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May 17, 2018


  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee (8:30am, STEM Lab) CANCELLED
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23
    • Final Walk or Wheel (WOW)
    • PTA General Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Celebration (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24
    • Open House
      • Class Visits, 6pm - 7pm
      • Volunteer Appreciation from Staff on Blacktop, 7:05pm - 7:15pm
  • Friday, 5/25,
    • Superhero Spirit Day
    • Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am
  • Wednesday, 8/22 (First Day of 2018-19 School Year)


Our school is participating in collecting pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters (and even dollars!) to help support Magical Bridge Playground Mountain View at Rengstorff Park from May 21 – June 1, 2018.  Magical Bridge [] is a playground for children and adults of all abilities and disabilities, including those with physical and cognitive disabilities, autism, hearing and visual impairments, those with sensory challenges, and even our aging population.  

The funds collected during our coin drive will go directly to fund this community project.  The grade that collects the most funds will "win" a private playdate at Magical Bridge Playground Mountain View a week before it opens to the public!

Giving is Magical!!!

If so inspired by this project, please consider making an contribution (in any amount) through our dedicated donation page online here:

When making a donation, kindly note what grade your child attends, so they can receive "credit" for this tax deductible donation.  Donations of $300 or above will be recognized with a tile on the donor wall inside the new playground.

For more information about Magical Bridge coming to Mountain View:
CLICK HERE to see a video about Magical Bridge.



  • 15 more Days to finish Go Green Bingo with your homeroom class! What will your class do next week to help our environment? Limit the use of your classroom lights? Use less paper? Encourage others to recycle at lunch?
  • Superhero Day is May 25th! You can create a new superhero or dress up as your favorite character like Wonder Woman or Superman. Can’t wait to see all of our heroes on Friday, May 25th!

The 71st ANNUAL LOS ALTOS PET PARADE will be held on Saturday, May 19th at 10 a.m.

  • The 4th grade Junior Girl Scouts would like to invite Almond families and their pets (dogs, cats, birds, goats, fish, horses, reptiles, stuffed animals or no animals at all) will meet at 9:30am in the parking lot behind First & Main restaurant.
  • Look for the Almond balloons and the Almond Eagle mascot!
  • Please RSVP at if can so we can get a preliminary headcount. -- Come Join the Fun!


  • Please join us at the PTA General Meeting on Wednesday May 23rd at 8:35am for a Volunteer Appreciation Celebration!  The PTA would like to specifically acknowledge the time and energy you have contributed to Almond by being a Room Parent, a PTA Board member, a PTA Committee chair or a graduating parent who has been a Super Volunteer.  
  • The PTA also wants to celebrate those parents who have helped on any committee, helped serve hot lunch, volunteered in the classroom, library or programs like Living Classroom and Art Docent or done anything at all large or small to support our school.
  • We will have coffee, breakfast nibbles and some special tokens of appreciation.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!
  • Thank you, Rachel Harnish - Almond PTA President


  • This coming Wednesday 3/23 will be our final Almond WoW! day of the school year.
  • Make a special effort to walk, bike, or scooter to school on this day. Promote less car traffic near our school, better health for our kids and the environment, and community spirit!
  • Participating children can pick up a chain and colorful foot charm to hang on their backpacks.
  • As usual, participating children fill out tickets before school with their first names and put them in their teachers' cans to enter a raffle for individual and class prizes.
  • Come early so kids aren't late to class! Thanks for supporting your kids and our community.
  • Cheryl Branson, Almond PTA


  • It's that time of year for you to purchase the prepackaged school supplies from SchoolPak!  If you purchase before June 8th, your school supplies will be shipped to the school and delivered to your child's classroom before their first day.  We provide this service since it should reduce your school supply costs by over 25% if you were to go buy this yourselves.  
  • Here's the link:
  • If you would prefer to get the supplies on your own, you can go to the website and select the grade you are interested in, and scroll down - you will see the complete list of items.
  • If you any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.  Thanks!  Darin, SchoolPak Coordinator,

LAEF:  Help us raise the final $175K to fully fund programs at your school this year. A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference! It's not too late to donate or apply for a corporate match. Donate now.

LAEF:  Represent your school!
LAEF is looking for Board Members. The LAEF Board is responsible for ensuring LAEF's strategic, fundraising and organizational goals. Parent donations to LAEF translate to almost $400,000 for each of our nine district schools, including your school. The LAEF Board includes at least one representative from each LASD school and we strive to include representatives from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds.  For more information, contact LAEF at, 650 559-0445.



  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Simon Chen, 5/16/18, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Talked to an adult for help during PE.
  • Natalie Guibault, 5/15/18, Owning learning. Showed great stamina during Writer's Workshop! :-)
  • Marianne Liu, 5/16/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always shows "whole body listening" on the rug.
  • Fisher Medeiros, 5/14/18, Respecting self and others. Volunteered to help with PE equipment.
  • Ziana Merchant, 5/15/18, Owning learning. Mastered her 5th grade Khan Academy Mission. :-) Mrs. Better
  • Sasha Middleton, 5/15/18, Showed great focus during Writer's Workshop! :-)
  • Sabrina Neal, 5/15/18, Respecting self and others. Helped pick up PE equipment.
  • Roman Steciw, 5/16/18, Respecting self and others. Showing kindness and compassion to your peers. :-)
  • Alex Winny, 5/15/18, Owning learning. Showed great writing stamina! :-)
  • German Zuniga, 5/19/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. German was respectful during the entire music class.


None at this time.

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

May 10, 2018


  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


It’s not the things.  It’s not programs.  It’s the people.  The people who have the most direct contact with students have the most influence on a child’s learning.  That would be teachers and all support staff.

Our PTA has showered the Almond staff with gratitude and praise during this week’s National Educator Appreciation celebration.  THANK YOU!

Every member of our team contributes in countless ways.  

Just yesterday, Mr. Core and Luis (from LASD maintenance) went above and beyond in making a wheelchair accessible entryway into an area on our playground for one of our amazing 6th graders so she could enjoy the new couches with her friends.  Thank you to Mr. Casino and Leno (from LASD maintenance) who helped set up and secure this outdoor furniture.

There are so many more examples of this on a daily basis.

At this time, I’d like to celebrate Almond’s certificated (teacher) and classified (non-certificated) staff members of 2018.  Laura Better and Martha Gomez!

Martha - You hold one of the most challenging jobs at our school, noon duty at the lunch tables.  Anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes amongst 250 students confined to tables to eat knows what I’m talking about.  You guide our youth with integrity, respect, and grace.  In addition you support students who receive special education services.  You are patient, encouraging, and nurturing.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

Laura - Your students adore you!  You are creative, thoughtful, inspiring - a gift to us all.  You share openly with peers, lead by example, and advocate relentlessly for every learner.  You communicate effectively with families and maintain a solution oriented approach to any challenge that comes your way.  One of your greatest attributes is your positivity that radiates through your smile.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

To the entire Almond staff - THANK YOU for all that you do for our children.  It is a blessing to know each of you.



  • Our school is fortunate to be part of a caring community where we value educational excellence for our students. LAEF, together with other Bay Area educational foundations, is recognizing May 9th as a day to Stand Up for Public Schools.
  • The mayors of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View signed a proclamation in support of this day and our public schools. The proclamation recognizes that public schools are integral to the development of our future leaders and citizens and their excellence is dependent on every child, at every school, having access to a competitive, well-rounded education. The Los Altos-Mountain View Council of PTAs also declared their support of this special day.
  • LAEF will be promoting awareness of our public schools on Stand Up for Public Schools day and encouraging parents, community members, and local businesses to support our schools.
  • We have a librarian, PE specialists, music teachers, the Los Altos Art Docent program, STEM and cSTEM programs, and more, thanks to LAEF funding.
  • Donations to LAEF from parents, community members, and companies enable our school to offer many excellent programs. If you have already donated this year, we want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to donate and help LAEF raise the remaining $200,000 to meet their goal of $3.7M for this school year. You can do so by visiting
  • Thank you for all you do to support our school community. Together, we Stand Up for Public Schools!


  • If your child is a classroom student council rep, please remind them that they have a meeting next Tuesday on the 19th.
  • Classes have been doing great with the Go Green Bingo challenge! It is great to see all the classes helping the environment.  Animal day was just last Friday. Thanks to everyone for participating in this spirit day. Here are the classes with the most people participating: Mrs. Better’s class with 75%, Mr. Stuart’s class with 80.77%, and Miss Pasket’s class with 85.70%!
  • Did you know…that 70 million animal are killed or hurt by litter each year? Did you know…that 1.4 billion pounds of litter lands up in the oceans each year? Help us keep our campus clean and green! Our Go Green BINGO challenge end May 31st!


  • Alana Flynn (mom to Jimmy and Christopher) took pictures of every single lost and found item and you can see them here.  Now you can peruse online, identify a belonging, and then send your kiddo with marching orders to recover it.
  • Let's do this.  Let's eradicate the Lost & Found pile at Almond Elementary.


The 6th graders will sell $1 snacks and drinks at each Mulan intermission and immediately after each performance. In addition, $2 flowers will be sold and can be given to the performers. The 6th graders will use the proceeds to help a Santa Rosa elementary school which lost its K-2 grade classrooms and library to the October North Bay fires.

JAMBA JUICE - Thursday and Friday After School

Thank you for your support! Almond's 6th graders will continue to sell Jamba Juice all-fruit smoothies after school on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11 in the Rotunda. The 10 oz smoothies will cost $4, and the proceeds will be donated to a Santa Rosa elementary school. The fires destroyed 140 students' homes as well as the school's K-2 grade classrooms and library.


  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • Kindergarten:  This month our kinder students will be hearing the story Try and Stick with It by Cheri Meiners, M.Ed.  The book is about perseverance.  Children with a can do attitude learn that with perseverance they can accomplish and learn new things. Real-life examples such as riding a bike, tying shoes, learning to write your name, etc will be incorporated.
  • Grades 1st-5th:  This month’s ABC book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Polacco is an autobiographical book about her struggles as a student. When she gets to fifth grade her teacher, Mr. Falker, works with her to discover her unique keys to learning. This is a story about a family’s love, a girl’s pain and what happens when an adult believes in a child’s potential to learn. Goals of lesson include: celebrate student’s heroes, recognize teachers as UPstanders and their efforts to create a caring school climate, identify personal strengths to help overcome difficulties and build empathy for students with learning challenges.  
  • Grade 6:  This month the 6th graders are exploring the book "Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids" By Spencer Johnson, M.D. and his 12 year old son Christian Johnson. This book is told as a parable to allow kids to explore the topic of how people handle change. Resiliency and the power to control how we react to new situations will be discussed. You may have heard of the adult version of this book, which offers a positive way to view and adapt to changes in our lives. The children’s version will help sixth-graders develop a positive approach to the changes they face as they prepare to move to junior high school and new opportunities.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.  Let us know if you are interested in volunteering as an ABC reader next year! Have a wonderful summer.



  • The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Come see our wonderful Almond actors and actresses bring this exciting tale to life!
  • Performances
    • Thursday, May 10th - 4:30 Cantonese Cast and 7:00 Mandarin Cast
    • Friday, May 11th -  4:30 Mandarin Cast and 7:00 Cantonese Cast
    • Saturday, May 12th - 12:30 Cantonese Cast and 3:00 Mandarin Cast
  • Tickets $10.00 each
  • Purchase your tickets at drop off and pick up starting Thursday, May 3rd
  • For more information email Luisa at


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ava Abhinav, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always helping everyone clean when it's Clean Up time.
  • Eve Cooper, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Eve treats her peers and adults with respect! :-)
  • Wyatt Doiguchi, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Being helpful and picking up scraps for everyone.
  • Charlotte Ling, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always on task. Always helpful.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Akhul is a respectful listener and helps remind peers to S.O.A.R.! :-)
  • Emily Romero, 5/4/18, Owning learning. Emily worked so hard to learn her sight words and read them with 100% accuracy.
  • Fisher Sirey, 5/9/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment on his own time.
  • Inika Sridhar, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment.
  • Elijah Udoh, 5/9/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Elijah has met his behavior goals, 100%, for eight days !


Los Altos High School - ODFL Program

  • One Dollar For Life (ODFL) is collecting new and gently used educational supplies and Legos to take to Nicaragua this summer on their service trips.  ODFL (founded at LAHS) builds small projects from donations of just one dollar and this summer, they are building a classroom and library in Nicaragua.
  • There will be a bin outside the office where you can put your donations.  Suggestions for donations include:  Legos (please put loose Legos in baggies), pens, craft materials, backpacks, etc.  Here is a link to a list of items they would like to collect.
  • Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of the children.  For more information, please visit ODFL or write to  Thank you!! 

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

May 10, 2018


  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


It’s not the things.  It’s not programs.  It’s the people.  The people who have the most direct contact with students have the most influence on a child’s learning.  That would be teachers and all support staff.

Our PTA has showered the Almond staff with gratitude and praise during this week’s National Educator Appreciation celebration.  THANK YOU!

Every member of our team contributes in countless ways.  

Just yesterday, Mr. Core and Luis (from LASD maintenance) went above and beyond in making a wheelchair accessible entryway into an area on our playground for one of our amazing 6th graders so she could enjoy the new couches with her friends.  Thank you to Mr. Casino and Leno (from LASD maintenance) who helped set up and secure this outdoor furniture.

There are so many more examples of this on a daily basis.

At this time, I’d like to celebrate Almond’s certificated (teacher) and classified (non-certificated) staff members of 2018.  Laura Better and Martha Gomez!

Martha - You hold one of the most challenging jobs at our school, noon duty at the lunch tables.  Anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes amongst 250 students confined to tables to eat knows what I’m talking about.  You guide our youth with integrity, respect, and grace.  In addition you support students who receive special education services.  You are patient, encouraging, and nurturing.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

Laura - Your students adore you!  You are creative, thoughtful, inspiring - a gift to us all.  You share openly with peers, lead by example, and advocate relentlessly for every learner.  You communicate effectively with families and maintain a solution oriented approach to any challenge that comes your way.  One of your greatest attributes is your positivity that radiates through your smile.  THANK YOU for all that you do!

To the entire Almond staff - THANK YOU for all that you do for our children.  It is a blessing to know each of you.



  • Our school is fortunate to be part of a caring community where we value educational excellence for our students. LAEF, together with other Bay Area educational foundations, is recognizing May 9th as a day to Stand Up for Public Schools.
  • The mayors of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View signed a proclamation in support of this day and our public schools. The proclamation recognizes that public schools are integral to the development of our future leaders and citizens and their excellence is dependent on every child, at every school, having access to a competitive, well-rounded education. The Los Altos-Mountain View Council of PTAs also declared their support of this special day.
  • LAEF will be promoting awareness of our public schools on Stand Up for Public Schools day and encouraging parents, community members, and local businesses to support our schools.
  • We have a librarian, PE specialists, music teachers, the Los Altos Art Docent program, STEM and cSTEM programs, and more, thanks to LAEF funding.
  • Donations to LAEF from parents, community members, and companies enable our school to offer many excellent programs. If you have already donated this year, we want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to donate and help LAEF raise the remaining $200,000 to meet their goal of $3.7M for this school year. You can do so by visiting
  • Thank you for all you do to support our school community. Together, we Stand Up for Public Schools!


  • If your child is a classroom student council rep, please remind them that they have a meeting next Tuesday on the 19th.
  • Classes have been doing great with the Go Green Bingo challenge! It is great to see all the classes helping the environment.  Animal day was just last Friday. Thanks to everyone for participating in this spirit day. Here are the classes with the most people participating: Mrs. Better’s class with 75%, Mr. Stuart’s class with 80.77%, and Miss Pasket’s class with 85.70%!
  • Did you know…that 70 million animal are killed or hurt by litter each year? Did you know…that 1.4 billion pounds of litter lands up in the oceans each year? Help us keep our campus clean and green! Our Go Green BINGO challenge end May 31st!


  • Alana Flynn (mom to Jimmy and Christopher) took pictures of every single lost and found item and you can see them here.  Now you can peruse online, identify a belonging, and then send your kiddo with marching orders to recover it.
  • Let's do this.  Let's eradicate the Lost & Found pile at Almond Elementary.


The 6th graders will sell $1 snacks and drinks at each Mulan intermission and immediately after each performance. In addition, $2 flowers will be sold and can be given to the performers. The 6th graders will use the proceeds to help a Santa Rosa elementary school which lost its K-2 grade classrooms and library to the October North Bay fires.

JAMBA JUICE - Thursday and Friday After School

Thank you for your support! Almond's 6th graders will continue to sell Jamba Juice all-fruit smoothies after school on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11 in the Rotunda. The 10 oz smoothies will cost $4, and the proceeds will be donated to a Santa Rosa elementary school. The fires destroyed 140 students' homes as well as the school's K-2 grade classrooms and library.


  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • Kindergarten:  This month our kinder students will be hearing the story Try and Stick with It by Cheri Meiners, M.Ed.  The book is about perseverance.  Children with a can do attitude learn that with perseverance they can accomplish and learn new things. Real-life examples such as riding a bike, tying shoes, learning to write your name, etc will be incorporated.
  • Grades 1st-5th:  This month’s ABC book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Polacco is an autobiographical book about her struggles as a student. When she gets to fifth grade her teacher, Mr. Falker, works with her to discover her unique keys to learning. This is a story about a family’s love, a girl’s pain and what happens when an adult believes in a child’s potential to learn. Goals of lesson include: celebrate student’s heroes, recognize teachers as UPstanders and their efforts to create a caring school climate, identify personal strengths to help overcome difficulties and build empathy for students with learning challenges.  
  • Grade 6:  This month the 6th graders are exploring the book "Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids" By Spencer Johnson, M.D. and his 12 year old son Christian Johnson. This book is told as a parable to allow kids to explore the topic of how people handle change. Resiliency and the power to control how we react to new situations will be discussed. You may have heard of the adult version of this book, which offers a positive way to view and adapt to changes in our lives. The children’s version will help sixth-graders develop a positive approach to the changes they face as they prepare to move to junior high school and new opportunities.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.  Let us know if you are interested in volunteering as an ABC reader next year! Have a wonderful summer.



  • The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Come see our wonderful Almond actors and actresses bring this exciting tale to life!
  • Performances
    • Thursday, May 10th - 4:30 Cantonese Cast and 7:00 Mandarin Cast
    • Friday, May 11th -  4:30 Mandarin Cast and 7:00 Cantonese Cast
    • Saturday, May 12th - 12:30 Cantonese Cast and 3:00 Mandarin Cast
  • Tickets $10.00 each
  • Purchase your tickets at drop off and pick up starting Thursday, May 3rd
  • For more information email Luisa at


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ava Abhinav, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always helping everyone clean when it's Clean Up time.
  • Eve Cooper, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Eve treats her peers and adults with respect! :-)
  • Wyatt Doiguchi, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Being helpful and picking up scraps for everyone.
  • Charlotte Ling, 5/4/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always on task. Always helpful.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Akhul is a respectful listener and helps remind peers to S.O.A.R.! :-)
  • Emily Romero, 5/4/18, Owning learning. Emily worked so hard to learn her sight words and read them with 100% accuracy.
  • Fisher Sirey, 5/9/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment on his own time.
  • Inika Sridhar, 5/7/18, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment.
  • Elijah Udoh, 5/9/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Elijah has met his behavior goals, 100%, for eight days !


Los Altos High School - ODFL Program

  • One Dollar For Life (ODFL) is collecting new and gently used educational supplies and Legos to take to Nicaragua this summer on their service trips.  ODFL (founded at LAHS) builds small projects from donations of just one dollar and this summer, they are building a classroom and library in Nicaragua.
  • There will be a bin outside the office where you can put your donations.  Suggestions for donations include:  Legos (please put loose Legos in baggies), pens, craft materials, backpacks, etc.  Here is a link to a list of items they would like to collect.
  • Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of the children.  For more information, please visit ODFL or write to  Thank you!! 

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

May 4, 2018


  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Tuesday, 5/226th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5:30pm, Blach Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am (earlier time was incorrect)


Dear Almond Families:

In approximately a month this school year will close and Almond students will matriculate to their next grade level in August.

For the 2018-19 school year, students will be heterogeneously placed into balanced, grade level homerooms. The staff has received clear guidance regarding the many factors to consider in developing balanced homerooms.  The Almond principal will monitor each and every homeroom list and make all final decisions regarding placement. In this process some of the factors considered are:

  • Distribution of students from 2017-18 class into the upcoming year’s class
  • Gender count
  • Balance of accelerated, typical and struggling learners
  • Count of special populations (English Learners, Student w/Disabilties, 504s, etc…)
  • Adequate amount of active parent volunteers

We hold a strong, unwavering philosophy that all teachers at Almond school are responsible to meet the needs of all children who enter their classroom.  It is also essential that each child and family be treated with integrity and fairness.

The Almond staff commits to you that we will undergo a thoughtful, deliberate process at crafting balanced classes for the upcoming school year to ensure the learning of ALL children is maximized.

Best regards,
Erika Benadom & The Almond Teaching Staff


Drivers - as you drive through crosswalks on Almond Ave. or in the drive through, please do not back up into these areas.  Thank you!

LAEF:  Join us for Stand Up for Public Schools Day on May 9th. 
Let’s celebrate the vital partnership of our local public schools and educational foundations.  Help us bridge the gap between state funding and the true cost of providing an outstanding educational experience for our children.  For more information, go to

LAEF:  Help us raise the final $200K to meet our goal.  
A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference! Let's cross the finish line and raise $3.7M to fully fund this school year. Donate now.

LAEF:  Looking for Board Members.
The LAEF Board is responsible for ensuring LAEF's strategic, fundraising and organizational goals. Parent donations to LAEF translate to almost $400,000 for each of our nine district schools, including your school. The LAEF Board includes at least one representative from each LASD school and we strive to include representatives from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds.  For more information, contact LAEF, 650 559-0445.


  • The Go Green Bingo challenge has started! Almond is officially going green by picking up trash, learning about endangered animals, reducing light usage, and holding classes outdoors. Which class will complete the environmental bingo board challenge first?


  • The Huns have invaded, and it is up to the misfit Mulan and her mischievous dragon sidekick, Mushu, to save the Emperor! Come see our wonderful Almond actors and actresses bring this exciting tale to life!
  • Performances
    • Thursday, May 10th - 4:30 Cantonese Cast and 7:00 Mandarin Cast
    • Friday, May 11th -  4:30 Mandarin Cast and 7:00 Cantonese Cast
    • Saturday, May 12th - 12:30 Cantonese Cast and 3:00 Mandarin Cast
  • Tickets $10.00 each
  • Purchase your tickets at drop off and pick up starting Thursday, May 3rd
  • For more information email Luisa at



  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:  (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:   (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms will be available in the school office starting next week.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (

LASD NURSES:  Pertussis Booster for Students in 6th grade
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2018. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Anya Bhaskaran, 4/25/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment!
  • Felix Boustead, 4/26/18, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Felix helped our class by staying calm and gently picking up a lizard in our room and taking it outside.
  • Ellie Clark, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Ellie really owned her learning during the ELA PT by taking her time and  planning her essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Jacqueline Cordero, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Jacqueline really owned her learning during the ELA PT by taking her time and planning her essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Ava DePristo, 4/30/18, Respecting self and others. Helping remind others to S.O.A.R.!
  • Nina Doerper, 4/25/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Helped clean up PE equipment!
  • Emmanuel Esquivel Pena, 5/2/18, Owning learning. You used reading strategies to solve hard words.
  • LuLu Hanna, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Lulu really owned her learning during the ELA PT by taking her time and planning her essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Kavi Jain, 4/30/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening during music class!
  • Milly Jones, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Milly owned her learning by taking notes during the state testing (ELA PT). She wrote out what each question asked for so she would remember to answer all parts!
  • Kanishk Kondaka, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Kanishk really owned his learning during the ELA PT by taking his time and planning his essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Olivia Massey, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Olivia really owned her learning during the ELA PT by taking her time and planning her essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Andrew McDowell, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Andrew really owned his learning during the ELA PT by taking his time and planning his essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Dragos Popescu, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Dragos really owned his learning during the ELA PT by taking his time and planning his essay using a template we practiced in class!
  • Camille Steciw, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Camille owned her learning by carefully taking notes and planning her essay during all parts of the ELA PT!
  • Kimmie Stegina, 4/24/18, Owning learning. Kimmie demonstrates perseverance and determination on a consistent basis, especially with math! :-) Mrs. Better
  • Elijah Udoh, 4/30/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Elijah has been working hard to meet his behavior goal! He faced a particular challenge today with grace.
  • Zachary Wang, 4/30/18, Respecting self and others. Zachary helps remind others to S.O.A.R.!
  • Sabrina Yen-Ko, 4/26/18, Owning learning. Sabrina really owned her learning during the ELA PT by taking her time and planning her essay using a template we practiced in class!


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli 650-947-2518, or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

April 19, 2018


  • Friday, 4/20
    • School Coffee re: Safety (8:30am, STEM Lab, not in the multi)
    • Smartphone & Communication Workshop (6:30pm - 8pm, Library)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


When my children were little, we nicknamed one “the chomper” and the other “the savorer.”  My son would devour a hard candy within seconds and my daughter would let it linger for quite a while.  I find that with each passing day at Almond, I’m savoring so much beauty and goodness.  Below are just two examples of many.

Before spring break, the 6th grade teachers and students hosted “A Celebration of Learning.”  It was brilliant!  Students participated in a learning expedition regarding human impact that weaved together science, social studies, and english language arts standards.  This slide deck provides details about this experience during integrated studies and the other artifacts that were generated in Reader’s Workshop and math.  Thisslide deck guides you through the journey via a picture compilation.

Ms. Aubrey, Ms. Aubrey, and Mrs. Vriksha - I am so very proud of you.  You are outstanding educators who work tirelessly to create engaging, inspiring learning experiences for students.  THANK YOU!

This past Wednesday, at the PTA general meeting, Ms. Greene’s class shared on behalf of fourth grade how they used their PTA innovation grant funds.  Reader’s Workshop interlinked with STEM in the creation of models to withstand various weather situations.  This presentation details the experience and incorporates student reflection as a conclusion.  Here are a few video segments of each presenter:  MiloEin, andDaisy.

Ms. Daggett, Ms. Greene, Mrs. Wishnack (aka The Dream Team), and Mrs. Leach - I am so very proud of you.  You are outstanding educators who work tirelessly to create engaging, inspiring learning experiences for students.  THANK YOU!

And to our PTA - Thank you so much for the ongoing support.  None of this would be possible without your generosity and belief in us.


LAEF:  Junior Olympics is just around the corner on April 28th!
That’s when we formally present our check to LASD.  But we’re not quite there yet because we still need to raise another $200K.  Will you join our team this year and donate by April 27th?  A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference!  Let's cross the finish line and raise $3.7M to fully fund this school year.

LASD NURSES:  Pertussis Booster for Students in 6th grade
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2018. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!

"It’s spring time and that can only mean one thing: SPRINGTIME FUN WITH YOUNG REMBRANDTS and ALL NEW LESSONS! If your child enjoys the outdoors they will love the upcoming Hummingbird lesson filled with color and whimsy. We’ll be drawing all season creating motorcycles, boats and even the butterfly life cycle! Artists will be challenged as they draw and shade a realistic portrait of famous composer Beethoven using color pencils. Last session for the school year.  Sign up today, class starts FRIDAY!"
Ages: 5 - 9, Fridays, 2:30 - 4:00 PM, 4/20/2018 - 5/25/2018 
Ages: 8 - 12, Fridays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM, 4/20/2018 - 5/25/2018 
Register at THIS link.


Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop April 20  6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Library
The TechBridgers Club run by Los Altos High School students will be offering a Smartphone and Communications Workshop on Friday, April 20th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the school library.  We will teach parents how to use your smartphone to check your child’s grades and homework assignments, connect to school website, use Google Translate and check your email.  Light refreshments and child care will be provided. Please register here by April 16th.  Questions? Please contact Jessica Mountz at

[en Español]

Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop Viernes, el 20 de Abril 6:30 - 8:00 pm En la Biblioteca
El Club TechBridgers dirigido por los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Los Altos ofrecerá un taller de teléfonos inteligentes y comunicaciones el viernes 20 de abril de 6:30 a 8:00 pm en la biblioteca de la escuela. Les enseñaremos a los padres a usar su teléfono inteligente para conectarse al sitio web de la escuela y los programas de su hijo, usar Google Translate y consultar su correo electrónico. Se proporciona una comida ligera y cuidado de niños. Por favor regístrese aquí antes del 16 de abril. ¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con Jessica Mountz en

If you have pictures that you would like to submit of your children, please look for the correct category below and select the link to upload.  If you don't see a category, please submit under "General Almond Pictures.”  Things to keep in mind: Need pictures that are NOT blurry - higher the resolution the better.  Pictures that have clear faces do best.


  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Arisa Angspatt, 4/16/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. You showed grit by completing a challenging assignment even though you were on Spring Break.
  • Jeff Chen, 4/5/18, Owning learning. Jeff is an enthusiastic presenter during morning meeting who teaches our class interesting things, like Chinese yo-yo! :-)  Mrs. Better
  • Simon Chen, 4/18/18, Owning learning. You slowed down to write neatly and explained your thoughts carefully during Writing Workshop.
  • Axel Edin, 4/5/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Axel is a compassionate classmate who shares his insight and passions with his classmates regularly. :-) Mrs. Better
  • Henry Heit, 4/16/18, Respecting self and others. Willingness to move seats/chairs so a classmate with a broken toe does not need to sit at his original spot, which is at the high table on a swivel chair. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Masa Honma, 4/16/18, Owning learning. He learned to write his name properly.
  • Kate Kostow, 4/16/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. You worked on an assignment for school even though you were on Spring Break!
  • Ella Liniger, 4/18/18, Owning learning. Ella has mastered her 5th grade math mission on Khan Academy! She put in over 5 hours during Spring Break because she was determined to meet a personal goal. :-) Mrs. Better
  • Kendra Sims, 4/16/18, Always making good choices. Invited a student who was sitting by herself to join Kendra's table. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Jolie Wang, 4/6/18, Owning learning. Jolie has been in this country for a mere four months, and has quickly immersed herself in the Almond community. :-) Mrs. Better


Girl Scout Craft Fair and Garage Sale This Weekend!
Girl Scout Junior troop 61025 from Almond is working on their Bronze award and is hosting a multi-family garage sale and craft fair this weekend. All proceeds will go to benefit teens in foster care in Santa Clara county. Come buy some of our handmade items, baked goods, and gently used items and learn about our project.  Saturday, April 21, 2018, 8:00 am til 3:00 pm. 275 Marich Way, Los Altos, 94022

The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli 650-947-2518, or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

April 5, 2018


  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18
    • PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
    • English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting (8:30am, ELD Room)
  • Thursday, 4/19, District English Language Advisory Committee, DELAC, (9am-10:30am, District Office iLearn Studio, 201 Covington Rd.)
  • Friday, 4/20
    • School Coffee re: Safety (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • Smartphone & Communication Workshop (6:30pm - 8pm, Library)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/10
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/11
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 3:30pm, Performance @ 4:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 6pm, Performance @ 7pm)
  • Saturday, 5/12
    • Mulan Musical (Cantonese Cast Call @ 11:30am, Performance @ 12:30pm)
    • Mulan Musical (Mandarin Cast Call @ 2pm, Performance @ 3pm)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Every year, students in grades 3 through 6 participate in statewide standardized testing called CAlifornia Assessment of Student Performance Progress (CAASPP).  This measure is designed to provide schools/districts with information about student learning so that we can reflect on our instructional programs.  This also provides parents with a data point to examine in relation to how your child is performing statewide.

There are two parts to the CAASPP that apply to all grade 3 - 6 students; the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), and the Performance Task (PT).  Both assessments are administered via a computer and unlimited time is provided to all students.  The former changes and adjusts as a student answers questions.  The count of questions will be unique to each test taker.  The second assessment usually involves questions in which students need to apply knowledge after analyzing a variety of source information.  

While we want children to try their very best on these assessments so that we capture a single accurate snapshot of their mastery, it’s very important that students not become overly stressed by this experience.  Over the past few years I have counseled students who were under the impression they would not matriculate to the next grade level if they didn’t do well, or that they wouldn’t be accepted to a college of their preference if their results were below their expectations.  Neither of these misconceptions have any validity.  Please help us in reassuring to your children that this single test only gives us a peek at what they know.  It’s a glance that we value, but one that we hold aside all the other information we have about each and every child.

Here is the tentative schedule.  Please help us by making certain your child is present on the days below, that get they a good night’s rest, that they eat a nutritious breakfast, and bring a healthy snack to sustain them throughout the day.

  • Monday, 4/16 through Friday, 4/20 - CAASPP Training Test
  • Tuesday, 4/24, 12:55pm - CAST Science 5th Grade
  • Wednesday, 4/25, 8:45am, 10:45am - CAT ELA Grade 3-6
  • Thursday, 4/26, 8:45am, 10:45am - PT ELA  Grade 3-6
  • Wednesday, 5/2, 8:45am, 10:45am - PT Math  Grade 3-6
  • Thursday, 5/3, 10:45am, 12:55pm, CAT Math Grade 3-6
  • Monday, 5/7 through Friday, 5/11 - Make Ups
  • Monday, 5/14 through Friday, 5/18 - Make Ups


This year’s camp is called Challenger Camp.  It is a literacy intervention program for students struggling with reading.  This year’s summer program will be very targeted and different than the past.  It will provide intervention to 125 students district wide.  This is a significant change in the count of students being served.  Invitations will be sent out in several rounds and includes very specific criteria that includes iReady scores, SBAC, F&P data, and various other demographic indicators.  We have been contacted by many families who have typically participated in past years.  Again, there are 125 spots for approximately 5,000ish students in all of LASD.  Students with the greatest need for support in the area of reading will be those who receive invitations to participate.

LAEF:  Double your Donation
LAEF still needs to raise $329,548 between now and April 27th to fully fund our 2017-18 grant to LASD, which will be presented to the school district at Junior Olympics.  Every dollar you give by April 27th will be matched by The John and Liane Davila Foundation, up to $10,000.  They have generously offered this challenge to inspire you to help us reach our goal of 100% participation from every LASD family. Let's all work together and fully fund teachers and staff for STEM, arts, literacy, wellness, and personalized learning for the 2017-18 school year. If you have yet to donate, now’s the time!   Donate at or drop off a check in your school office.

LAEF:  #MarchMatching
If you've made a donation to LAEF this school year, thank you! Be sure to take the next step and request a company match, if you have not done so already. Request your match now and, if your company is in our #MarchMatching tournament, your match might help them win!  We appreciate matches from all companies, whether they are in the tournament or not! All contributions to LAEF will help us reach our goal of $3.7M.

LAEF:  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @LAEFonline

Congratulations to our Almond Singers Chorus, who performed at the LASD Choral Showcase last week at Blach Middle School. [See Tweet.] Over 250 students in choirs from elementary and middle schools across the Los Altos School District, and from Bullis Charter School, came together to perform individually and as a large group chorus. The Almond Singers performed a rousing rendition of 'Play Ball/Take Me Out to the Ballgame' to thunderous applause! Way to go Almond Singers! The Almond Singers Spring Chorus Concerts will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 8:45am (for the school) and 7pm (for families and friends) in the Almond Multi.


  • This month, the ABC readers in grades 1-5 will present the book Sebastian's Roller Skates. This book touches on the idea of sparks and how we can build resilience to help us when we face challenges in life. The lesson will focus on changing mud thoughts (self-out downs that imply a challenge is permanent/unsolvable, such as "I'm not good at softball") into clear thoughts (focuses on the positive and how you can make a situation better, such as "I didn't hit the softball in today's game, but if I keep practicing, I'll connect with the ball next time").
  • This month’s 6th grade lesson will focus on the power of words and the dangers of gossip and spreading rumors. The goals of the lesson are to recognize the power of words to do tremendous good as well as harm, demonstrate that everyone has the power to be UPstanders to stop gossip and rumors and give the kids strategies of what they can do or say when they hear mixed messages and unkind words about others.
  • In Kindergarten, they will read the ABC book Reach Out and Give by Cheri J. Meiners. This book talks about being compassionate and generous to others. It empowers children to understand that their special skills can make important contributions to their family, school and neighborhood.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Mona ElNaggar ( or Jen Walker ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.

LASD NURSES:  Pertussis Booster for Students in 6th grade
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2018. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!


  • In preparation for choosing a musical instrument to play in 5th grade, the LASD Music Department will be hosting two nights of “Instrument Quest.” Your child will see and be able to try out every instrument we offer in our Band (flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone) and Orchestra (violin, viola, cello) programs.
  • This is a great opportunity to see which instrument best suits your child. Parents are welcome to ask questions and to meet the LASD Music teachers.
  • Come on either evening between the hours of 5pm-7pm.  4th grade students will be making instrument selections in their homeroom classes at the end of May.


Your PTA is in need of a Few Good Board Members for the 2018-1019 school year!  We are currently in search of parents to fill the following Board positions:

  • Treasurer - Use quickbooks to keep all the financial records of the PTA, prepare and disperse payments, prepare and reports a Financial report at every General and Board meeting of the previous month's financial activities, remit dues and some copies of taxes, financials LAMV PTA council, prepare for and deliver tax information to our accountant to file taxes,
  • Financial Secretary- Receive and deposit all monies.  Work with treasurer to ensure all receipts and records are accurate.

If you would like to learn more about these positions please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee Stephanie Ballabio, or Marcsi Elovson

Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop April 20  6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Library
The TechBridgers Club run by Los Altos High School students will be offering a Smartphone and Communications Workshop on Friday, April 20th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the school library.  We will teach parents how to use your smartphone to check your child’s grades and homework assignments, connect to school website, use Google Translate and check your email.  Light refreshments and child care will be provided. Please register here by April 16th.  Questions? Please contact Jessica Mountz at

[en Español]
Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop Viernes, el 20 de Abril 6:30 - 8:00 pm En la Biblioteca
El Club TechBridgers dirigido por los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Los Altos ofrecerá un taller de teléfonos inteligentes y comunicaciones el viernes 20 de abril de 6:30 a 8:00 pm en la biblioteca de la escuela. Les enseñaremos a los padres a usar su teléfono inteligente para conectarse al sitio web de la escuela y los programas de su hijo, usar Google Translate y consultar su correo electrónico. Se proporciona una comida ligera y cuidado de niños. Por favor regístrese aquí antes del 16 de abril. ¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con Jessica Mountz en


  •  The 6th graders are fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie READY PLAYER ONE. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 for the North Bay Fire Victims from every ticket purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1.
  • TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! Click this link and $1.00 from every ticket to READY PLAYER ONE purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1 supports Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims fundraising.
  • PLEASE NOTE: You will purchase tickets through the Atom web site, not Fandango. This custom link to Atom tracks our sales, but you will not see any information about the schools or causes that FilmRaiser supports.
  • If you would like to post or share the ticket link with friends and family throughout the US that benefits Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade fundraiser, please use:
  • Thanks in advance for your support!  Almond 6th Graders

If you have pictures that you would like to submit of your children, please look for the correct category below and select the link to upload.  If you don't see a category, please submit under "General Almond Pictures.”  Things to keep in mind: Need pictures that are NOT blurry - higher the resolution the better.  Pictures that have clear faces do best.


  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.


  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ryan Apfelberg, 4/4/418, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. You are a rock star! Thanks for inspiring others to won their learning. :-)
  • Chloe Caldbeck, 4/4/18, Owning learning. Way to go! You have achieved mastery in your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts! :-)
  • Esmeralda Calderon, 4/4/18, Respecting self and others. You are now making good choices and following directions the first time you are asked. Way to grow! :-)
  • Adam Daniels, 4/4/18, Always making good choices. During personal development, you made independent, on-task choices. Way to go! :-)
  • Juan Diaz, 4/4/18, Owning learning. You are working hard and growing your brain--you are now reading at a level P. Keep up the great work! :-)
  • Daniel Grier, 3/30/18, Owning learning. Daniel has been learning to read and asked his parents to give him a 40-word spelling list! And he wrote the numbers 1-40 too!
  • Natalie Guibault, 4/2/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music class! :-)
  • Cooper Han, 4/2/18, Owning learning. Cooper mastered his 5th grade math mission on Khan Academy! :-) Mrs. Better
  • Emmett Heath, 3/20/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. Worked cooperatively and responsively to complete a STEM project.
  • Sophia Hu, 4/4/18, Owning learning. I love to read your stories and informational texts. You are a very creative writer! Keep up the great work! :-)
  • Claire Jackson, 3/30/18, Respecting self and others. Listening to directions during art! :-)
  • Joshua Lopez Aguirre, 3/20/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. Worked cooperatively and responsively to complete a STEM project.
  • Brennan Sandora, 4/4/418, Always making good choices. During personal development, you made independent, on-task choices. Way to go! :-)
  • Simha Saraswati, 3/30/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully to directions! :-)


SELPA 1 CAC Steering Committee Meeting
Monday, April 16, 9:30-11, Los Altos School District Office, 201 Covington Rd
Come on and help us finalize Parent Education selections and plan for next year. SELPA 1 CAC helps families of students receiving special education services and educates the public about disabilities and inclusion.

Taking Care of You: Mindfulness and Parenting with Challenges by Dr. Linda Lotspeich, Child Psychiatrist and Clinical Professor
Wed. Apr. 18, 2018, 7-9PM, Santa Rita Elementary School, 700 Los Altos Rd, Los Altos
Parenting a child with disabilities can lead to difficult emotions and stress. The practice of mindfulness, including meditation, can reduce stress, improve self-esteem and allow you to better manage these emotions. Learn to move from coping to living a more meaningful life in the present moment, while still planning for the future.

Parent Chat
Tue. Apr. 10, 2018, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.

Let's Talk
Mon. Apr. 16, 2018, 7PM-9PM,Los Altos Library
A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc. All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.

Reunión del Comité Directivo de SELPA 1 CAC 
Lunes, 16 de abril, 9: 30-11, Oficina del Distrito Escolar de Los Altos, 201 Covington Rd
Venga y ayúdenos a finalizar las selecciones y el plan de educación para padres para el próximo año.SELPA 1 CAC ayuda a familias de estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación especial y educa al público sobre discapacidades e inclusión.

Cuidando de Usted: A tención y Crianza con Desafíos con la Dr. Linda Lotspeich, Psiquiatra infantil y Profesora clínica
Miércoles, Abril 18 2018,  7-9 PM Escuela Primaria Santa Rita
La crianza de un niño con discapacidades puede conducir emociones difíciles y estres. La practica de atención plena, incluyendo la meditación, puede reducir estrés, mejorar el auto estima y permitirle mejor manejar estas emociones. Aprende vivir de afrontamientos a una vida mas significativa en el momento presente, mientras sigue planeando para el futuro.

Platica Para Padres
Martes, Abr 10 2018, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC.

Vamos a Platicar
Lunes, Abr 16, 2018 7-9PM,  Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli 650-947-2518, or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 30, 2018


  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (4:30-6pm, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Yesterday morning I had the privilege of attending the Project Cornerstone Asset Champions Celebration that included a keynote from Chip Heath, author of “The Power of Moments.”  He challenged all of us to consider how we might create even more transformative moments for others that include elevation, insight, pride, and connection.

It is a pleasure to be part of a community that embeds these types of opportunities into our shared experience.  

At the International Festival last Friday our multi was filled with beautiful humans from all walks of life.  We broke bread together with dishes from many different continents and we watched some amazing performances.  While the professional dancers were marvelous in their own right, those who most stole our hearts were the five young people who stood before us with courage and pride.  Gabriel Barisic, Almond 3rd grader, performed a song from Croatia.  Zsiga, a visiting student from Hungary, played two songs on our grand piano after only 6 months of lessons.  Luca Yao, a second grader, dazzled us with the Chinese Drums. Richika Pandrala, a 5th grader who just joined us this year, danced to an enchanting Indian song.  And finally, Zhaoyuan Wang, a kindergartener, sang two Chinese songs to express gratitude.  I hope these moments were as magical for them as they were for us!

On April 3rd, students once again will have an opportunity to shine at the STEM Expo.  They’ve been working hard on their projects and they will be able to showcase their brilliance at a late afternoon event from 4:30pm - 6pm.  I encourage you to come, even if you didn’t participate, so that we may honor the efforts of all the contributors.

Finally, on Thursday evening (April 5th @ 6pm), our 6th graders will gather with their teachers and families for a Learning Celebration.  I could not be more proud of our 6th grade team of teachers as they continually push themselves to innovate on behalf of student learning.  They will guide students through sharing their second learning expedition, “Human Impact.”  In their first, they focused on what it means to be human; scientifically, culturally, and historically.  This past trimester they have examined human interaction with the environment from early civilizations to modern day.  While their culminating products will be displayed at the STEM Expo, they will delve into the process of their learning at their celebration.  Feel free to experience this moment of connection even if you’re not a 6th grade student or family member.

“CONNECTION.  The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”  - Brené Brown


Your PTA is in need of a Few Good Board Members for the 2018-1019 school year!  We are currently in search of parents to fill the following Board positions:

  • Treasurer - Use quickbooks to keep all the financial records of the PTA, prepare and disperse payments, prepare and reports a Financial report at every General and Board meeting of the previous month's financial activities, remit dues and some copies of taxes, financials LAMV PTA council, prepare for and deliver tax information to our accountant to file taxes,
  • Financial Secretary- Receive and deposit all monies.  Work with treasurer to ensure all receipts and records are accurate.

If you would like to learn more about these positions please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee Stephanie Ballabio, or Marcsi Elovson

Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop April 20  6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Library
The TechBridgers Club run by Los Altos High School students will be offering a Smartphone and Communications Workshop on Friday, April 20th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the school library.  We will teach parents how to use your smartphone to check your child’s grades and homework assignments, connect to school website, use Google Translate and check your email.  Light refreshments and child care will be provided. Please register here by April 16th.  Questions? Please contact Jessica Mountz at

[en Español]
Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop Viernes, el 20 de Abril 6:30 - 8:00 pm En la Biblioteca
El Club TechBridgers dirigido por los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Los Altos ofrecerá un taller de teléfonos inteligentes y comunicaciones el viernes 20 de abril de 6:30 a 8:00 pm en la biblioteca de la escuela. Les enseñaremos a los padres a usar su teléfono inteligente para conectarse al sitio web de la escuela y los programas de su hijo, usar Google Translate y consultar su correo electrónico. Se proporciona una comida ligera y cuidado de niños. Por favor regístrese aquí antes del 16 de abril. ¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con Jessica Mountz en


  •  The 6th graders are fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie READY PLAYER ONE. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 for the North Bay Fire Victims from every ticket purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1.
  • TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! Click this link and $1.00 from every ticket to READY PLAYER ONE purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1 supports Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims fundraising.
  • PLEASE NOTE: You will purchase tickets through the Atom web site, not Fandango. This custom link to Atom tracks our sales, but you will not see any information about the schools or causes that FilmRaiser supports.
  • If you would like to post or share the ticket link with friends and family throughout the US that benefits Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade fundraiser, please use:
  • Thanks in advance for your support!  Almond 6th Graders

We’ve raised $3.3 Million - the next big milestone on our way to $3.7 Million!  Thanks to everyone who has generously donated to LAEF this school year!  You are making a difference in the education of every TK-8 grade student in LASD.  We still need to raise $400,000 to finish funding the current school year. If you have yet to give, donate now and help us fully fund STEM, art, literacy, wellness and personalized learning.

LAEF #MarchMatching
If you've made a donation to LAEF this school year, thank you! Be sure to take the next step and request a company match, if you have not done so already. Request your match now and, if your company is in our #MarchMatching tournament, your match might help them win!  We appreciate matches from all companies, whether they are in the tournament or not! All contributions to LAEF will help us reach our goal of $3.7M.


If you have pictures that you would like to submit of your children, please look for the correct category below and select the link to upload.  If you don't see a category, please submit under "General Almond Pictures.”  Things to keep in mind: Need pictures that are NOT blurry - higher the resolution the better.  Pictures that have clear faces do best.


  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.


  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Macie Benson, 3/26/18, Owning learning. Macie has been working hard reading at home and school and has advanced 4​ levels!!
  • ​Ayda Chaffee, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)​
  • Chloe Chan, 3/26/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Consistently listening and following directions in music class.
  • Connor Daniel, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • Ava DePristo, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • Quinn Daniel, 3/28/18, Always making good choices. Quinn is always respectful to his teachers and sets a great example to other students.
  • Adam Daniels, 3/28/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Adam is on task and ready to learn even when his Reader's Workshop book club was not ready.
  • Rohan Desai, 3/28/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others​. Rohan is always participating during class discussions, helping others, and overall, making great choices! :-)
  • Liana De Witt, 3/28/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Liana is always making good choices and owning her learning in math. She perseveres even when tasks get challenging.
  • Emmanuel Esquivel Pena, 3/27/18, Owning learning. You took your time and worked carefully to read and add accurately.
  • Krish Grover, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • LuLu Hanna, 3/28/18, Owning learning. LuLu created a digital book club, checklist and calendar to help keep her Reader's Workshop book club organized.
  • Eleanor Hsu, 3/28/18, Respecting self and others. Eleanor has done a wonderful job making a new to class student feel welcomed.
  • Maddie Hu, 3/28/18, Owning learning. Maddie always puts forth her best effort in all she does.
  • Kavi Jain, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • Prisha Jain, 3/28/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Prisha always does an awesome job making great choices! :-)
  • Sooyoung Lee,  3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • Pete Lin, 3/28/18, Owning learning. Pete has been doing a great job in math by going above and beyond the regular assignement! :-)
  • Sasha Middleton, 3/26/18, Respecting self and others. Showing respectful listening! :-)
  • Songee Park, 3/26/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Consistently listening and following directions in music class.​
  • Alex Sofinksi, 3/22/18, Owning learning. Alex is doing excellent at learning his letters and numbers! :-)
  • Kyle Stadler, 3/28/18, Always making good choices. Working SMART! :-)
  • Max Sun, 3/26/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Makes always checks in to make sure he is on task and doing his work correctly. He also continues to work towards staying focused at all times.
  • Hayden Tang, 3/12/18, Owning learning. Mastering the 5th Grade Math Mission on Khan Academy!!! <3 Mrs. Better
  • Jessie Yang, 3/26/18, Owning learning. Mastering the 5th Grade Math Mission on Khan Academy!!! <3 Mrs. Better​


SELPA 1 CAC Steering Committee Meeting
Monday, April 16, 9:30-11, Los Altos School District Office, 201 Covington Rd
Come on and help us finalize Parent Education selections and plan for next year. SELPA 1 CAC helps families of students receiving special education services and educates the public about disabilities and inclusion.

Taking Care of You: Mindfulness and Parenting with Challenges by Dr. Linda Lotspeich, Child Psychiatrist and Clinical Professor
Wed. Apr. 18, 2018, 7-9PM, Santa Rita Elementary School, 700 Los Altos Rd, Los Altos
Parenting a child with disabilities can lead to difficult emotions and stress. The practice of mindfulness, including meditation, can reduce stress, improve self-esteem and allow you to better manage these emotions. Learn to move from coping to living a more meaningful life in the present moment, while still planning for the future.

Parent Chat
Tue. Apr. 10, 2018, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.

Let's Talk
Mon. Apr. 16, 2018, 7PM-9PM,Los Altos Library
A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc. All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.

Reunión del Comité Directivo de SELPA 1 CAC 
Lunes, 16 de abril, 9: 30-11, Oficina del Distrito Escolar de Los Altos, 201 Covington Rd
Venga y ayúdenos a finalizar las selecciones y el plan de educación para padres para el próximo año.SELPA 1 CAC ayuda a familias de estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación especial y educa al público sobre discapacidades e inclusión.

Cuidando de Usted: A tención y Crianza con Desafíos con la Dr. Linda Lotspeich, Psiquiatra infantil y Profesora clínica
Miércoles, Abril 18 2018,  7-9 PM Escuela Primaria Santa Rita
La crianza de un niño con discapacidades puede conducir emociones difíciles y estres. La practica de atención plena, incluyendo la meditación, puede reducir estrés, mejorar el auto estima y permitirle mejor manejar estas emociones. Aprende vivir de afrontamientos a una vida mas significativa en el momento presente, mientras sigue planeando para el futuro.

Platica Para Padres
Martes, Abr 10 2018, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC.

Vamos a Platicar
Lunes, Abr 16, 2018 7-9PM,  Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 30, 2018


  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (4:30-6pm, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18
    • Fifth Grade Colonial Day
    • School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Saturday, 5/19, Los Altos Pet Parade
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Yesterday morning I had the privilege of attending the Project Cornerstone Asset Champions Celebration that included a keynote from Chip Heath, author of “The Power of Moments.”  He challenged all of us to consider how we might create even more transformative moments for others that include elevation, insight, pride, and connection.

It is a pleasure to be part of a community that embeds these types of opportunities into our shared experience.  

At the International Festival last Friday our multi was filled with beautiful humans from all walks of life.  We broke bread together with dishes from many different continents and we watched some amazing performances.  While the professional dancers were marvelous in their own right, those who most stole our hearts were the five young people who stood before us with courage and pride.  Gabriel Barisic, Almond 3rd grader, performed a song from Croatia.  Zsiga, a visiting student from Hungary, played two songs on our grand piano after only 6 months of lessons.  Luca Yao, a second grader, dazzled us with the Chinese Drums. Richika Pandrala, a 5th grader who just joined us this year, danced to an enchanting Indian song.  And finally, Zhaoyuan Wang, a kindergartener, sang two Chinese songs to express gratitude.  I hope these moments were as magical for them as they were for us!

On April 3rd, students once again will have an opportunity to shine at the STEM Expo.  They’ve been working hard on their projects and they will be able to showcase their brilliance at a late afternoon event from 4:30pm - 6pm.  I encourage you to come, even if you didn’t participate, so that we may honor the efforts of all the contributors.

Finally, on Thursday evening (April 5th @ 6pm), our 6th graders will gather with their teachers and families for a Learning Celebration.  I could not be more proud of our 6th grade team of teachers as they continually push themselves to innovate on behalf of student learning.  They will guide students through sharing their second learning expedition, “Human Impact.”  In their first, they focused on what it means to be human; scientifically, culturally, and historically.  This past trimester they have examined human interaction with the environment from early civilizations to modern day.  While their culminating products will be displayed at the STEM Expo, they will delve into the process of their learning at their celebration.  Feel free to experience this moment of connection even if you’re not a 6th grade student or family member.

“CONNECTION.  The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”  - Brené Brown


Your PTA is in need of a Few Good Board Members for the 2018-1019 school year!  We are currently in search of parents to fill the following Board positions:

  • Treasurer - Use quickbooks to keep all the financial records of the PTA, prepare and disperse payments, prepare and reports a Financial report at every General and Board meeting of the previous month's financial activities, remit dues and some copies of taxes, financials LAMV PTA council, prepare for and deliver tax information to our accountant to file taxes,
  • Financial Secretary- Receive and deposit all monies.  Work with treasurer to ensure all receipts and records are accurate.

If you would like to learn more about these positions please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee Stephanie Ballabio, or Marcsi Elovson

Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop April 20  6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Library
The TechBridgers Club run by Los Altos High School students will be offering a Smartphone and Communications Workshop on Friday, April 20th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the school library.  We will teach parents how to use your smartphone to check your child’s grades and homework assignments, connect to school website, use Google Translate and check your email.  Light refreshments and child care will be provided. Please register here by April 16th.  Questions? Please contact Jessica Mountz at

[en Español]
Almond Smartphones and Communications Workshop Viernes, el 20 de Abril 6:30 - 8:00 pm En la Biblioteca
El Club TechBridgers dirigido por los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Los Altos ofrecerá un taller de teléfonos inteligentes y comunicaciones el viernes 20 de abril de 6:30 a 8:00 pm en la biblioteca de la escuela. Les enseñaremos a los padres a usar su teléfono inteligente para conectarse al sitio web de la escuela y los programas de su hijo, usar Google Translate y consultar su correo electrónico. Se proporciona una comida ligera y cuidado de niños. Por favor regístrese aquí antes del 16 de abril. ¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con Jessica Mountz en


  •  The 6th graders are fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie READY PLAYER ONE. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 for the North Bay Fire Victims from every ticket purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1.
  • TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! Click this link and $1.00 from every ticket to READY PLAYER ONE purchased for movies showing March 29 - April 1 supports Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims fundraising.
  • PLEASE NOTE: You will purchase tickets through the Atom web site, not Fandango. This custom link to Atom tracks our sales, but you will not see any information about the schools or causes that FilmRaiser supports.
  • If you would like to post or share the ticket link with friends and family throughout the US that benefits Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade fundraiser, please use:
  • Thanks in advance for your support!  Almond 6th Graders

We’ve raised $3.3 Million - the next big milestone on our way to $3.7 Million!  Thanks to everyone who has generously donated to LAEF this school year!  You are making a difference in the education of every TK-8 grade student in LASD.  We still need to raise $400,000 to finish funding the current school year. If you have yet to give, donate now and help us fully fund STEM, art, literacy, wellness and personalized learning.

LAEF #MarchMatching
If you've made a donation to LAEF this school year, thank you! Be sure to take the next step and request a company match, if you have not done so already.

March 22, 2018


  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Social Emotional Learning (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (6:00pm, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


My Stroke of Insight is a book I devoured years ago.  However, just recently, I stumbled upon Jill Bolte Taylor’s captivating TedTalk.  She’s a brain scientist who was able to study her own brain from the inside out.

We often speak about growing our brains at Almond; about owning our learning.  A large component of this is the advancement of skills in relation to various content areas (reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies).  The left hemisphere of our brains controls reasoning, logic, and language.  Our right hemisphere is responsible for our imagination, creativity, intuition, and our connection to all that is around us.  This is where our social emotional growth lives.

Jill believes we have the capacity within us to “purposely choose to step to the right of [our] left hemisphere” and that by doing this we have the “power to choose who and how we want to be in the world.”  This requires us to balance being in the present moment, as opposed to the past and future.  This requires us to enhance our listening skills, to fine tune our empathy, and to tap into compassion.

Join us tomorrow morning in the STEM Lab at 8:30am for a School Coffee focused on how Almond supports social emotional learning through classroom practices and our school wide Project Cornerstone initiative.  

Hope to see you there!


Mark your calendars - The Books Inc. Book Fair begins Monday, March 26 and runs until lunchtime Friday March 30. We need volunteers to help make this event successful. Please click this link to sign up to help!


  • Make a special effort to walk, bike, or scooter to school on this day. Promote less car traffic near our school, better health for our kids and the environment, and community spirit!
  • Participating children can pick up a chain and colorful foot charm to hang on their backpacks.
  • As usual, participating children fill out tickets before school with their first names and put them in their teachers' cans to enter a raffle for individual and class prizes. Come early so kids aren't late to class! Thanks for supporting your kids and our community.

If you have pictures that you would like to submit of your children, please look for the correct category below and select the link to upload.  If you don't see a category, please submit under "General Almond Pictures.”  Things to keep in mind: Need pictures that are NOT blurry - higher the resolution the better.  Pictures that have clear faces do best.



  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.


  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  

Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catch up with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao performing on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are willing to interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Caelus Balucan, 3/19/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Maximizing your learning by moving to a different area to work.
  • Evan Udoh, 3/21/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Trying really hard to follow the rules!


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 22, 2018


  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Social Emotional Learning (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (6:00pm, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


My Stroke of Insight is a book I devoured years ago.  However, just recently, I stumbled upon Jill Bolte Taylor’s captivating TedTalk.  She’s a brain scientist who was able to study her own brain from the inside out.

We often speak about growing our brains at Almond; about owning our learning.  A large component of this is the advancement of skills in relation to various content areas (reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies).  The left hemisphere of our brains controls reasoning, logic, and language.  Our right hemisphere is responsible for our imagination, creativity, intuition, and our connection to all that is around us.  This is where our social emotional growth lives.

Jill believes we have the capacity within us to “purposely choose to step to the right of [our] left hemisphere” and that by doing this we have the “power to choose who and how we want to be in the world.”  This requires us to balance being in the present moment, as opposed to the past and future.  This requires us to enhance our listening skills, to fine tune our empathy, and to tap into compassion.

Join us tomorrow morning in the STEM Lab at 8:30am for a School Coffee focused on how Almond supports social emotional learning through classroom practices and our school wide Project Cornerstone initiative.  

Hope to see you there!


Mark your calendars - The Books Inc. Book Fair begins Monday, March 26 and runs until lunchtime Friday March 30. We need volunteers to help make this event successful. Please click this link to sign up to help!


  • Make a special effort to walk, bike, or scooter to school on this day. Promote less car traffic near our school, better health for our kids and the environment, and community spirit!
  • Participating children can pick up a chain and colorful foot charm to hang on their backpacks.
  • As usual, participating children fill out tickets before school with their first names and put them in their teachers' cans to enter a raffle for individual and class prizes. Come early so kids aren't late to class! Thanks for supporting your kids and our community.

If you have pictures that you would like to submit of your children, please look for the correct category below and select the link to upload.  If you don't see a category, please submit under "General Almond Pictures.”  Things to keep in mind: Need pictures that are NOT blurry - higher the resolution the better.  Pictures that have clear faces do best.



  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.


  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up

March 15, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Civic Engagement @ Almond
Thank you to Rachel Harnish and Luisa Smith (from Almond’s PTA) for arranging a wonderful opportunity for students and their families to participate in yesterday’s “National School Walk Out.”  In the 17 minutes, 97 cards and letters were collected.  Our children’s voices matter.  They accomplished a great deal and deserve to feel very proud of themselves (Tweet).  Thank you to all who empower youth.  They are our future leaders.

School Safety @ Almond
At our staff meeting yesterday we revisited the topic of school safety with an emphasis around talking through scenarios we hope we will never need to face.  We recommitted to several practices that will ensure consistency of communication and increased preparedness.

In this archived Thursday Word, information was provided to the community regarding how we respond to injuries, ensure all students contribute to a safe environment, and how we safeguard against outside threats.

In the Thursday Word from 11/30, we announced the “Lock Down” drill which took place on 12/7 and provided language around messaging.

After the drill on 12/7, we debriefed as a staff to discuss how to improve our practices.  

Our entire staff wants you to know how important this topic is to all of us.  We speak (and think about it) often.

The Almond Operations Team selected a date in April for another drill that we will be calling a “Silent Safety Drill” as opposed to “Lock Down.”  It will take about 10 minutes.  Our teachers will be speaking with students more frequently about how we will work together if there is ever any type of safety concern.

Lastly, we have reached out to Los Altos PD and they will be joining us at our School Coffee on Friday, April 20th, at 8:30am to share information around school safety and to provide a forum for parents to ask questions.


Matchy Matchy day is tomorrow, Friday 3/16!  It’s like twin day but bigger and better! Find a group and dress alike.

Pizza My Heart Fundraiser! The YMCA @ Almond is raising money for the YMCA's Annual Giving Campaign. On Monday, March 19th 30% of all purchases at the El Monte location from 4pm-9pm will go towards our campaign goal of $9,000 - just mention "Almond YMCA" at check out!

Mark your calendars - The Books Inc. Book Fair begins Monday, March 26 and runs until lunchtime Friday March 30. We need volunteers to help make this event successful. Please click this link to sign up to help!

LAEF - STEM Career Night

  • All LASD students and their parents are invited to an inspirational night of STEM as three keynote speakers share about their professions in the STEM field and explain how their work impacts the world around us. Join us for Junior High STEM Career Night: Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 7 pm in the Blach Multipurpose Room

LAEF - #MarchMatching

  • If you've made a donation to LAEF this school year, thank you! Be sure to take the next step and request a company match, if you have not done so already. Request your match now and, if your company is in our #MarchMatching tournament, your match might help them win!  We appreciate matches from all companies, whether they are in the tournament or not! All contributions to LAEF will help us reach our goal of $3.7M.


  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.



  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  

Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catch up with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao performing on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are willing to interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Aaron Baum, 3/12/18, Owning learning. Aaron owned his learning by taking notes while listening to a story on iReady reading! Not many students remember it's okay to take notes during reading.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 3/12/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music class!
  • Avani Sastry, 3/12/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music class!
  • Ethan Yang, 3/8/18, Solving problems. You kept a small problem small, and solved your own problem.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 15, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Civic Engagement @ Almond
Thank you to Rachel Harnish and Luisa Smith (from Almond’s PTA) for arranging a wonderful opportunity for students and their families to participate in yesterday’s “National School Walk Out.”  In the 17 minutes, 97 cards and letters were collected.  Our children’s voices matter.  They accomplished a great deal and deserve to feel very proud of themselves (Tweet).  Thank you to all who empower youth.  They are our future leaders.

School Safety @ Almond
At our staff meeting yesterday we revisited the topic of school safety with an emphasis around talking through scenarios we hope we will never need to face.  We recommitted to several practices that will ensure consistency of communication and increased preparedness.

In this archived Thursday Word, information was provided to the community regarding how we respond to injuries, ensure all students contribute to a safe environment, and how we safeguard against outside threats.

In the Thursday Word from 11/30, we announced the “Lock Down” drill which took place on 12/7 and provided language around messaging.

After the drill on 12/7, we debriefed as a staff to discuss how to improve our practices.  

Our entire staff wants you to know how important this topic is to all of us.  We speak (and think about it) often.

The Almond Operations Team selected a date in April for another drill that we will be calling a “Silent Safety Drill” as opposed to “Lock Down.”  It will take about 10 minutes.  Our teachers will be speaking with students more frequently about how we will work together if there is ever any type of safety concern.

Lastly, we have reached out to Los Altos PD and they will be joining us at our School Coffee on Friday, April 20th, at 8:30am to share information around school safety and to provide a forum for parents to ask questions.


Matchy Matchy day is tomorrow, Friday 3/16!  It’s like twin day but bigger and better! Find a group and dress alike.

Pizza My Heart Fundraiser! The YMCA @ Almond is raising money for the YMCA's Annual Giving Campaign. On Monday, March 19th 30% of all purchases at the El Monte location from 4pm-9pm will go towards our campaign goal of $9,000 - just mention "Almond YMCA" at check out!

Mark your calendars - The Books Inc. Book Fair begins Monday, March 26 and runs until lunchtime Friday March 30. We need volunteers to help make this event successful. Please click this link to sign up to help!

LAEF - STEM Career Night

  • All LASD students and their parents are invited to an inspirational night of STEM as three keynote speakers share about their professions in the STEM field and explain how their work impacts the world around us. Join us for Junior High STEM Career Night: Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 7 pm in the Blach Multipurpose Room

LAEF - #MarchMatching

  • If you've made a donation to LAEF this school year, thank you! Be sure to take the next step and request a company match, if you have not done so already. Request your match now and, if your company is in our #MarchMatching tournament, your match might help them win!  We appreciate matches from all companies, whether they are in the tournament or not! All contributions to LAEF will help us reach our goal of $3.7M.


  • Each year, there is a slideshow during the 6th grade Promotion event highlighting our amazing kids and their time at Almond. I am working on the yearbook and slideshow right now and could use a few more photos as I want to make sure *ALL your* children are included in the slideshow.
  • Here is my ask:
    • Send me your good pics from K-6th grade of your class
    • Group and individual photos are welcome
    • School events only — on campus, field trips, Jr. Olympics, class parties/projects, etc
    • Deadline — We appreciate if you can upload any photos as soon as possibLe.
      • Monday 4/16 for the 6th Grade Yearbook Extension pages
      • Monday 5/21 for the Graduation Promotion slideshow
  • Upload your photos to these links:  Please drop your children's photos into these folders according to his/her years in school.
  • You can check out the photos uploaded so far by clicking "Done" (top right corner) from the page linked above. Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who might have photos, but not be on this list.
  • I know that everyone is super busy right now. Thank you in advance for taking some time to send in photos - I am hoping to showcase all the kids in the slideshow.
  • If you have any questions at all, please email me <>.



  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized name tags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  

Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catch up with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao performing on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are willing to interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Aaron Baum, 3/12/18, Owning learning. Aaron owned his learning by taking notes while listening to a story on iReady reading! Not many students remember it's okay to take notes during reading.
  • Akhul Pandrala, 3/12/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music class!
  • Avani Sastry, 3/12/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music class!
  • Ethan Yang, 3/8/18, Solving problems. You kept a small problem small, and solved your own problem.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 8, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


A special thank you to the following amazing women who made this past Saturday’s auction a smashing success:  Nina Kramer, Gabi Gomez, Marcsi Elovson, Leslie Lee, and Linda Daniel.  In addition, none of this would have been possible without the gracious leadership of our PTA President, Rachel Harnish.  There were also many volunteers that assisted with set up, check in, spotting for paddles, check out, and more.  Thank you to each and every one of you. Finally, a word of thanks to our master of ceremonies, Raj Matthai.  You were eloquent and engaging as always.

For those who were not able to make it to this lovely evening, below is my address from evening that communicates my sincere gratitude for the time I have been able to spend with all of you these past five years.

Auction Greeting
Have you ever had one of those days where time feels as though it is passing with intention?  Not slowly.  Just deliberate.  You’re senses are heightened and you notice things you’ve not noticed before?

I’ve been having one of those days today.  In fact, many of my days feel that way as of late.

I came across one of those quote pictures from that captures this sentiment.  “And then it happens...One day you wake up and you’re in this place.  You’re in this place where everything feels right.  Your heart is calm.  You soul is lit.  Your thoughts are positive.  Your vision is clear.  You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through, and at peace with where you’re headed.”

Almond community, this has been a glorious adventure!  Five years ago I joined this extraordinary community.  And what a community we have been.  A community can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”  We began our journey together as strangers, but it is most definitely coming to a close, in fellowship.

It has been a privilege to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

It is no secret that what brings me unbridled joy each and every day are your children.  They are so magnificent. Every single one of them.  They crack me up with their humor and silliness.  They steal my heart with their kindness and tenderness. They enamor me with their their beautiful quirkiness.  They take my breath away with their boundless energy.  They are so full of promise.  It shines in their eyes, their smiles, the sound of their laughter, the skip in their step.  They are our future.  They will take the reins from us in the blink of an eye.  And when they do, it is my hope they will be fortified with resilience, confidence, goodness, love, a sense of justice, and courage.

I have walked alongside a staff that is like no other that I have known.  We are able to engage in high level discourse around mission and vision because we don’t waste time on givens.  Not only do these remarkable humans love your children, not only do they make it their priority to meet the needs of every learner, not only do they strive to make learning applicable and relevant - they take risks and are fearless.  What I most appreciate about the Almond staff though - is how they care for each other.  They know each other.  When one stumbles, they don’t walk by.  Instead, they kneel down, reach out their hands, and lift each other up.  I have personally experienced this support and it has left an indelible impression on my heart.  Thank you.

And, the final element in the holy school trinity - you, the parents.  You are the initial teachers of your children.  You taught them how to walk, talk, and love.  You become our partners for many years.  However, you carry on the teaching process until your last breath on this planet.  I have known you to be selfless, giving, generous, brilliant, trusting, and most importantly - your child’s consummate advocate.  We have celebrated joys together.  We have embraced and shed tears together.  During any encounter we’ve had where the mighty roar of a mama or papa bear sounded, I reminded myself that you are a parent who only wants what’s best for your cub.  I understand this - because I too am a parent.  You have raised wonderful children.   You deserve to be very proud.  Keep up the great work!

In my 20+ years as an educator, I’ve been a teacher, a district leader, and a school leader.  One of my realizations in this role is...leaders come and go.  Similarly, students and families come and go.  A family’s time at a particular school is temporary.  While typically the most stable element of a school is the staff, in actuality, that is also ever changing.  So, what remains in the wake of all of this passage?  The culture. The belief systems. The mission and the vision.

At Almond, we have a short and sweet mantra.  “Own it.”  Whatever that might be.  Own your learning.  Own your success.  Own the success of your team.  Own your mistakes.  I propose that we extend this notion as a community a bit further - in service of a more beautiful world.  Let us own the way we show respect to others.  Let us own a sense of decency and civilized behavior that every human on this planet has a right to receive.  Let us own accountability and responsibility for our own actions.  Let us own that we have the great privilege of shepherding forward the next generation as models of integrity.

Thank you for coming tonight.  Thank you to all who made this night possible.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

It has been my honor to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

Let us raise our glasses together for one last toast.  Be merry, dance, and spend...all for the sake of...OUR children.  Cheers.




  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized nametags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catchup with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao preforming on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • Thank you to all who participated in the live and silent auctions at this year's gala!  
  • We have just a couple of items left (Kindergarten art projects, premium symphony tickets, and camps) that were not bid on and are now ON SALE for their starting bid prices or less.  This means first come, first served, so hurry and buy now!  
  • There are also a few parties that still have a few spots open plus new spots made available for previously sold out parties.  Hurry to get your spot.  
  • (Note: Names of bidders from the gala are listed online for the parties.  Names of bidders from the Walkathon do not appear. If you're uncertain whether you've already bid on a party, please contact Nina at
  • Your Gala Auction Chairs, Nina & Gabby


  • This month, the 1st-5th grade ABC readers will present the book How Do I Stand In Your Shoes. The focus of this book is empathy, and it helps students notice, name, and understand the feelings or difficulties of others. Showing empathy is a complex social skill that requires practice but also an essential skill that can help prevent unhealthy patterns of put-downs, racism, and hostility.
  • Almond's 6th graders are continuing to discuss friendship dilemmas and how to deal with them using the book Middle School Confidential: Real Friends vs. The Other Kind, by Annie Fox. This month, we will focus on strategies for making new friends.
  • The Kindergarteners are reading Be Polite and Kind, by Cheri Meiner. This book encourages children to use good manners to help everyone get along and feel good.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Jen Walker( or Mona ElNaggar ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.


  • Congratulations to Jennifer Carlstrom, LAEF Board Member and former LAEF Board President, for being honored with a 2018 Gardner Award by the Los Altos Community Foundation for her outstanding volunteer service to our foundation.   If you are interested in volunteering for LAEF, or serving on our board, contact us at
  •  Did you know that LAEF funds the STEM IST at your school? As you enjoy your schools upcoming STEM Expo, please remember to donate to LAEF, if you haven’t already, and ensure LASD continues to offer STEM at all our elementary schools. We still need to raise $500K to fully fund this school year. Donate at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)



  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are will interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Mallory ALWAYS does her work and gives her best effort every time! Mallory often solves her problems by rereading directions and asking thoughtful, clarifying questions.
  • Egor Antonov, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Egor was a respectful listener during music class!
  • Grace Barnett, 3/7/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Grace always ask how she can help others! You can always count on Grace!
  • Macie Benson, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by showing her around the classroom and making sure she had a buddy at recess and lunch. :-)
  • Tim Bocking, 3/5/18, Owning learning. Tim made a goal to read 9 books during workshop, and he worked hard to achieve his goal!
  • Samantha Cermeno Garcia, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Chloe Chan, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Liana De Witt, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Alex Elovson, 3/1/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always working hard and has an excellent attitude in math! :-)
  • Camila Guerrero, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Camila practices her writing skills in her free time. She always remembers topic sentence, details with support, and a conclusion!
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Jungsoo showed perseverance in completing her work in writing.
  • Kyle Kragas, 3/5/18, Always making good choices. Picked up playground equipment without being asked!
  • Owen Kwok, 3/5/18, Solving problems, Owning learning . Owen helped a classmate focus and complete an entire writing activity. He not only owned his own learning, but his classmate's too!
  • Divisha Mathur, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Divisha has been an excellent class helper, cleaning up materials during transition time!
  • Angel Oregon, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Elyse Pollmann, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Brian Rancano Ramos, 3/1/18, Owning learning. Brian passed 5 iReady reading lessons in one period--WOW!!
  • Victoria Sganbatti, 3/7/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Victoria has been owning her learning by coming in before school to practice her reading.
  • Zachary Wang, 3/1/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Zachary consistently comes in the math classroom quietly, respectfully, and ready to learn! :-)
  • Liam White, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Liam is working hard to complete all assignments.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 8, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


A special thank you to the following amazing women who made this past Saturday’s auction a smashing success:  Nina Kramer, Gabi Gomez, Marcsi Elovson, Leslie Lee, and Linda Daniel.  In addition, none of this would have been possible without the gracious leadership of our PTA President, Rachel Harnish.  There were also many volunteers that assisted with set up, check in, spotting for paddles, check out, and more.  Thank you to each and every one of you. Finally, a word of thanks to our master of ceremonies, Raj Matthai.  You were eloquent and engaging as always.

For those who were not able to make it to this lovely evening, below is my address from evening that communicates my sincere gratitude for the time I have been able to spend with all of you these past five years.

Auction Greeting
Have you ever had one of those days where time feels as though it is passing with intention?  Not slowly.  Just deliberate.  You’re senses are heightened and you notice things you’ve not noticed before?

I’ve been having one of those days today.  In fact, many of my days feel that way as of late.

I came across one of those quote pictures from that captures this sentiment.  “And then it happens...One day you wake up and you’re in this place.  You’re in this place where everything feels right.  Your heart is calm.  You soul is lit.  Your thoughts are positive.  Your vision is clear.  You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through, and at peace with where you’re headed.”

Almond community, this has been a glorious adventure!  Five years ago I joined this extraordinary community.  And what a community we have been.  A community can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”  We began our journey together as strangers, but it is most definitely coming to a close, in fellowship.

It has been a privilege to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

It is no secret that what brings me unbridled joy each and every day are your children.  They are so magnificent. Every single one of them.  They crack me up with their humor and silliness.  They steal my heart with their kindness and tenderness. They enamor me with their their beautiful quirkiness.  They take my breath away with their boundless energy.  They are so full of promise.  It shines in their eyes, their smiles, the sound of their laughter, the skip in their step.  They are our future.  They will take the reins from us in the blink of an eye.  And when they do, it is my hope they will be fortified with resilience, confidence, goodness, love, a sense of justice, and courage.

I have walked alongside a staff that is like no other that I have known.  We are able to engage in high level discourse around mission and vision because we don’t waste time on givens.  Not only do these remarkable humans love your children, not only do they make it their priority to meet the needs of every learner, not only do they strive to make learning applicable and relevant - they take risks and are fearless.  What I most appreciate about the Almond staff though - is how they care for each other.  They know each other.  When one stumbles, they don’t walk by.  Instead, they kneel down, reach out their hands, and lift each other up.  I have personally experienced this support and it has left an indelible impression on my heart.  Thank you.

And, the final element in the holy school trinity - you, the parents.  You are the initial teachers of your children.  You taught them how to walk, talk, and love.  You become our partners for many years.  However, you carry on the teaching process until your last breath on this planet.  I have known you to be selfless, giving, generous, brilliant, trusting, and most importantly - your child’s consummate advocate.  We have celebrated joys together.  We have embraced and shed tears together.  During any encounter we’ve had where the mighty roar of a mama or papa bear sounded, I reminded myself that you are a parent who only wants what’s best for your cub.  I understand this - because I too am a parent.  You have raised wonderful children.   You deserve to be very proud.  Keep up the great work!

In my 20+ years as an educator, I’ve been a teacher, a district leader, and a school leader.  One of my realizations in this role is...leaders come and go.  Similarly, students and families come and go.  A family’s time at a particular school is temporary.  While typically the most stable element of a school is the staff, in actuality, that is also ever changing.  So, what remains in the wake of all of this passage?  The culture. The belief systems. The mission and the vision.

At Almond, we have a short and sweet mantra.  “Own it.”  Whatever that might be.  Own your learning.  Own your success.  Own the success of your team.  Own your mistakes.  I propose that we extend this notion as a community a bit further - in service of a more beautiful world.  Let us own the way we show respect to others.  Let us own a sense of decency and civilized behavior that every human on this planet has a right to receive.  Let us own accountability and responsibility for our own actions.  Let us own that we have the great privilege of shepherding forward the next generation as models of integrity.

Thank you for coming tonight.  Thank you to all who made this night possible.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

It has been my honor to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

Let us raise our glasses together for one last toast.  Be merry, dance, and spend...all for the sake of...OUR children.  Cheers.




  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized nametags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catchup with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao preforming on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • Thank you to all who participated in the live and silent auctions at this year's gala!  
  • We have just a couple of items left (Kindergarten art projects, premium symphony tickets, and camps) that were not bid on and are now ON SALE for their starting bid prices or less.  This means first come, first served, so hurry and buy now!  
  • There are also a few parties that still have a few spots open plus new spots made available for previously sold out parties.  Hurry to get your spot.  
  • (Note: Names of bidders from the gala are listed online for the parties.  Names of bidders from the Walkathon do not appear. If you're uncertain whether you've already bid on a party, please contact Nina at
  • Your Gala Auction Chairs, Nina & Gabby


  • This month, the 1st-5th grade ABC readers will present the book How Do I Stand In Your Shoes. The focus of this book is empathy, and it helps students notice, name, and understand the feelings or difficulties of others. Showing empathy is a complex social skill that requires practice but also an essential skill that can help prevent unhealthy patterns of put-downs, racism, and hostility.
  • Almond's 6th graders are continuing to discuss friendship dilemmas and how to deal with them using the book Middle School Confidential: Real Friends vs. The Other Kind, by Annie Fox. This month, we will focus on strategies for making new friends.
  • The Kindergarteners are reading Be Polite and Kind, by Cheri Meiner. This book encourages children to use good manners to help everyone get along and feel good.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Jen Walker( or Mona ElNaggar ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.


  • Congratulations to Jennifer Carlstrom, LAEF Board Member and former LAEF Board President, for being honored with a 2018 Gardner Award by the Los Altos Community Foundation for her outstanding volunteer service to our foundation.   If you are interested in volunteering for LAEF, or serving on our board, contact us at
  •  Did you know that LAEF funds the STEM IST at your school? As you enjoy your schools upcoming STEM Expo, please remember to donate to LAEF, if you haven’t already, and ensure LASD continues to offer STEM at all our elementary schools. We still need to raise $500K to fully fund this school year. Donate at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)



  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are will interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Mallory ALWAYS does her work and gives her best effort every time! Mallory often solves her problems by rereading directions and asking thoughtful, clarifying questions.
  • Egor Antonov, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Egor was a respectful listener during music class!
  • Grace Barnett, 3/7/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Grace always ask how she can help others! You can always count on Grace!
  • Macie Benson, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by showing her around the classroom and making sure she had a buddy at recess and lunch. :-)
  • Tim Bocking, 3/5/18, Owning learning. Tim made a goal to read 9 books during workshop, and he worked hard to achieve his goal!
  • Samantha Cermeno Garcia, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Chloe Chan, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Liana De Witt, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Alex Elovson, 3/1/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always working hard and has an excellent attitude in math! :-)
  • Camila Guerrero, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Camila practices her writing skills in her free time. She always remembers topic sentence, details with support, and a conclusion!
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Jungsoo showed perseverance in completing her work in writing.
  • Kyle Kragas, 3/5/18, Always making good choices. Picked up playground equipment without being asked!
  • Owen Kwok, 3/5/18, Solving problems, Owning learning . Owen helped a classmate focus and complete an entire writing activity. He not only owned his own learning, but his classmate's too!
  • Divisha Mathur, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Divisha has been an excellent class helper, cleaning up materials during transition time!
  • Angel Oregon, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Elyse Pollmann, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Brian Rancano Ramos, 3/1/18, Owning learning. Brian passed 5 iReady reading lessons in one period--WOW!!
  • Victoria Sganbatti, 3/7/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Victoria has been owning her learning by coming in before school to practice her reading.
  • Zachary Wang, 3/1/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Zachary consistently comes in the math classroom quietly, respectfully, and ready to learn! :-)
  • Liam White, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Liam is working hard to complete all assignments.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants

March 1, 2018


  • Saturday, 3/3, *Spring Gala and Auction (6:00-11pm, Computer History Museum)*
  • Thursday, 3/8, Bookwave Blast (6:30, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


Family Science Night
Thank you Melissa Neal and team.  Thank you PTA. Thank you to the many volunteers who made this night a success.  Check out these Tweets that capture the magic.

iReady Reflections
In the past few weeks you’ve likely received, or will be receiving (grades 1-6 only), iReady reports from your child’s homeroom teacher with the results of the 2nd administration of this single assessment.

We are midway through the school year.  There is still more learning to take place.  We will continue to focus on the diverse needs of students and work together as a staff to personalize learning for ALL of our students.  Again, we cannot emphasize enough that this is one single measure upon which we reflect to ensure we are supporting the learning of our students.  Because iReady is only given three times a year, it serves as more of a progress monitoring tool rather than a data source to determine targeted instruction configurations.

At this point in the year, your child’s iReady reports will communicate two scores via a bar chart; Test 2 and Test 1.  It will also provide a breakdown by subject area domain.  On your iReady report, there is a green shaded area that indicates “On Level.”  There is a range in this level that is “Early,” “Mid,” or “Late.”  Anything to the left of the green shaded area is “below” level.  Anything to the right is “above” level.  

If you’ve ever engaged in a conversation with me, you know I despise these types of terms because at times they can be used to label and limit children.  This does not contribute to a growth mindset.  Our children are multidimensional and their essence cannot be distilled down to any single score.  As an Almond teaching staff we have worked tirelessly to be very mindful of the language we use in describing a child’s learning needs.

We would like to share some of the results that we have noted through our recent analysis.

iReady Reading

  • 422 students in grades 1-6 had a T1 and T2 score
  • In August (T1), 65% of students performed at or above their grade level designation
  • During January (T2), the percentage students performing at or above their grade level designation increased to 76%
  • 340 students demonstrated a gain in their diagnostic scaled score from T1 to T2
  • For T2, 54% of students at Almond are performing in the 4th quartile, as gleaned from the percentile scores which are a national indicator.  Please see this diagram for a depiction via traditional bell curves and our performance.

iReady Math

  • 422 students in grades 1-6 had a T1 and T2 score
  • In August (T1), 63% of students performed at or above their grade level designation
  • During January (T2), the percentage students performing at or above their grade level designation increased to 76%
  • 354 students demonstrated a gain in their diagnostic scaled score from T1 to T2
  • For T2, 55% of students at Almond are performing in the 4th quartile, as gleaned from the percentile scores which are a national indicator.  Please see this diagram for a depiction via traditional bell curves and our performance.

As noted in the data above, many students experienced an increase of score between the two administrations.  There were however students whose scale score went down.  We ask you to consider three things when reflecting on this information:  1) There is a standard of error of approximately (+/-) 10-15 points.  2) This is one single measure taken on one particular day or series of days.  3) We are looking at each and every students’ results and following up on how to further support growth with specific actions from the education team at Almond.  

If you have any specific questions regarding your child’s iReady reading results, please address those directly to your child’s homeroom teacher.

In closing, please note the following regarding Correlation Analysis & Reflections of iReady Math and CAASPP:

  • ONE of the many sources of pride for the Los Altos School District is the high achievement of our students.  These accomplishments manifest in a great many ways.  Such as the contributions of our young people in the greater world around them, the higher education that they pursue, and the careers into which they become leaders as adults.  
  • One of those measures of high achievement also includes the statewide assessment known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).  Because we know some of you will look at the iReady and draw correlations to how your child “might” perform on the CAASPP, we would like to directly address this as a staff.
  • We have found a close correlation in all levels for reading. However in math, we have found some nuances.  Please read the following bullets for additional information.
    • As we looked at iReady Spring results alongside CAASPP Spring results in math, we found these correlations:  There was a strong correlation between the iReady relative labels of “2 or more below” and the CAASPP label of “Standards Not Met.”  We also found a strong correlation between the iReady “1 level below” and the CAASPP “Standard Nearly Met.”  We found that when a student achieves at the “early” or “mid” grade level designation within their age appropriate placement, the CAASPP result was typically “Standard Met.”
    • We found a significant discrepancy between the iReady “Above” and the CAASPP “Standard Exceeded.”  We attribute this to the difference in the two subject matters and the depth and complexity of math.  While iReady Math performance may report a child within the “On Level” zone and list the progress as “Late” in the Placement column, this typically translates to “Standard Exceeds” on the CAASPP.  In other words, if you perceive that your child typically performs at a high level in math and when you look at the report he/she has a scale score bar that is falling within the “On Level” area and not reaching to the far right of that as you expected, please don’t panic.  If your child is making progress and the trajectory is headed towards them reaching into the far end of the green, where they would be considered “Late,” our analysis points to a strong correlation that their CAASSP score will most likely be “Standard Exceeded.”

We share all of this with you so that when you receive your child’s iReady results, you may consider this information within a reasonable context.  We will continue to focus on the diverse needs of students and work together as a staff to personalize learning for ALL of our students.



  • All Almond Families, please RSVP at your attendance for Bookwave Blast taking place on Thursday, March 8th from 6:30pm to 8pm so we can adequately set up, prepare refreshments and prizes.
  • We will be showcasing all the books written by our students at 6:30pm while refreshments are served, and our featured speaker Jennifer Rahardjanoto will begin her presentation promptly at 7pm. Bookwave Blast is an event open to all Almond families! We hope you can make it :)
  • Jenn Rahardjanoto is a visionary who's inspired by the power of design to tell stories. She's lived in many different parts of the world and graduated with Honors from Art Center College of Design. She's well known in the children's entertainment world as one of the best creative mind behind a kid's brands. She is currently the Chief Creative Officer at GoldieBlox inc. Prior to that, she worked as the Marketing Creative Director at Playstudios, Story Art Director at Mattel Playground Production, and designer in entertainment production world in Los Angeles.  
  • Because of Jen's connection to Mattel and her current role at GoldieBlox, there will be raffles and drawings with fun prizes (may I say TOYS!!). It will be an inspirational and FUN evening for sure!
  • We truly would appreciate help with set up/take down for Bookwave Blast, PLEASE contact Lily at if you can lend a hand any time between 5-8pm on 3/8/18! Truly appreciate all your support!!!


  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are will interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at

We are going to give you a few hints about our next Spirit Day…. 1. It is not the SAME as other days. 2. It is a GROUP Spirit Day. 3. The fun will MULTIPLY with all your fellow Almond Eagles. HMMM, what could it be….stayed tuned to learn more next week!  

LAEF:  We Need Your Input by March 9th!

  • Look for an LAEF Survey invitation in your email the week of February 26th and take this opportunity to share your feedback about LAEF-funded programs this school year. LAEF funds teachers and program staff supporting STEM, arts, literacy, wellness, and personalized learning. Your input will help our board of 16 volunteers, and LASD leadership determine the foundation's funding priorities for the 2018-19 school year. Thank you for your participation.
  • Donate to LAEF today and help us raise an additional $700K to reach our goal of $3.7M by April 27th. Gifts of any amount are appreciated. Learn more & make your tax-deductible donation today at

Books Inc. Book Fair Coming Soon!
Mark your calendars - The Books Inc. Book Fair begins Monday, March 26 and runs until Friday March 30. We need volunteers to help make this event successful. Sign up sheet will be available shortly.

Community Services Event: Help Us Make Comfort Bags for Foster Children

  • The Community Services Committee is excited to be working with Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, a wonderful organization that has been helping foster children who have experienced abuse and neglect since 1986, for its next drive/event.  Working with Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, we have identified a project that will surely make a difference in the lives of the foster children in their program. We are collecting items that will go into making Comfort Bags for kids from ages 5 to 10 years of age.) Our goal is to fill 50 to 100 Comfort Bags (each bag will include a stuffed toy, a book, a developmental game, underwear, toiletries (toothbrush and toothpaste, and socks - all packaged in a pillow case with a personalized note).
  • To make this happen we are reaching out to the Almond Community to help - there are three ways: 1) Sign up to donate an item (or more!) – Sign up to donate any of the items on THIS google document (Please consider signing up for more than one line item) 2) Sign up to Make a Complete Comfort Bag for a specific child - Please sign up for a specific child on THIS document and bring a filled bag (pillowcase) for him/her.  3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop we are happy to do that - please paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • Save the Date:  On Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am, we will have Karen Scussel (Executive Director of Child Advocates) come to Almond to speak to our families about the work they do to support foster children. The kids will assemble Comfort Bags at the event.  Please email Seema Chavan ( or Polly Liu ( if you have any questions.


The District Nurses will be doing Hearing screening at Almond for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades on 3/7/18. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify the Health Services Staff ( before the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing screening.


  • We are pleased to announce the 4th Annual International Celebration slated for Friday, March 23rd. The event brings together Almond families for a fun, casual evening while celebrating the diversity and vibrancy of our school community. All families bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) and catch up with friends (or make new ones!) and are able to watch various ethnic dance and music performances including appearances by our own Almond School students and alumni. In addition, families are encouraged to come dressed in ethnic wear (anything that you identify with your heritage is fine!).
  • How can you help:
    • 1) Sign up if your child or you would like to share a performance specific to a heritage.  If your child participates in local classes bring the troupe or if a solo performer or if your child just loves to perform - let us know! The evening is a perfect opportunity for kids to perform in a welcoming environment.
    • 2) Have any suggestions for a local dance or performance group - please send us the information.
    • 3) Interested in helping with the planning and execution - we definitely would love to grow the group.
  • We hope you and your family can join us at the International Celebration! More details to follow. For information or to signup to perform - please contact Lori Sevcik ( and Seema Chavan (


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  


  •  The 6th graders are fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie EARLY MAN. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 for the North Bay Fire Victims from every ticket purchased for shows in February and March, 2018 when you click this link.
  • Click this link and $1.00 from every ticket to EARLY MAN bought during February and March supports Almond Elementary School's 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims fundraising.
  • PLEASE NOTE: There will be no mention of our cause past this link. The custom link tracks our sales, but Fandango does not host any information about the schools or causes that FilmRaiser supports.
  • If you would like to post or share the ticket link with friends and family throughout the US that benefits Almond Elementary School 6th Grade, please use:
  • Thanks in advance for your support! Almond 6th Graders


The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

  • Please join us for an evening with Dr. Leonard Sax
  • Boys Adrift:  Raising Authentic Boys Engaged in School and Life
  • Tuesday, Mar. 6, 2018 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | LAHS Eagle Theater |201 Almond Avenue, Los Altos, CA
  • From kindergarten to college, American boys are less resilient and engaged than they were two decades ago and the gender gap in academic achievement continues to widen.  Drawing upon 26 years of clinical experience and scientific research, Dr. Sax will explore how social, cultural, and biological factors have created an environment that impedes the healthy development of many boys today.  Dr. Sax will share concrete strategies to help us as parents connect more deeply with our sons and guide our boys to stay engaged - and grow into productive, self-reliant, authentic young men.
    • Topics include:
      • How much time spent playing video games is too much time, and how do we know?
      • Which video games are OK, and which are not, and how do we know?
      • What has caused the dramatic drop in the testosterone levels of young men over the past 60 years? Why does it matter?
      • What research has been conducted regarding the effect of medications for ADHD on the developing brain?
  • Dr. Sax is internationally recognized for his four parenting books, Why Gender Matters (2nd Ed., 2017)Boys Adrift (2nd Ed., 2016)Girls on the Edge (2010), and The Collapse of Parenting (2015) – a New York Times best-seller and has appeared on the TODAY show, PBS, NPR, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC, and many other national and international media.

To register for this free event, go to

Sponsored by Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Tilly Burgart, 2/27/18, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Tilly quickly apologized when she knocked a younger student over by accident, and asked if they were okay.
  • Jaiman Chavan, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Jeff Chen, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Logan Chung, 2/27/18, Solving problems. You worked together with your classmates to solve a tricky problem on the playground.
  • Connor Daniel, 2/26/18, Respecting self and others. Connor was a very respectful listener during music class!
  • Nirelle De Witt, 2/27/18, Solving problems. You worked together with your classmates to solve a tricky problem on the playground.
  • Emma Guillory, 2/27/18, Solving problems. You worked together with your classmates to solve a tricky problem on the playground.
  • Cooper Han, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Jagger Heath, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Kate Kostow, 2/27/18, Solving problems. You worked together with your classmates to solve a tricky problem on the playground.
  • Tommy Lee, 2/27/18, Solving problems. You worked together with your classmates to solve a tricky problem on the playground.
  • Nicky Miqueo, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Risei Mizutani, 2/27/18, Always making good choices. Risei showed integrity by taking responsibility for his actions.
  • Nikolay Okinchuk, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Avery Plaisir, 2/27/18, Solving problems, Respecting self and others. Calmly asked another student to make a better choice and gave them a suggestion for a better choice.
  • Cole Renz, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Konstantin Rolnik, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • David Santiago Ramos, 2/27/18, Owning learning. Showed enthusiasm for learning by finding similes in his own book.
  • Fisher Sirey, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Alex Sokulev, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Elliott Song, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom
  • Aiko Yamasaki, 2/17/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always checks in with Ms. Doblick and others by asking how their day is going, which makes her day.
  • Ciel Yasukawa, 2/28/18, Respecting self and others. Great sportsmanship! Mrs. Benadom

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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