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May 07, 2017

May 5, 2017



  • Saturday, 5/6 - Rummage Sale (9am-1pm, Parking Lot)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 1)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 2)
  • Thursday, 5/11
    • LASD Spring Concert Gr. 4-6 (12:45pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/12
    • Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
    • 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 5/13
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 5/16 - State of the School (6pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/19 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/23 - 6th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5pm, Blach)
  • Thursday, 5/25 – Open House (5:30-6 Art Show in Multi, 6-7:00 Classroom Visits, 7:05-7:15 Volunteer Appreciation)
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - Grade 1 thru 3 Spring Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/2 - TK/Kinder Spring Music Concert (11am, Multi)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Please excuse the delay in this week’s message.  


  • This week, 9 staff members from Almond traveled to San diego for a conference to learn additional effective practices in supporting diverse learners.  There is no single profile of “a typical” student.  Every student has a jagged learning profile that includes strengths and areas of need.  The American education system was developed and structured during the industrial age when it was sufficient to prepare most students for factory work and some for other types of opportunities.  The professional landscape with which our children must now contend spans the globe and necessitates skills beyond basic literacy and computation.  
  • We were also able to visit Design39, a public school in Poway that is incorporating some non-traditional practices into their school model.  Almond has been adjusting its instructional toolset over the past four years to meet the needs of ALL students.  Our visit confirmed that we have much to celebrate!
  • Join us on Tuesday, May 16th, at 6pm in the multi for a “State of the School.”  What is a “State of the School?”  It’s what happens when a school coffee and School Site Council swirl together (kind of like the Unicorn Frappuccino).
  • This will be hosted by many of the Almond staff members.  We will be sharing with you our successes, and reflecting on our learnings.  We will also solicit input on next year’s school goals.  Additionally, there will be a question/answer component.
  • We hope you’ll join us.


  • While there is a historical reason why this date was celebrated in Mexico; in the U.S. this date has become an opportunity to celebrate Mexican-American culture.  I particularly appreciate this day because I was born in Mexico City and spent the first five years of my life in that amazing country.  
  • Each and every culture has its own beauty that surfaces in the form of language, food, music, people, and traditions.  Our own experiences become enriched by learning about the contributions of others.


  • Today I provided some information regarding an accident that occurred down the street near the high school involving a driver and a student on a bicycle.  It was never my intent to cast blame on either party.  I shared some safety tips.  These were shared from the perspective of what kids can do to remain safe (e.g. look both ways when crossing a street, not be distracted while riding, and to make eye contact with drivers to ensure you’re seen).
  • I’d also like to take the opportunity to remind all of us drivers out there to take extra precaution while driving in school zones.  Please mind the the speed limit.  Please follow the “hands free” laws.  Please pay extra attention to the young people that are in sidewalks and streets making their way to school.



Spring Music Concerts Are Coming: May 10th-19th
“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning.” ― Plato. LAEF is proud to sponsor LASD Music for grades 4-6. Join us and enjoy classical pieces, folk songs, popular music, and film favorites. Fourth graders will be singing and playing their recorders. Fifth graders will have their 1st full ensemble performance in the band, orchestra, or chorus. Sixth will have their final performance in the band, orchestra, or chorus. For more information, please go to

Environmental Stewardship Day on Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

  • This will be a community beautification day at Almond School where students, parents, and members of the community will help to maintain our gardens, plant flowers, and clean up the campus in time for Open House! If you have a 6th grade student looking for community service hours, this will also satisfy three hours of volunteer work.
  • This is part of Katia Gibson’s (Los Altos High senior and daughter of staff member Martha Gomez) Girl Scout Gold Award project, and everyone is invited. Students must have a parent supervisor to participate. No prior gardening experience is necessary, and we will teach various techniques such as pruning, planting, and mulching our gardens. Tools will be provided, but we would encourage you to bring your own labeled tools if you have them.
  • If you or your student would like to participate, please fill out the Google form:
  • Questions or concerns, please reach out to

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, June 1, and we need your help!
Previously known as Portfolio Day, the Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for our 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work. This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents and community members to volunteer as interviewers.  The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school.  Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience.  Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer.  Confirmation emails will be sent once we have assigned all volunteers.  See Egan’s website for more information:  Viking Showcase.  If you have any questions, please contact Gayle Mujica at or Susan Cook at

Please complete a short survey on your experience with the after school programs this year.  I appreciate your feedback so we can make next year even better!




  • The PTA is organizing Almond’s first Rummage / Yard Sale.
  • Why: To raise funds for the school, to have a fun day, and to provide an opportunity for all the Almond families to sell all their unwanted stuff (second-hand clothes, toys, furniture, collectables, and any other products they wish to sell).  We are also inviting all the children and parents who are talented artists, designers, or avid hand-crafters to sell their creations.
  • When: Saturday May 6th, 2017
  • Where: Almond School Parking Lot
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • How to be part of the event:
    • Each family interested in selling items the day of the event, will set up a table in one of the parking spots. (Setting up time will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM)  The family-participant can either use one of the school’s tables or use their own furniture to sell their products.
  • The family-participant will decide between:
    • Donating part or all their profit.
    • Donating  food-drinks to be sold during the event.
  • We are looking for volunteers to help setting up tables on the day, selling the donated food and drinks, and/or cleaning up once the event is finished.
  • If you are interested please contact Jenny Rojas at


  • It's time to order school supplies for next year!  Almond Elementary is now available for ordering online at School-Pak.  Go to and quickly and easily order school supplies for next year.  Order by June 10th for DISCOUNTED PRICE and FREE school delivery, or order by July 12th for home delivery (shipping charges apply).
  • School-Pak is the simple way to shop for school supplies.  You'll enjoy brand name products you know and trust, pre-packaged kits that meet teacher approved lists, and easy payment options.
  • Please email Deidre Caldbeck at if you have any questions.


  • We hope that everyone had a great Spring Break!!
  • If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to order your copy of the 2016-17 Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were *not* ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to reserve your copy:
  • (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:
  • (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms are available in the school office.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your copy now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (
  • Thanks, Fintan McCabe & Leon Yao (Yearbook Committee)


(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ruby Border, 4/21, Solving problems. Created an exit ticket for a student when we ran out and guided the student through it.
  • Sophie Brauer, 4/24, Solving problems. Helping Ms. Carla organize.
  • Eason Dong, 4/29, Solving problems. Being an awesome translator!
  • Alex Federov, 5/4, Respecting self and others. You've been making good choices lately!
  • Charlotte Jones, 4/28, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Charlotte had a great attitude and showed respect to teachers and students!
  • Madison Louie, 5/3, Solving problems , Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Respecting teachers and peers and always making great choices!
  • Sean Parker, 5/4, Solving problems. Picking up trash during lunch without prompting.
  • Kira Polan, 5/4, Owning learning. Loves to learn! Stays on task and works hard.

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