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September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017


  • Wednesday, 9/20 - PTA General Meeting (Multi @ 8:30am)
  • Thursday, 9/28 - School Coffee re: Literacy (Multi @ 8:45am)
  • Friday, 9/22 - LASD Staff Development Day, No School
  • October - Solar Panels in Parking Lot Project Begins
  • Friday, 10/13 - Friday, 10/20 - Scholastic Book Fair
  • Wednesday, 10/14 - International Walk to School Day
  • Wednesday, 10/18 - School Site Council (Library @ 3:10pm)
  • Saturday, 10/14 - Walkathon (Blacktop, 9am - 1:30pm)


In a few communications this year, we have shared a version of THIS document with you.  It’s termed “Almond’s Golden Circle,” adopted from Simon Sinek’s work that emphasizes WHAT, HOW, WHY.  It synthesizes what we believe are effective, proven practices to optimize learning.  Through experience, we know that when students participate in instruction that balances exposure to diverse ability levels, while also carving out time to focus on specific needs, ALL children thrive.

Each student is part of a grade level homeroom.  These homerooms were designed to create a classroom environment rich in diversity.  For the last five weeks we have been focusing on establishing a strong sense of community in these base camps.  Teachers and students have been developing strong relationships that will carry them through a year full of adventure.

In the next few weeks, each grade level will begin concentrated (or targeted) instruction during which students will receive support or extension on a specific area of need/mastery in language arts and/or mathematics.  For the past two years we have called this “regrouping.”  

Why not call it the same thing this year?

When using the term “regroup,” the focus is on rearranging students.  When referring to this practice as concentrated (or targeted) instruction, the focus rightfully remains on the learning that will be achieved.  The words that grown ups use in naming, often has little worth to children.  Therefore we are going to use terms that support those we serve, our students.

Grades K thru 3:
W.I.N.N. - (pronounced “win”) - What I Need Now - Meeting the specific needs that a particular group of student share at a particular time around literacy and/or math.

Grades 4 thru 6:
T.I.G - (pronounced “tig”) - Targeted Instruction Groups - Meeting the specific needs that a particular group of students share at a particular time around literacy and/or math.

Why has it taken Almond over a month to get this going this year?

We learned last year that we need three things to be in place before supporting learners with WINN / TIG.  1) Strong homeroom foundations must be secured.  2) Effective communication to students and families must be in place about how we will be working together as a school staff.  3) Crystal clear clarity must exist in the needs and strengths of each student to effective determine how to target this focused instruction.

All of these groups will be fluid.  This means that the support or extension that a child might need around one unit or topic of learning, might be different than the next.  Each grade level will also have a slightly different approach or configuration to their WINN / TIG time.  We will be closely monitoring the growth of all students through classroom assessments.

The Almond staff is committed to excellence.  Your children’s success in learning is our primary concern.  Not only do we want them to succeed in mastering the fundamentals around literacy and mathematics, we also want them to become deep thinkers who are able to articulate their ideas.  Above all else, we want students to develop into remarkable human beings who are full of joy and able to contribute positively to the world.

Please look for a message in your homeroom/grade level teacher’s Friday email blast around specific start dates for WINN / TIG and for additional details.


Of 396 families, 263 have completed this process - that’s a 66% completion rate.  This is better than last week, but I still believe we can do way better than this.  Please remember to do your Almond PTA Back to School registration available at this link Back To School • Page - Almond Elementary School. It is the best way to sign-up for the PTA, which is only $15.  It is also the easiest way to sign-up for Bookwave, Birthday Book Club and buy discounted Spring Gala tickets.  This is different than the Los Altos School District's InfoSnap registration that you completed.

The Walkathon site is now live. Use this site to order t-shirts, register your child and sponsor your child. The site can also be shared to have friends and family sponsor your child in the walkathon. T-shirt orders are due by Sunday, September 17.  Volunteers are an important part of making the walkathon a success. Please sign up here to volunteer. Also, please consider donating to the silent auction. Read more about the walkathon here.

We had our first meeting yesterday, in the library, at 3:10pm.  Here is the agenda that include the topics that were covered.  Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 18th, at 3:10pm, in the library.

Do you have any pony beads that your children have outgrown?  TKers loves using these beads to strengthen their fine motor skills.  If you have any extra beads taking up space in your house please bring them to room 2 or to the Almond Office.  Thank you so much!

LAEF:  For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools!
Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning NOW through June 2018?  Here are some ways elementary students benefit from LAEF this school year.

  • Literacy aides in 1st and 2nd grade
  • STEM and computer science teachers
  • Librarians and certified PE instructors
  • Plus music and art!

Every TK-8th grade student in LASD will benefit from LAEF-funded programs, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,200 (or $120 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated.  Learn more & make a donation today


[None at this time.]

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Natalie De La Cruz, 9/13/17, Solving problems. For finding an innovative solution to a classroom job crisis.
  • Kavi Jain, 9/13/17, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Kavi is respectful on the carpet and in line. He makes great choices!
  • Dylan Kim, 9/7/17, Always making good choices.
  • Sarah Larson, 9/7/17, Always making good choices.
  • David Morales, 9/13/17, Respecting self and others. For sharing his privilege with another student.
  • Tanya Robles, 9/12/17, Owning learning. Asked for post-its to keep track of her thinking during reading and made tabs in her notebook to help her stay organized.
  • Elliott Song, 9/11/17, Owning learning. Elliott is demonstrating perseverance and determination this year! He is also becoming more flexible and handling transitions with ease.
  • Dmitrii Titov, 9/11/17, Solving problems, Owning learning. Dmitrii designed an excellent PE game, presented it to the class, and participated in an exemplary way!



  • Looking for a great day camp when school is closed on Friday, 9/22?  Check out Cool Coyote Kids Camp (for ages 5-11) for a fun outdoor adventure camp.


Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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