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In our continuing effort to increase communication in the Los Altos School District, follow us (@LASDK8) on Twitter for current district news, calendar events and other useful information. Follow along with our twitter feed on the homepage or just click the link below to get started.
Click here for the presentation from EMC Research regarding the feasibility of a bond measure that was shared with the Board of Trustees on July 23, 2012.
On July 24, LASD filed court papers opposing Bullis Charter School's July 3 request that a judge order the DIstrict to close one of its high-performing schools and hand a campus over to BCS. Judge Patricia M. Lucas will conduct a hearing on BCS' motion on August 15. See links below to read the district's full press release as well as documents filed with the court.
Respondents Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Motion to Compel
Request for Judicial Notice ISO Opposition
Respondents Objection to Jurisdication Regarding Motion to Compel Compliance
Respondents Notice of Motion & Motion for Declaratory Relief
Respondents Memo of Points & Authorities ISO Cross-Motion for Declaratory Relief
Declaration of Alyssa Gallagher
Declaration of Thomas Campbell
Declaration of Michele Huntoon
Declaration of Steve Korovesis
Declaration of Eric D. Lundberg
Declaration of Lawrence Schadt
Declaration of Douglas J. Smith
Declarations of Parents and Community Members
BCS Notice of Motion to Compel Compliance with Judgement and Writ
BCS's Motion to Compel Compliance with Judgement and Writ
BCS: Eyring Declaration - Exhibit A
LASD Teachers Attend Google Apps Summit, Stanford d. School Design Thinking Training & More!
School may be out for students but many teachers in the Los Altos School District have committed to attending a variety of educational conferences and trainings that will have a positive impact on next year's instructional program. This summer LASD has had teachers involved in the following trainings:
Dear LASD Community,
I am sorry to have to inform you that the Bullis Charter School has decided not to accept our interim offer to keep their K-8 program at Egan for the next two years while we work out a long term agreement and have instead chosen to return to court. There was a hearing today on the issues and the court has set a schedule for yet more discovery and hearings. Click here for the press release and LASD court filing in response to the BCS filing.
I am deeply disappointed, but we feel that our offer was more than generous and put BCS in a position to continue its success while we worked together to attempt to identify a long term solution that was both good for BCS and good for our community.
Now we will work with the courts and the outcome will be in the hands of lawyers and Judge Lucas.
For the next school year we will be implementing our original plan to put BCS at Egan and Blach schools. The Board of Trustees will independently seek a long term location for BCS and seek your support in accomplishing that as soon as practical.
We appreciate your continued support and will do our best to keep you informed as events unfold.
Mark Goines, President
Los Altos School District Board of Trustees
After several years of litigation, Bullis Charter School (BCS) and the District have reached a tentative agreement on a long-term location for the charter school. The general terms of the agreement were released to the public on May 7. For more information, view the following documents:
Bullis Charter School has responded to the district's final offer of facilities for the 2012-13 school year. Click here to view the response from Bullis Charter School.
As required by law, the District has made a final offer of facilities to the Bullis Charter School for 2012-13. Click here to view the District's offer.
The Los Altos School District today announced that the Board of Trustees plans to explore, as a possible solution, to offer to share a K-6 campus with the Bullis Charter School's K-6 students.
Click here to read the full press release.
3/27/25 8:13 PM