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November 06, 2019

Thank you to all of our community members who have participated in the Community Engagement Process for Facilities.  We are truly overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and appreciate you adding your voice to this very complex issue.

Due to extremely high demand and participation in our last community engagement workshop, we are hosting a third and final workshop to help us understand levels of support for various potential options to house Bullis Charter School in the long term.  

Final Workshop
Monday, November 18, 2019
Open House:  6-6:30pm
Workshop:  6:30-8:30pm
Egan Junior High School Multipurpose Room

The workshop will allow participants to review potential facilities options and show their support for each possibility.  To review materials for the workshop, including translated materials in Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish, please visit our Community Engagement Webpage

Please only attend one workshop.  The format is the same for all workshops. There is no need to participate in more than one.  Attendance is limited to 400 people. Please give others the opportunity to participate on November 18th if you have already had the chance to participate in a workshop. Participants and community members are asked not to distribute materials related to the facilities discussion at the workshop.

Thank you for your ongoing support for our students, our schools and our community.


Jessica Speiser, President
Los Altos School District Board of Trustees


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