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November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017


  • Monday, 11/20, PARENT CONFERENCES, No School
  • Tuesday, 11/21, PARENT CONFERENCES, No School
  • Wednesday - Friday, 11/22 - 11/24, THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY, No School
  • Thursday, 11/30, School Coffee re: Evidence of Learning (8:45am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 12/5, Almond Singers Holiday Concert (8:45am-School Concert for Almond Students; 7pm-Evening Concert for Parents, Families & Friends)
  • Thursday, 12/7, Kindergarten / New Parent Info Night for Prospective Families (7pm, Multi & Classrooms)
  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 12/14, School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes


This week student safety has been a topic of conversation on many fronts at Almond; responding to injuries that take place at school, ensuring all students contribute to a safe environment, safeguarding against the potential of outside threats.

The entire Almond staff works together daily to ensure the safety of all students.  Here is some information that we can share without exposing details which would render us vulnerable.

Responding to Injuries

  • At the beginning of every year we have a health training to review procedures and expectations.
  • Every teacher and the entire office staff are equipped with walkie talkies.
  • When a child is injured and not able to walk him/herself to the nurse, we go to the child to assess the situation.
  • If we do not have a nurse on location at the time, we call our district nurse team for guidance - if needed.
  • If an injury warrants a call to 911 (even without consultation), we make that call.  
  • Our entire staff works together to address whatever issue surfaces.  It’s all hands on deck.

Ensuring All Students Contribute to a Safe Environment

  • Students are expected to follow our SOAR principles; Solve Problems, Own Your Learning, Always Making Good Choices, Respect Self & Others.
  • Inevitably, children will make mistakes.  Some will be minor.  Some will be serious.
  • When a child’s actions are overtly incongruous with school expectations, a student is redirected immediately by an adult and respective disciplinary consequences are administered if necessary.
  • If information is reported to us by any student that causes alarm, the entire school team works together to respond immediately.  We investigate all statements and handle them seriously.
  • If a child creates an unsafe environment in the classroom or playground, we take immediate action.  This could be relocating students affected by the unsafe behavior, it could also mean removing the student posing the safety concern.
  • Because we are a team, every member of this staff works together to support student safety.  We communicate frequently via walkie talkie, text messages, on the phone, and in person.  We develop action plans to ensure there is adequate supervision for all students. When needed, that supervision becomes laser focused on an area or person in need.
  • We have contacted law enforcement before when needed and we will not hesitate to do so if a situation warrants it.

Safeguarding Against Outside Threats

  • We have an emergency response plan in place to protect our students and staff from the potential of a terrible event.
  • We review this plan at the beginning of each school year and revisit it throughout the year.
  • We work closely with our three local law enforcement agencies (Los Altos, Mountain View and Santa Clara County) to ensure our emergency practices are current, including response to a shooter on campus.  
  • We practice various types of emergency drills monthly.  In December, we will practice a Code Red.  We will share the language we will be using with families before the drill.  The language will be tailored by grade level spans (TK-1, 2-3, 4-6).
  • Student safety is a top priority; not only for parents, but also for our staff.


If you would like to sign a card for our librarian, there is a large on in the office.

We are gearing up for the Almond Spring Gala and need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Donations can be anything. Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Or, simply visit the donation link and submit your donation online at

LAEF:  Let’s Celebrate!
We've raised $2 Million! Thank you to the 1239 amazing and generous LASD families who've contributed to LAEF this school year and helped us reach this important milestone. We're over halfway to our goal of $3.7 Million. If you have yet to give, please donate and help us reach our goal.

LAEF:  Your gift can still be doubled!
Donate to LAEF for your first time OR increase your donation over last year and it will be matched by our Board of Directors! The $50K Challenge Match ends on November 17th, so give today.  New or annual gifts of any amount are appreciated, and help make a difference for all our TK-8 students by funding STEM, arts, literacy, wellness, and personalized learning. To learn more, pledge or donate at


  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - responsibilities include keeping lunch room stocked with paper plates, napkins and food handling gloves, communicate with Pasta Market regarding new menus, parent requests or comments, post new menus 3x/year.  
  • Bulletin Boards - Update the front and interior bulletin boards with current important date reminders and calendars
  • Please contact Almond PTA President, Rachel Harnish, if you can help with these positions.


  • Traditionally, the Almond 6th grade class raises money for a class gift like a bench, art work or the Eagle costume. The class of 2018 chose a slightly less traditional gift and decided to raise money for the North Bay Fire Victims. The 6th graders are kicking off the fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie Wonder, based on the best-selling book. The Wonder movie opens this weekend, and all you need to do is buy a ticket. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 from every ticket purchased for shows on November 18, 19 and 20 when you select "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" on before purchasing.
    • 1. VISIT
    • 2. TYPE "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" for your cause
    • 3. CLICK through to Fandango. Tickets purchased track back to the 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims Fundraising. Please consider inviting friends and family at other schools and in other cities. Anyone in the US can help, and there is no limit to ticket sales.
  • Thanks in advance for your support!

ABC (Asset Building Champion) Reading/ Project Cornerstone

  • This month, our 1st -5th graders will be reading the book Big by Coleen Paratore. Students will explore their personal power with the concept of being a BIG person. Big is not defined as large or tall, but a person who thinks BIG about the world and their place in it. The reward for being BIG is not tangible, but something felt inside of each of us.  We will challenge the students to look within themselves to see how they can tap into their personal power to become a valuable member of their family, school, neighborhood, community, country and world.  You can support this at home by:
    • Encouraging your child to reflect on how the little thoughts and actions they engage in on a daily basis add up to living in a Big way.
    • Focus on daily acts of caring that kids can do to fill their own and other’s buckets.
    • Catch them being BIG and fill their bucket with words of affirmation.
    • Remind students that it is their efforts to be BIG that count.  Research on mindset has shown that noticing and naming a child’s effort rather than their achievement, will lead them to experience feeling of success and create a desire to do better in future activities.
  • Kindergarten students will be reading Join In & Play which teaches children about being a friend, making a friend, and playing together. It emphasizes rules for getting along, being a good sport, and cooperating with others.
  • Our 6th Graders will focus on making genuine apologies, and respecting others by taking responsibility for their actions, both good or bad.  
  • For more information about the ABC program, please contact Jen Walker ( or Mona ElNaggar at (

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

  • It's time to build bird nests, make yummy soup from the veggies we harvest from our school gardens, discover symmetry inside fruit, and make natural dyes from plants!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Winter Docent Training will take place at the LASD iLearn Studio on Monday mornings from 9-Noon on 12/4, 12/11, 1/8 and 1/22.  Please click HERE to view our Winter Training Flyer.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.
  • Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at

Each year the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee organizes a holiday cookie event for the teachers and staff at Almond.  On Thursday, December 14 staff will be invited to select from a variety of holiday cookies to take home and enjoy during the season.  In order to host this event, we rely on parent volunteers to provide the cookies.  We are looking for each class to provide 6 dozen cookies.  For more details and to sign up, please go to Holiday Cookie Sign Up or contact Lynn Kostow ( or Andrea Bocking (

Pilates After School starts on Tuesday, November 28, at Almond!

  • Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves. We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • Dates: Nov 28 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
  • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
  • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
  • Please go to to register. Register now and take advantage of the early bird discount.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see your child in our class!
  • From Coach Amie & Olivera


  • This holiday season, for the third year in a row, Almond Elementary Community Services group  will be leading a hands-on, warehouse event to support a local non-profit organization called Family Giving Tree.  Last year, Family Giving Tree fulfilled over 80,000 holiday wishes by working with over 500 homeless shelters, charitable organizations, etc. Join us to help select the perfect gift to match the requesting wish cards and/or help sort them in a giant warehouse before they make it into the arms of a deserving child. This is truly one of the best volunteer opportunities for families (open to all ages) in the bay area - super fun and meaningful!  We have secured 50 spots for Almond families.  These spots went super fast last year so please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your spot.
    • When: Saturday, December 16, 9 am-11am
    • Where:  Family Giving Tree Warehouse (TBD - Last year was 394 West Carribean Drive, Milpitas - maybe the same this year as well)
    • RSVP:  Email with # of people attending
    • Deadline to RSVP:  Wednesday, November 29th
    • Note:  Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
  • WE NEED YOUR HELP:  As part of this event, Almond is running a holiday wish drive to fulfill 75 wishes for children in need.  Please sign up to grant at least one wish (multiple would be SUPER or one per child that is volunteering for the event) if you’ve signed up to attend the event.  Even if you are not able to attend, we would greatly appreciate your help!  
    • Here is how to sign up to fulfil a wish:
      • 1) Pick a gift from THIS spreadsheet and enter your name in Column B for any wish you would like to grant.  It's a great activity to look at the list with your child and go shopping together.  It is truly eye opening to see an 8 year old boy wishing for a soccer ball and a 14 year old girl wishing for twin size sheets or VTA tokens.
      • 2) If you prefer to give a cash donation (we will shop) - please paypal Seema ( and we will fulfill a wish or two or three. Please email us and we will add your name to the spreadsheet so you can see the wish(s) you fulfilled.  
      • Gifts are due to the Almond School front office or Seema's House (658 Spargur Drive) by Wednesday, December 6th  (Please drop off gifts starting November 27th) so we can have time to sort, tag and drive them over to the warehouse prior to our event.
      • A few details: Please label each gift with its corresponding ID # (column D) and name of child when dropping off.  Gift should be unwrapped and the recommended value is between $20 and $40.    You only need to purchase one gift for each child per row, either the 'Wish' or 'Alternate Wish' item. Donations can be dropped off to Seema's home or in the Almond office (box labeled Family Giving Tree)
      • Thank you so much for supporting this wonderful cause. Let’s all pitch in and do something GREAT together this holiday season!
  • Cheers, Seema and Polly - Almond Community Service

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mark Beliaev, 11/15/17, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Helping other groups clean up after a project.
  • Roman Beliaev, 11/3/17, Respecting self and others. Roman shared that he was proud of the success of his partner during fluency practice!
  • Shan Davey, 11/15/17, Respecting self and others. As the class was beginning a math project, Shan offered to partner up with a student who was having a difficult time finding a partner. -Mrs. Hall
  • Kate Kostow, 11/14/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. You work quietly, ignore when necessary, and focus on your work.
  • Ryan Lee, 11/15/17, Owning learning. Ryan did a great job taking notes about main idea/details during Reader's Workshop and sharing with his classmates.


Registration for the 2018 Los Altos & Los Altos Hills Little League Spring Season is now open.  

  • See our website for more details.  Click here to register for Baseball (ages 5-14) or Girls Softball (TK through 3rd grade). Our registration software has changed this year - if you have any issues please email

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

November 16, 2017


  • Monday, 11/20, PARENT CONFERENCES, No School
  • Tuesday, 11/21, PARENT CONFERENCES, No School
  • Wednesday - Friday, 11/22 - 11/24, THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY, No School
  • Thursday, 11/30, School Coffee re: Evidence of Learning (8:45am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 12/5, Almond Singers Holiday Concert (8:45am-School Concert for Almond Students; 7pm-Evening Concert for Parents, Families & Friends)
  • Thursday, 12/7, Kindergarten / New Parent Info Night for Prospective Families (7pm, Multi & Classrooms)
  • Monday, 12/11, LASD Music Concert Gr. 4-6 (1pm, Multi)
  • Wednesday, 12/13, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 12/14, School Coffee re: Math Problem of the Month & Number Talks (8:45am, Multi)
  • Monday, 12/18, December Vacation Starts
  • Tuesday, 1/2, School Resumes


This week student safety has been a topic of conversation on many fronts at Almond; responding to injuries that take place at school, ensuring all students contribute to a safe environment, safeguarding against the potential of outside threats.

The entire Almond staff works together daily to ensure the safety of all students.  Here is some information that we can share without exposing details which would render us vulnerable.

Responding to Injuries

  • At the beginning of every year we have a health training to review procedures and expectations.
  • Every teacher and the entire office staff are equipped with walkie talkies.
  • When a child is injured and not able to walk him/herself to the nurse, we go to the child to assess the situation.
  • If we do not have a nurse on location at the time, we call our district nurse team for guidance - if needed.
  • If an injury warrants a call to 911 (even without consultation), we make that call.  
  • Our entire staff works together to address whatever issue surfaces.  It’s all hands on deck.

Ensuring All Students Contribute to a Safe Environment

  • Students are expected to follow our SOAR principles; Solve Problems, Own Your Learning, Always Making Good Choices, Respect Self & Others.
  • Inevitably, children will make mistakes.  Some will be minor.  Some will be serious.
  • When a child’s actions are overtly incongruous with school expectations, a student is redirected immediately by an adult and respective disciplinary consequences are administered if necessary.
  • If information is reported to us by any student that causes alarm, the entire school team works together to respond immediately.  We investigate all statements and handle them seriously.
  • If a child creates an unsafe environment in the classroom or playground, we take immediate action.  This could be relocating students affected by the unsafe behavior, it could also mean removing the student posing the safety concern.
  • Because we are a team, every member of this staff works together to support student safety.  We communicate frequently via walkie talkie, text messages, on the phone, and in person.  We develop action plans to ensure there is adequate supervision for all students. When needed, that supervision becomes laser focused on an area or person in need.
  • We have contacted law enforcement before when needed and we will not hesitate to do so if a situation warrants it.

Safeguarding Against Outside Threats

  • We have an emergency response plan in place to protect our students and staff from the potential of a terrible event.
  • We review this plan at the beginning of each school year and revisit it throughout the year.
  • We work closely with our three local law enforcement agencies (Los Altos, Mountain View and Santa Clara County) to ensure our emergency practices are current, including response to a shooter on campus.  
  • We practice various types of emergency drills monthly.  In December, we will practice a Code Red.  We will share the language we will be using with families before the drill.  The language will be tailored by grade level spans (TK-1, 2-3, 4-6).
  • Student safety is a top priority; not only for parents, but also for our staff.


If you would like to sign a card for our librarian, there is a large on in the office.

We are gearing up for the Almond Spring Gala and need your help! In order for the gala to be a success, we rely on donations for both the silent and live auctions.  Donations can be anything. Consider donating a week or weekend at your vacation home, sporting events tickets, free classes to an activity, theatre tickets, spa packages, wine/vineyard tours, a tour to a Bay Area tech company, camp sessions, Almond parent parties, Almond student/class parties, etc. Please contact Nina Krammer ( or Gabby Gomez ( if you have any donation ideas or questions.  Or, simply visit the donation link and submit your donation online at

LAEF:  Let’s Celebrate!
We've raised $2 Million! Thank you to the 1239 amazing and generous LASD families who've contributed to LAEF this school year and helped us reach this important milestone. We're over halfway to our goal of $3.7 Million. If you have yet to give, please donate and help us reach our goal.

LAEF:  Your gift can still be doubled!
Donate to LAEF for your first time OR increase your donation over last year and it will be matched by our Board of Directors! The $50K Challenge Match ends on November 17th, so give today.  New or annual gifts of any amount are appreciated, and help make a difference for all our TK-8 students by funding STEM, arts, literacy, wellness, and personalized learning. To learn more, pledge or donate at


  • Hot Lunch Vendor Liaison - responsibilities include keeping lunch room stocked with paper plates, napkins and food handling gloves, communicate with Pasta Market regarding new menus, parent requests or comments, post new menus 3x/year.  
  • Bulletin Boards - Update the front and interior bulletin boards with current important date reminders and calendars
  • Please contact Almond PTA President, Rachel Harnish, if you can help with these positions.


  • Traditionally, the Almond 6th grade class raises money for a class gift like a bench, art work or the Eagle costume. The class of 2018 chose a slightly less traditional gift and decided to raise money for the North Bay Fire Victims. The 6th graders are kicking off the fundraising with a Filmraiser to the movie Wonder, based on the best-selling book. The Wonder movie opens this weekend, and all you need to do is buy a ticket. The 6th graders will earn $1.00 from every ticket purchased for shows on November 18, 19 and 20 when you select "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" on before purchasing.
    • 1. VISIT
    • 2. TYPE "Almond Elementary - 6th Grade" for your cause
    • 3. CLICK through to Fandango. Tickets purchased track back to the 6th Grade North Bay Fire Victims Fundraising. Please consider inviting friends and family at other schools and in other cities. Anyone in the US can help, and there is no limit to ticket sales.
  • Thanks in advance for your support!

ABC (Asset Building Champion) Reading/ Project Cornerstone

  • This month, our 1st -5th graders will be reading the book Big by Coleen Paratore. Students will explore their personal power with the concept of being a BIG person. Big is not defined as large or tall, but a person who thinks BIG about the world and their place in it. The reward for being BIG is not tangible, but something felt inside of each of us.  We will challenge the students to look within themselves to see how they can tap into their personal power to become a valuable member of their family, school, neighborhood, community, country and world.  You can support this at home by:
    • Encouraging your child to reflect on how the little thoughts and actions they engage in on a daily basis add up to living in a Big way.
    • Focus on daily acts of caring that kids can do to fill their own and other’s buckets.
    • Catch them being BIG and fill their bucket with words of affirmation.
    • Remind students that it is their efforts to be BIG that count.  Research on mindset has shown that noticing and naming a child’s effort rather than their achievement, will lead them to experience feeling of success and create a desire to do better in future activities.
  • Kindergarten students will be reading Join In & Play which teaches children about being a friend, making a friend, and playing together. It emphasizes rules for getting along, being a good sport, and cooperating with others.
  • Our 6th Graders will focus on making genuine apologies, and respecting others by taking responsibility for their actions, both good or bad.  
  • For more information about the ABC program, please contact Jen Walker ( or Mona ElNaggar at (

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

  • It's time to build bird nests, make yummy soup from the veggies we harvest from our school gardens, discover symmetry inside fruit, and make natural dyes from plants!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Winter Docent Training will take place at the LASD iLearn Studio on Monday mornings from 9-Noon on 12/4, 12/11, 1/8 and 1/22.  Please click HERE to view our Winter Training Flyer.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.
  • Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at

Each year the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee organizes a holiday cookie event for the teachers and staff at Almond.  On Thursday, December 14 staff will be invited to select from a variety of holiday cookies to take home and enjoy during the season.  In order to host this event, we rely on parent volunteers to provide the cookies.  We are looking for each class to provide 6 dozen cookies.  For more details and to sign up, please go to Holiday Cookie Sign Up or contact Lynn Kostow ( or Andrea Bocking (

Pilates After School starts on Tuesday, November 28, at Almond!

  • Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment and Pilates moves. We play lots of fun movement games and wrap each class with a short meditation.
  • Dates: Nov 28 - Feb 27 (no class Dec 18-Jan 1, Jan 16, Feb 19-23)
  • Time: 3:00-4:10pm (Grade 1 and 2 students meet at 2:40 and will be supervised)
  • Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)
  • Please go to to register. Register now and take advantage of the early bird discount.
  • For questions, please contact We hope to see

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