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Medications will be available for pick up from June 10th 2015 (last day of school) to June 16th 2015.
We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An Adult must pick up medication.
They’re coming... the 2015 Blach yearbooks will be arriving on campus soon and will be distributed on Thursday, June 4th. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, there's still an opportunity to purchase one! There will be a limited number of books available for sale starting June 4th after school, first come- first served. Bring $45 cash or check made out to Blach School. See Mrs. Hickman in room D-2 with any questions.
Good Morning 8th Graders!
The 8th Grade Party is THIS Friday!
What are you going to wear?
Guys; a collared shirt and nice shorts or pants would be a good choice.
Girls; a dress, skirt that you can move in will be perfect for the party!
There will be a coat check there if you decide you want to stash your shoes or phone somewhere safe.
There will be games, free food, prizes and so much more!
The Party is in the Blach Multi from 7 - 10 pm.
Today is THE GARBAGE BAG FASHION SHOW and it is PJ Day. All participants should have their costumes ready by lunchtime. One person from each homeroom will be the “presenter” while the other wears the costume. Heads up: tomorrow is Formal Day.
The School Supply Drive was an amazing success! We have collected boxes and boxes of supplies that will soon be shipped to Africa. It was a close competition between several homerooms, but the winning homeroom is Mrs. Honigman's class. Thanks again to all the teachers and students that made this possible.
BREAKING NEWS for the fashion show
You can also use the little white trash bag (that the 2 bigger ones came in) for the
costume. Any type of tape can be used but not staples. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO:
Hey 8th Graders: Have you signed up to go to the 8th Grade Graduation Party?
The Party is Friday May 29 here in the Blach Multi from 7 - 10 pm
You need to bring the form that was emailed to your parents this week and check to the office.
There will be fun food, games, dancing and a very special attraction you will NOT want to miss.
Sigh Up to go today!
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
To all 2nd period concert percussion, 4th period and 7th grade strings students. Please meet Mr. Lewis in the band room during lunch to double check the percussion bags. This is very important meeting before we put them on the bus for the Anaheim trip.
If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class during the week of May 18-22. The homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!
All chorus students meet in the chorus room at lunchtime for practice. Eat lunch after practice.
Only three weeks left in the Blach Club Site! We have changed it to 3 winners, but each get $10 instead of $5 to House of Bagels! It's quick and easy, and all you have to do is sign up for the site - easy! Sign up now! Go to the Blach site and click on the Clubs button on the site. Good luck!
It was another great day of competition by our track and field team yesterday. Many of them again scored personal bests as well as qualified for the County meet next Tuesday. Congratulations to all these who placed in the top six and qualified: 7th grade girls: Stephanie E., Nicole G., Nicole X., Mady K., and the 4x100 relay team who were league champions! 7th grade boys: Eric J., Luca M., Jonah C., Mateo G., Kirby G., Ilan K, and Jake S (who was also the long jump champion) 8th grade girls: Chloe C., Amber F., Maddy H., Ally H., Ilona S., Katherine S., Julia D., Aya K. and both the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 relay teams 8th grade boys: Nick S. and Kieran D.
All county track participants need to be at practice next Monday and also see Mrs. Koren or Mr. Kane today for the County schedule.
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child's immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible.
For more information, please visit our Health Services page on immunizations.
Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, veggie burgers as well as drinks, popcorn and chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing
Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!
Students: The second to the last hot lunch window is broken. If your last name is between O and Z, you will use the far right line.
Hey Blach! The creative writing class has published Issue 10 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the students’ entertaining stories and poems as well as the creative illustrations by the art class. Will you dare to enter room 50 of the Marriott Hotel? What happens to Josie? What happens when the enemy fires shots at Kyle and his comrades? Where is Willow Richardson? What is the sound coming from Alex’s room? Read Falcon Feed today; look for Issue 10 on Blach’s website. Happy Reading!
Good luck to Blach’s track and Field team as they travel to Kennedy after school for a tri-meet with Kennedy and McAuliffe. Athletes need to meet outside the front of school by 3:15 to ride the busses. Only those who have registered and paid the bus fee will be able to travel.
Yesterday Blach’s tennis team had a close match against Fisher losing 3-6. Great wins by Brandon playing singles and Tim, Saiyash, Nico and Coral playing doubles!! Next match is tomorrow against Miller at Mountain View HS.
Movie night is THIS Friday! It will be an evening of Jammies, pillows and lawnchairs or bean bag chairs and GREAT barbecue! We’ll be showing Back to the Future and Big Hero 6. Buy YOUR ticket today. Proceeds will benefit several charities.
8th graders: Please line up in front of the school at 1:05 for the Panorama Picture. If you have your form please give it to the photographer at the time of the
All Track & Field participants: you must be signed up online and have given Mr. Kane or Mrs. Koren you transportation check by Wednesday to participate in the away meet on Thursday.
This Friday, April 3 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 7:30 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM.
The Egg and Spoon Race is on TODAY in the quad. All participants should be ready to go by 1:10. Noon League will be held TOMORROW on the field. This switch is due to Walk To Blach Day which will be held tomorrow from 9-11.
The Mardi Gras mask winners’ franco-hispanic lunch provided by Señor López and Madame Wade will take place on Tuesday April 14, the day after we return from our Spring break.
Those of you who are invited, please plan accordingly.
Hey Blach! Talking butterflies, a magical book, flying creatures, uninvited guests, and a third-floor bedroom. The creative writing class has published Issue 9 of Falcon
Feed. Inside the magazine, you will find creative and entertaining stories about these topics and many more. See also the beautiful illustrations that accompany the
stories. Where can you find Falcon Feed? Go to Blach’s website and click on Falcon Feed Issue 9. Read the magazine today! Happy Reading!
Thank you so much Blach! Your generous response to the book drive has been beyond what we expected. We are over 1000 books as of this morning — and more books are coming in every few minutes. Tomorrow is the last day to bring books . . . So . . . .do you think . . . . Maybe . . . . . We could hit 1500? Please check your closet, your book shelves, under your bed and bring any books you think would be appropriate for kindergartener through fifth graders! Together we are making a change for our friends at Theurerkauf Elementary School! THANK YOU!!!
Track & Field practice starts on Monday April 13th. Please sign up in the boys or girls locker room.
Good luck to our boys basketball teams in the championship round of playoffs. The 7th grade travel to Sunnyvale to take on Hyde while the 8th grade team travels to Columbia to take on Lawson. Both games will start around 3:45.
All girls soccer players should return their uniforms to Mrs. Koren as soon as possible.
7th Grade Boys Basketball takes on Hyde in the final today at 3:45. The game will be played at Sunnyvale's gym. We would love to have your support.
Friday, February 6 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 6 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Still haven’t been to a LAYC ? Memberships are available for $49 for the last 4 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
If you have 8th graders in Falcon Time, please collect nominations TODAY for yearbook’s personality poll! Thanks for your help with this.
Beginning this week the Student Store will be following a new schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays we will open at lunch and will sell student store merchandise. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at brunch we will be selling food. Come and see what’s new at the Student Store.
Due to weather related issues, the Fun Friday Dance Off will be held next week on Monday or Tuesday. Be sure to send your competitor’s name to Leadership and stay tuned for updates.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Please turn in all girls basketball uniforms to Mrs. Koren
All boys soccer team players are invited to a post season party in the multi after school this Friday. Plan on it lasting to around 4:15.
Boys basketball tryouts Monday and Tuesday of next week. Be sure to sign up in the locker room.
Flu season is at its peak nationwide, and it is on the rise in California. In Santa Clara County, we are entering the peak weeks of the flu season, and the Santa Clara County Public Health Department wants to share some tips on protecting the health of our community. Flu is easily transmitted in places where people congregate, so schools can play a large role in reducing the spread of flu and other contagious diseases.
Looking for a good story to read? Want to see some amazing illustrations? Well, you won’t need to look far. The creative writing class has published its fourth issue of Falcon Feed. Go to Blach’s website today and click on Falcon Feed Volume 2, Issue 4. Happy Reading!
We’re in the final two days of the food drive, and we’re all looking forward to
vacation. Please remember that hunger doesn’t take a vacation, and we ALL have the means to help. We all have the means to donate—don’t pass off your responsibility to someone else. Show your generosity this week. Give Thanks. Give FOOD!
Teachers — please deliver your classes’ donations at lunch time. Homerooms from Andrews to Koren to Mrs. Waxman’s classroom, and homerooms from Lewis to Waxman to Mrs. MacKenzie’s. Thank you for supporting this drive and encouraging your students to participate.
Lost and Found: Students, you have today and tomorrow to look for any lost items. Please check the tables in the hallway near the front of the school.
FOUND: One wallet (yes, with money) found at the library copy machine. Please speak to the librarian to claim it.
Noon League today will be weather permitting. The games today are: Honigman vs Ramirez and Greenbaum vs Maye.
3/28/25 3:31 PM