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Under California's new local control funding scheme, all school districts are required to complete a Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) that represents their spending plans on services for students including identified sub groups of students. Each district must engage and involve its constituents (stakeholders) in the development of its LCAP and make a copy of the plan available to the public for review and comment. The LCAP must be adopted by the district's Board of Trustees following a public hearing at the same meeting it adopts its 2015-2016 budget.
Click here for a draft of LASD's LCAP, which is scheduled for adoption on June 22, 2015. If you wish to comment on the LCAP, please send your comments to Superintendent Jeff Baier at
CANCELED - Haiku Learning Management System
Friday, May 8 - 9:00 am
In the LASD we are on a path to revolutionize learning for all students. Building on our history of excellence, our goal is to inspire passion in students for their own learning. We now have a tool at our fingertips to coordinate this teamwork: a learning management system called Haiku.
Click here for more information and to register for this event.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
3:15 - 5:00 pm
Almond School Multi
Play fun computer games created by sixth graders from all LASD schools, learn about coding and Arduino microcontrollers, and encourage and support computer science in our schools.
With regard to facilities and Measure N, we have been hard at work identifying the best solution for the continued growth of our school district.
LASD is holding a facilitated community forum to collect new ideas and answer questions as it narrows down options and finalizes solutions to address enrollment growth in our schools.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 22, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: Los Altos Youth Center, 1 N. San Antonio Road
Click here for more information about this event.
Click here to review the draft Environmental Impact Report for the installation of facilities for Bullis Charter School over the next two years.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Friday, March 20 - 9:00 am
This year, California, in addition to 20 other states, will administer the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test to students in grades 3-12. The SBAC is one of two nationally developed assessments for the Common Core Standards and represents a clear departure from the previous assessment (CST/STAR).
The March 20th EDTalk will provide information about the development, administration and scoring of the SBAC. In addition to sharing this information, participants will have an opportunity to experience this assessment first hand.
2015 Theme: "Inventors and Risk-Takers Help Make Our Community a Better Place"
The Los Altos Historical Commission and the Los Altos History Museum are co-sponsoring the 31st annual Margaret Thompson Historical Essay Contest, open to third- through sixth-graders who live in the area and/or attend local schools.
The theme of this year’s contest highlights the museum’s current exhibition, “Silicon Valley: The Lure & the Legends,” which explores the transition of the Valley of Heart’s Delight from orchards to oscillators and reveals the inventors and risk-takers behind the evolution.
The deadline to submit essays is March 6. Public school students should submit their entries to Los Altos School District teachers. For the detailed essay prompt, click here. For general instructions, click here. For the essay rubric, click here.
For more information, visit
SBAC (SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium) Testing
The LASD testing window has been defined for 2015 spring testing. The testing window begins Monday, April 20th and continues through Friday, May 8th. This 3-week window allows ample time for schools to complete the testing, including make-ups. As a reminder, students in grades 3-8 will complete assessments for Mathematics and English/Language Arts. Schools will create their specific schedules within this window. Questions concerning actual dates within this window should be addressed at individual school sites.
Common Core Math and LASD
Friday, February 6 - 9:00 am
Los Altos School District is integrating the new Common Core Standards into our educational programs. This EdTalk will provide information that separates Common Core myth from fact. Discussion will center around LASD's approach to the Common Core to assure that all students are mathematically prepared for grade level progression.
Common Core builds mathematical reasoning and critical thinking through problem solving strategies that are relevant to everyday life. The eight common core mathematical practices remain the same in grades K-12 to build a solid foundational understanding.
Join us as we share information, try some hands-on math, and provide an opportunity to have your questions answered.
The District is accepting applications for membership on the Citizens Oversight Committee. Click here for more information about the Committee and the application form.
3/27/25 8:22 PM