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December 08, 2017

December 8, 2017


  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 12/14, School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 12/12
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. 1-3 (10:30am)
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. TK/K (11:30am)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes
  • Friday, 1/12, Bookwave Deadline
  • Wednesday, 1/17, 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age (7pm, Multi)


A huge thank you to the many students, staff, and parents who contributed to last night’s Kindergarten & New Family Information Night.

Rachel Harnish - You beautifully shared the value of the partnership between home and school on behalf of the Almond PTA.  Together we can accomplish any mission!

Jane Sanders - Everything was set up and ready for showtime.  You welcome all of our families with a loving heart.  You are remarkable!

Jessica Mountz - Thank you for setting up a table with information packets in a variety of languages.

Leanne Kridl, Laurie Lamb, Joan O’Dell, and Lisa Schubert - Sincere thanks for being present and for opening your rooms open to allow parents a peek into the world of kinder and TK at Almond.

Laura Better - Through your leadership, your 5th grade students and our student council members were brilliant.  Here is a Tweet. It was a testament to our Almond mission, “Empower our students to OWN their learning in a collaborative community.”

Axel, Brooke, Chaitrashree, Hayden, Jagger, Julia, Kayla, Lily, Lola, Mariam, Paula, Sandy, Trisha, Yasmeen, Zack, and Ziana - WOW!  You were articulate, poised, full of enthusiasm, shined so very brightly last night.  Thank you for sharing yourselves with us.  We are who we are as a result of your awesomeness!



  • Most of you know the feeling when someone gives you a present. Well, we’re trying to share that feeling with others! We’re hosting a Gift
  • Drive and all the proceeds are for the CSA. This drive will be going from the 4th of December to the 15th. Please help us by donating new Toys to the blue bin (s) in front of the office. We are hoping to collect gifts for children of all ages.
  • Next week is Winter Wonderland Week, we are having a whole week of spirit starting on Monday, December 11th
    • Monday 12/11: Winter Color Day (wear white, blue, red, and/or green)
    • Tuesday 12/12: Scarf Day
    • Wednesday 12/13: Festive Sock Day
    • Thursday 12/14: Winter Hat Day
    • Friday 12/15: (Ugly/Festive) Sweater Day
  • Hope to see you participating all week long!

LAEF:  A Milestone and a Match
We've raised $2.5 Million – the next big milestone on our way to $3.7 Million! Thanks to the 1492 LASD families who have generously given to LAEF this school year.  Their contributions are helping fund teachers and staff for STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning. Make your tax-deductible annual donation to LAEF by December 31st and it will be DOUBLED by a generous LASD family - up to $30K.

LAEF:  Two weeks left for Corporate Matching in 2017
Did you know that in 2016/17, LAEF received more than $700,000 in corporate matching funds? With less than 20 days until the end of the tax year now is the time to submit a matching request to your company. Find out if your company matches by going to or select “Donate” at


  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - stock napkins, paper plates and food handling gloves in the lunch room kitchen, post menus 3x a year in bulletin board cabinet and send to the Almond webmaster, communicate with Pasta Market via e-mail regarding menus, parent requests.  At this point in the year there will only be 1 more new menu in March.  
  • Bulletin Boards - update Bulletin board in front of school and in the locked cabinet above the drinking fountains with current events, calendars.
  • If you can help please e-mail PTA President, Rachel Harnish,


  • Reminder that due date for Bookwave Booklets is Friday, January 12, 2018.
  • If are still interested in purchasing booklet(s), Jane Sanders at the front office has offered to pass them out at $15 per booklet until Dec 15, 2017.
  • Bookwave BLAST will be at 7pm on Thursday, March 8th, 2018. A sneak peak at our special speaker - Jennifer Rahardjanoto - Chief Creative Officer at Goldie Blox. She is a Creative Storyteller and has also worked at Mattel and Play Studios on projects such as DC Super Hero Girls. A little fun fact about her, she was the visual designer for Capital Cities' Music Video "Safe and Sound" which was awarded the VMA MTV Best Visual Effects award in 2013.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to email Lily Wang at


  • Are you looking for interesting programs after school right here at Almond?
  • Take a look at the options we offer including Sports, Technology, Design, Art and Music
  • *Winter schedule is now posted*  – Many of your favorites will continue.  Note Speak Debate is back starting this Winter session!
    • Mission: To help students express themselves with confidence in their personal and professional lives and be more: confident, humble, respectful, responsible, assertive, better listeners, critical thinkers, organized, team players, optimistic
    • Syllabus: Includes activities that focus on improving body language and self-confidence like: Role Play, Presentations, Speeches, Drama, Story telling, Debates, Stand Up Comedy, Talent showcase, Poetry recitation, Impromptu Speaking
  • It’s simple to sign up!  Go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website.
  • Please contact Jennel Massey with any questions.  
  • Also if you missed the end of year Survey and have feedback on how we can continue to improve the after school offerings, please complete it HERE!


  • Thank you to everyone who helped the 6th Graders raise money for the North Bay Fire Victims by purchasing a ticket to see the Wonder movie in November. There is an additional opportunity to raise funds through the remainder of December, and any Wonder tickets bought will benefit 6th Grade Fundraising when you select "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" on before purchasing.
  • 1. VISIT
  • 2. TYPE "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" for your cause
  • 3. CLICK through to Fandango. Tickets purchased track back to the 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims Fundraising. Please consider inviting friends and family at other schools and in other cities. Anyone in the US can help, and there is no limit to ticket sales.
  • Thanks in advance for your support!


  • Almond Elementary and Project Cornerstone is sponsoring a parent education event on Thursday, January 18th at 7:00 pm in the Almond multi.  Annie Fox, M.Ed., an award-winning author and educator in the realm of character education and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) will be presenting on: 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age.
  • This highly interactive discussion focuses on the unique challenges of 21st century parenting as well as the unique challenges of growing up in the 21stcentury. We’ll talk about what’s needed to help our kids develop into fully functioning, resilient young adults with the confidence, compassion and creativity necessary to solve all kinds of problems, throughout their school years and beyond.
  • This is a unique opportunity for parents of K – 8th graders to:
    • Tune in to your child’s psychological/ emotional needs
    • Appreciate the social pressure to “fit in” (online and off) and how that affects the choices your child makes in-and-out of school
    • Understand how your child's “still-under-construction” brain can make it hard for him or her to make safe, ethical choices
    • Explore the role stress and distractions play in preventing parents from doing their most effective job
  • For more information contact Jen Walker at  Annie Fox is the host of the popular podcast Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting. Annie’s books include: The Girls’ Q&A Book on FriendshipTeaching Kids to Be Good People and the ground-breakingMiddle School Confidential™ book and app series. Learn more at

Pilates After School - SPECIAL PROMOTION & Space Available!

  • Pilates After School wants your child to join us this Winter! Learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves! We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • NEW Dates: Dec 5 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
  • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
  • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
  • SPECIAL PROMOTION - get $55 off Winter Session with code PRPRO55
  • Please go to to register. Register now and remember to use code PRPRO55.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see your child in our class!
  • From Coach Amie & Olivera

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Connor Daniel, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!
  • Sasha Middleton, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!
  • Tanya Ruiz, 12/5/17, Respecting self and others. For cleaning up after her peers left a mess in the classroom.
  • Alex Winny, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!


Mon. Dec. 11, 2017, 7PM-9PM, Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Rd
Let's Talk:  A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc.  All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.

Tue. Dec 12, 2017, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
Parent Chat:  Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.

Tues. January 23, 2018 6-8 pm, Crittenden Middle School MUR, 1701 Rock St Mountain View
Learning Challenges Resource Fair:  Heads up for the 4th Learning Challenges Resource Fair coming up in 2018. Does your child need tutoring? Do you need to find a summer camp that fits your student’s needs? Are you interested in finding local therapists, advocates, recreational programs and more? Come join us at the SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair and talk to dozens of local providers about services that can help your child thrive!

Lunes, Dec 11 , 2017, 7PM-9PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Vamos a Platicar:  Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

Martes, Dec 12 2017, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Platica Para Padres:  Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC

Martes 23 de enero del 2018, de 6 a 8 pm, Salón de Usos Múltiples (MUR) en la Escuela Secundaria Crittenden
FERIA DE RECURSOS PARA LOS  RETOS EN EL APRENDIZAJE:  ¿Necesita su hijo tutoría? ¿Necesita usted encontrar un campamento durante el verano, que se acomode a las necesidades de su estudiante? ¿Está usted interesado en encontrar un terapista local, defensores, programas recreativos y más? Venga y acompáñenos a la Feria de Recursos del Comité para Retos en el Aprendizaje (SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair), y hable con docenas de proveedores locales, acerca de los servicios que pueden ayudar a su hijo a avanzar!

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

December 8, 2017


  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 12/14, School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 12/12
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. 1-3 (10:30am)
    • CSMA Music Concert Gr. TK/K (11:30am)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes
  • Friday, 1/12, Bookwave Deadline
  • Wednesday, 1/17, 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age (7pm, Multi)


A huge thank you to the many students, staff, and parents who contributed to last night’s Kindergarten & New Family Information Night.

Rachel Harnish - You beautifully shared the value of the partnership between home and school on behalf of the Almond PTA.  Together we can accomplish any mission!

Jane Sanders - Everything was set up and ready for showtime.  You welcome all of our families with a loving heart.  You are remarkable!

Jessica Mountz - Thank you for setting up a table with information packets in a variety of languages.

Leanne Kridl, Laurie Lamb, Joan O’Dell, and Lisa Schubert - Sincere thanks for being present and for opening your rooms open to allow parents a peek into the world of kinder and TK at Almond.

Laura Better - Through your leadership, your 5th grade students and our student council members were brilliant.  Here is a Tweet. It was a testament to our Almond mission, “Empower our students to OWN their learning in a collaborative community.”

Axel, Brooke, Chaitrashree, Hayden, Jagger, Julia, Kayla, Lily, Lola, Mariam, Paula, Sandy, Trisha, Yasmeen, Zack, and Ziana - WOW!  You were articulate, poised, full of enthusiasm, shined so very brightly last night.  Thank you for sharing yourselves with us.  We are who we are as a result of your awesomeness!



  • Most of you know the feeling when someone gives you a present. Well, we’re trying to share that feeling with others! We’re hosting a Gift
  • Drive and all the proceeds are for the CSA. This drive will be going from the 4th of December to the 15th. Please help us by donating new Toys to the blue bin (s) in front of the office. We are hoping to collect gifts for children of all ages.
  • Next week is Winter Wonderland Week, we are having a whole week of spirit starting on Monday, December 11th
    • Monday 12/11: Winter Color Day (wear white, blue, red, and/or green)
    • Tuesday 12/12: Scarf Day
    • Wednesday 12/13: Festive Sock Day
    • Thursday 12/14: Winter Hat Day
    • Friday 12/15: (Ugly/Festive) Sweater Day
  • Hope to see you participating all week long!

LAEF:  A Milestone and a Match
We've raised $2.5 Million – the next big milestone on our way to $3.7 Million! Thanks to the 1492 LASD families who have generously given to LAEF this school year.  Their contributions are helping fund teachers and staff for STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning. Make your tax-deductible annual donation to LAEF by December 31st and it will be DOUBLED by a generous LASD family - up to $30K.

LAEF:  Two weeks left for Corporate Matching in 2017
Did you know that in 2016/17, LAEF received more than $700,000 in corporate matching funds? With less than 20 days until the end of the tax year now is the time to submit a matching request to your company. Find out if your company matches by going to or select “Donate” at


  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - stock napkins, paper plates and food handling gloves in the lunch room kitchen, post menus 3x a year in bulletin board cabinet and send to the Almond webmaster, communicate with Pasta Market via e-mail regarding menus, parent requests.  At this point in the year there will only be 1 more new menu in March.  
  • Bulletin Boards - update Bulletin board in front of school and in the locked cabinet above the drinking fountains with current events, calendars.
  • If you can help please e-mail PTA President, Rachel Harnish,


  • Reminder that due date for Bookwave Booklets is Friday, January 12, 2018.
  • If are still interested in purchasing booklet(s), Jane Sanders at the front office has offered to pass them out at $15 per booklet until Dec 15, 2017.
  • Bookwave BLAST will be at 7pm on Thursday, March 8th, 2018. A sneak peak at our special speaker - Jennifer Rahardjanoto - Chief Creative Officer at Goldie Blox. She is a Creative Storyteller and has also worked at Mattel and Play Studios on projects such as DC Super Hero Girls. A little fun fact about her, she was the visual designer for Capital Cities' Music Video "Safe and Sound" which was awarded the VMA MTV Best Visual Effects award in 2013.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to email Lily Wang at


  • Are you looking for interesting programs after school right here at Almond?
  • Take a look at the options we offer including Sports, Technology, Design, Art and Music
  • *Winter schedule is now posted*  – Many of your favorites will continue.  Note Speak Debate is back starting this Winter session!
    • Mission: To help students express themselves with confidence in their personal and professional lives and be more: confident, humble, respectful, responsible, assertive, better listeners, critical thinkers, organized, team players, optimistic
    • Syllabus: Includes activities that focus on improving body language and self-confidence like: Role Play, Presentations, Speeches, Drama, Story telling, Debates, Stand Up Comedy, Talent showcase, Poetry recitation, Impromptu Speaking
  • It’s simple to sign up!  Go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website.
  • Please contact Jennel Massey with any questions.  
  • Also if you missed the end of year Survey and have feedback on how we can continue to improve the after school offerings, please complete it HERE!


  • Thank you to everyone who helped the 6th Graders raise money for the North Bay Fire Victims by purchasing a ticket to see the Wonder movie in November. There is an additional opportunity to raise funds through the remainder of December, and any Wonder tickets bought will benefit 6th Grade Fundraising when you select "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" on before purchasing.
  • 1. VISIT
  • 2. TYPE "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" for your cause
  • 3. CLICK through to Fandango. Tickets purchased track back to the 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims Fundraising. Please consider inviting friends and family at other schools and in other cities. Anyone in the US can help, and there is no limit to ticket sales.
  • Thanks in advance for your support!


  • Almond Elementary and Project Cornerstone is sponsoring a parent education event on Thursday, January 18th at 7:00 pm in the Almond multi.  Annie Fox, M.Ed., an award-winning author and educator in the realm of character education and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) will be presenting on: 21st Century Parenting: Raising gritty, compassionate, problem-solvers in the digital age.
  • This highly interactive discussion focuses on the unique challenges of 21st century parenting as well as the unique challenges of growing up in the 21stcentury. We’ll talk about what’s needed to help our kids develop into fully functioning, resilient young adults with the confidence, compassion and creativity necessary to solve all kinds of problems, throughout their school years and beyond.
  • This is a unique opportunity for parents of K – 8th graders to:
    • Tune in to your child’s psychological/ emotional needs
    • Appreciate the social pressure to “fit in” (online and off) and how that affects the choices your child makes in-and-out of school
    • Understand how your child's “still-under-construction” brain can make it hard for him or her to make safe, ethical choices
    • Explore the role stress and distractions play in preventing parents from doing their most effective job
  • For more information contact Jen Walker at  Annie Fox is the host of the popular podcast Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting. Annie’s books include: The Girls’ Q&A Book on FriendshipTeaching Kids to Be Good People and the ground-breakingMiddle School Confidential™ book and app series. Learn more at

Pilates After School - SPECIAL PROMOTION & Space Available!

  • Pilates After School wants your child to join us this Winter! Learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves! We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • NEW Dates: Dec 5 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
  • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
  • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
  • SPECIAL PROMOTION - get $55 off Winter Session with code PRPRO55
  • Please go to to register. Register now and remember to use code PRPRO55.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see your child in our class!
  • From Coach Amie & Olivera

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Connor Daniel, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!
  • Sasha Middleton, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!
  • Tanya Ruiz, 12/5/17, Respecting self and others. For cleaning up after her peers left a mess in the classroom.
  • Alex Winny, 12/4/17, Owning learning. Staying focused during Writer's Workshop!


Mon. Dec. 11, 2017, 7PM-9PM, Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Rd
Let's Talk:  A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc.  All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality.

Tue. Dec 12, 2017, 7PM-8:30PM, Los Altos Library
Parent Chat:  Are you concerned about the emotional well being of your child? Come to Parent Chat, peer to peer support for parents of teens. Hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC.

Tues. January 23, 2018 6-8 pm, Crittenden Middle School MUR, 1701 Rock St Mountain View
Learning Challenges Resource Fair:  Heads up for the 4th Learning Challenges Resource Fair coming up in 2018. Does your child need tutoring? Do you need to find a summer camp that fits your student’s needs? Are you interested in finding local therapists, advocates, recreational programs and more? Come join us at the SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair and talk to dozens of local providers about services that can help your child thrive!

Lunes, Dec 11 , 2017, 7PM-9PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Vamos a Platicar:  Una oportunidad para preguntas y compartir ideas, recursos, y apoyo de otros padres con estudiantes de PEIs, 504s,  diferencias de aprendizaje, retos de salud mental, etc. Todos son bienvenidos, los participantes deben respetar confidencialidad.

Martes, Dec 12 2017, 7-8:30 PM, Biblioteca de Los Altos, 13 S. San Antonio Road
Platica Para Padres:  Le preocupa el bienestar emocional de su hijo(a)? Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+. Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC

Martes 23 de enero del 2018, de 6 a 8 pm, Salón de Usos Múltiples (MUR) en la Escuela Secundaria Crittenden
FERIA DE RECURSOS PARA LOS  RETOS EN EL APRENDIZAJE:  ¿Necesita su hijo tutoría? ¿Necesita usted encontrar un campamento durante el verano, que se acomode a las necesidades de su estudiante? ¿Está usted interesado en encontrar un terapista local, defensores, programas recreativos y más? Venga y acompáñenos a la Feria de Recursos del Comité para Retos en el Aprendizaje (SELPA1CAC/Learning Challenges Committee Resource Fair), y hable con docenas de proveedores locales, acerca de los servicios que pueden ayudar a su hijo a avanzar!

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.