that is required to get through this crisis as a stronger, better community.
I am proud that our LASD team of teachers and staff have pulled together with amazing speed, collaboration, creativity, and persistence to kick off our Virtual School and ensure that all students have access to our program. Our IT Department has worked tirelessly to provide devices and wifi access for those who need it. We are working with our partner school districts to ensure lunch is available to our students in need. We are constantly leveraging new ideas -- and coming up with our own -- to help healthcare workers and first responders get the childcare they need to focus on their life-saving work.
We will continue to draw upon the values we share to constantly improve our work with you and your children to ensure they continue to excel.
Thank you to all of the families who’ve expressed their gratitude as we all struggle together through this unprecedented public health care crisis. It is this spirit of partnership that will help us find and truly live by the values we cherish most. We will continue to keep you updated as best we can.
LASD’s Virtual School
By now, your children will have experienced their first full day of our Virtual School. Thank you for your patience as we took deliberately slow steps to launching our school. We believe that this helped prepare us for a very successful first day.
We know that this is all new and that there will be some frustration along the way. We also feel very confident that your child will continue to experience key and peak learning moments in our Virtual School.
If you do experience any problems with technology or other aspects of online learning, please let us know and we will work with you to resolve them or point you to the necessary resources.
Tips to Stay Healthy (and Sane) During Sheltering In Place
The natural reaction to the order to “Shelter in Place” would be to worry, feel vulnerable and maybe even a little helpless. While following the advice and orders of the Public Health Shelter in Place order, you might find the below tips to help you practice self-care during this time:
While this is not meant to be an all-inclusive list, these tips will hopefully provide some actions you can control during this time.
The State of the State and the District
We’re all probably still reeling from Governor Newsom’s statement during his latest press conference that he didn’t know if schools could reopen before the end of this school year. While this is a very sobering thought, it’s important to remember that this was not an official order, but rather, the retelling of a conversation he had with his young child.
We’re Prepared
That said, should our schools remain closed through the end of the school year, the Los Altos School District is prepared. We created our Virtual School Plan to prepare for any duration of school closure. Our team will continue to work together and collaborate with our families throughout the school closure to ensure that every single one of our students continues to achieve to the highest standards.
CAASPP Testing Suspended
In a related matter, the Governor has also waived the CAASPP testing for all California for the 2019-20 school year based on the impact of COVID-19. This will allow our teachers and students to focus on innovating in our Virtual School and align these lessons to state standards for student success, rather than focusing on test preparation and administration.
State of the District
While our schools and District Office are currently closed to students and the public, our staff is hard at work to ensure that we protect vital services for our students and our community. We’re delivering lunch, making sure families have the tools they need for virtual school and keeping all functions of the District fully operational--almost entirely from our home offices. We appreciate your cooperation as we work through these new challenges together. Please let us know if we can help you.
Join Us to Keep Neighbors Healthy
Dear Mountain View, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills Families,
Local authorities have shared with us their concerns and observations that groups of children and teenagers are out and about and seeming to ignore the social distancing protocols. As the superintendents charged with the education and well-being of local children, and as your neighbors, we want to provide clear and specific guidance related to the directive on social distancing and shelter in place in place for our community. As COVID-19 continues to spread at an alarming rate throughout the state and nation, it is absolutely essential that we all do our part to protect our communities and look out for one another by complying with these directives.
Please take a look at these helpful FAQs from Santa Clara County Public Health Department to understand how to follow the directives.
English FAQ
Spanish FAQ
Chinese FAQ
Here are some simple tips:
We know many of our families may have questions about these regulations and how to follow them with children and young adults at home. While children may not be as susceptible to serious illness from the novel coronavirus, they can still get sick and spread disease to those who are most vulnerable. Please be sure your children are practicing strict social distancing and excellent hygiene.
Here are some tips health experts are passing along to those of us with children or teenagers at home:
Do Not:
It is up to all of us--every member of our community--to protect public health. We have the ability, by working together, to mitigate this devastating health crisis.
Jeffrey Baier, Superintendent, Los Altos School District
Nellie Meyer, Superintendent, Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District
Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent, Mountain View Whisman School District
Dear Los Altos School District Community,
This morning, our Board of Trustees held an emergency meeting, granting me the authority to close our schools in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Following the Santa Clara County Public Health Department (SCCPHD) announcement at noon today placing far greater limits on all community gatherings and in conjunction with the Santa Clara County Office of Education directive to close all schools, the Los Altos School District (LASD) will close beginning Monday, March 16. Our schools plan to reopen on Monday, April 13, unless circumstances dictate the District to remain closed. During this time, the District Office will remain open.
The SCCPHD has reported that COVID-19 may be present in the County for months to come. LASD has developed plans to operate in a manner that complies with all applicable public health guidance, so that we can reopen as soon as feasible.
The safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and their families is front of mind during the public health emergency of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Our community is facing an unprecedented health crisis with new information surfacing rapidly.
We recognize that school closures will be a hardship for many of our families and staff. Our schools are a vital service for our community and we will do all that we can to help minimize the social disruption that school closure is likely to create.
Student Nutrition
We will be partnering with Mountain View-Whisman, Mountain View-Los Altos High School District and other community resources to share food distribution services. Please stay tuned for specifics as we iron out the particular details of this arrangement.
Remote Teaching and Learning Plan
Our amazing team of educators is prepared for this moment with a plan for remote teaching and learning. Early next week, you will receive instructions to ensure that you and your child are prepared for learning at home, as well as a road map for the initiation of our remote learning program. We will work with our families to ensure that all families have the computers and wifi access they need to continue their children’s education from home.
Our IT department has been diligently working to secure Wi-Fi hotspots for students who may lack internet at home so they may have access to online learning resources. Comcast has already offered to provide their Internet Essentials plan to low-income families at no cost for 60 days. They are also increasing internet speeds for existing customers to help accommodate the anticipated greater demand at home. If your family needs a device and/or internet access, please let your school know immediately so that we can contact you as resources are identified.
Social Distancing to Stay Healthy
We ask all members of our community to join us in doing all we can to prevent the spread of illness by practicing social distancing and taking other measures as advised by the CDC and the SCCPHD, which has a very helpful and regularly updated FAQ.
Students should stay home and minimize social contact as much as possible to keep caregivers and adult family members safe. While children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness from this virus, they can transmit the virus to those most vulnerable. Public health officials recommend that families make arrangements for childcare during closure that avoid leaving children with elderly people who are more vulnerable to serious illness.
Keeping You Informed
We know that our schools are an important source of information regarding matters such as the COVID-19 global pandemic. We will continue to keep our community apprised of health recommendations as the situation evolves.
LASD Staff Is Here to Help
While your children will not be in our classrooms during the school closures, our staff will be hard at work to ensure all students receive the best education possible under these very challenging circumstances. Our teachers, principals and staff are here to help and can provide you information you may need during this crisis. Please contact your principal or me if you need assistance.
I appreciate your partnership in navigating these unprecedented times for our schools, our district, and our community.
Jeffrey Baier
Los Altos School District
3/28/25 3:50 AM