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April 28, 2017

April 27, 2017


  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Wednesday, 5/3  - Girls on the Run Mock 5K Event (3:05pm, Almond Field)
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)
  • Saturday, 5/6 - Rummage Sale
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 1)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 2)
  • Thursday, 5/11
    • LASD Spring Concert Gr. 4-6 (12:45pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/12
    • Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
    • 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 5/13
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/19 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/23 - 6th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - Grade 1 thru 3 Spring Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/2 - TK/Kinder Spring Music Concer (11am, Multi)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


...from Mrs. Benadom

Last Friday, our community came together in celebration of cultural diversity at the International Festival.   The PTA leaders who coordinated the event gave so much of themselves to make the evening a great success.  Throughout the night, my heart filled with gratitude and I saw beauty in the pride our families had for their cultural heritage.

Yesterday evening, almost two dozen Almond families welcomed 24 student visitors from Hangzhou, China.  My heart filled with gratitude and I saw beauty in the generosity of those opening their homes.

This coming Friday is Junior Olympics.  There is something electrifying about this annual LASD tradition.  It brings together all of our schools in fun spirited competition.  Our students are able to excel in the physical realm to balance all their hard work in growing their brains.  

This incredible day cannot happen without the support of volunteers.  I just checked out the list and there are MANY empty slots for this Saturday’s Junior Olympics.  We are still in need of much support.  If you haven’t yet done so, please visit THISspreadsheet and indicate how you can lend a hand to make this event a success.  

And, I am certain, that on Saturday, my heart will be filled again with gratitude as I see beauty in the cheers of encouragement from all the spectators to our brave athletes.



  • There has been a fundraiser going on in Almond. The money is being donated to CHP's Learning Academy. This years goal is to raise $2,750! The school has raised more than $1,900! Money can be donated by check, bill, and/or coins. Be sure to donate! There is a box in the office, as well as your child's room. The Student Council has also been asking for money during school events such as the STEM EXPO and would like to do it during the Junior Olympics.
  • The annual Junior Olympics is coming up! On Friday is the school Pep Rally, make sure your kids wear their Junior Olympic shirts.
  • Last week was the Sports Day Do-Over Spirit Day. The classes that won were all in 4th grade: Ms. Greene’s class, Ms. Wishnack’s class, and Ms.Daggett’s class.
  • The next upcoming spirit day is Character Day, which will be on May 19. Your kids can dress up like any Character they want from a book, movie, or tv show. (Make sure it is school appropriate).

LAEF: Let’s Celebrate Junior Olympics – It’s Countdown Time!
We’re looking forward to celebrating our 4-6th grade LASD athletes and community spirit with you this weekend! During this “Countdown to J.O.”, we would like to thank the 2,003 families who have donated to LAEF this school year with 563 families also requesting a corporate match. We are getting close to the finish line, and that means we are counting on a few more families to donate, request a match or fulfill their pledges by Friday, April 28th.  Contributions in the past week have ranged from $100 to $5,000, and every dollar you give will help us meet our $3.7M fundraising goal. Donate today at or bring a check to the school office this week. Thank you!


  • Pep Rally - Friday morning is our annual JO Pep Rally at the morning assembly.  Please remind your 4th-6th grade students to come to the multi (after dropping off their backpacks) to line up for the parade/rally.  We will have the 4th-6th grade students gather in the multi around 8:20/8:25 and begin the "parade" at 8:30, once the younger children have been seated on the blacktop. They should also wear their Junior Olympics t-shirt.  
  • Volunteer Sign Ups - It's not too late.  If you haven't already done so, PLEASE sign up to volunteer at the event.  The document is filling up but we still need some help in Security and Long Jump.  All parents of participating students are asked to contribute some time to make this incredible event a success.
  • Event Information — An event map, schedule, snack bar menu and more are included in the program. Programs are available at the event and online at Please review your child’s events ahead of time to plan out your day. Each school has a tent where students can gather between events. Chairs and blankets are also helpful to have.
  • Food — A snack bar is set up to sell food throughout the day including sandwiches, salad, pizza, healthy snacks and beverages. CASH ONLY
  • Parking — Parking is available along streets, in the MVHS lot by the tennis courts, in the church lot on Truman Ave and at Oak School. Please DO NOT park in any of the red emergency vehicle zones or main lot on Truman x Bryant. Due to limited parking at MVHS, we recommend that families walk, bike, and carpool as much as possible and plan to arrive early.
  • Attire — In order to compete, athletes must be dressed in their school JO t-shirt and wearing tennis or running shoes (no cleats, no bare feet, no sandals). Students should wear comfortable clothes, layered for temperature variations, and bring water and sunscreen. Please remind athletes to keep drinking water throughout the day, especially before their events.
  • Sportsmanship — Junior Olympics is a friendly competition. Any unsportsmanlike behavior (fighting, arguing with judges, taunting, etc.) will subject athletes to disqualification or removal from JO.
  • Running Events — NO cleats, spikes, soccer shoes, track shoes, track shoes with spikes removed, or bare feet. Students should warm up and stretch prior to each event. The 1320 run will be held at 8:00a.m. (1320 runners should plan to arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 am.). The top 6 finishers in hurdles and dash qualify for finals. Official batons are provided – athletes do not bring their own. There is only one entrance to the track events (1320 comes through a different gate onto the track that closes after the  event).
  • Opening Ceremony — The Opening Ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 am (Students should arrive between 8:30 and 8:45am). Students assemble near their school’s colored balloons on the practice fields of the high school, next to the track. After the ceremony, students will exit the track near the school tents.
  • Please arrange to meet your child at your school tent. If your 6th grader is in the band, please follow prearranged plan for meeting them and retrieving their instrument.
  • Track Access — Only authorized volunteers and athletes are permitted on the track. Dash, Hurdles and Relay participants must enter the track at the athletes’ entrance and exit the track near the finish lines of the events. Relay coaches do not go onto the track with the athletes.
  • Results — The top 6 finishers in each event will be posted on the fence near the info booth as well as online at The top 6 Hurdles and Dash finalists qualify for Finals.
  • Los Altos Downtown Visioning Committee - In between cheering on our athletes, be sure to stop by the Los Altos Downtown Visioning Committee's booth to make our voice heard for downtown planning. What do you want downtown Los Altos to be?  What do you want to improve? What is important to you?  The Visioning committee is seriously in need of opinions from Los Altos families with children.
  • Junior Olympics is a fun-filled event that includes almost 1500 participants, hundreds of cheering fans and tremendous community support. We look forward to seeing all of the athletes achieve their personal best on this day!
  • Thank you! Kirsten, Vicky & Suzanne

GIRLS ON THE RUN MOCK 5K, 5/3 @ 3:05pm
Come cheer on a group of students who have been training for a 5k on Saturday, 5/20 at Vasona Park.  These students will run a mock 5K at the field this coming Wednesday.  It would terrific if they had some support and encouragement.


  • The PTA is organizing Almond’s first Rummage / Yard Sale.
  • Why: To raise funds for the school, to have a fun day, and to provide an opportunity for all the Almond families to sell all their unwanted stuff (second-hand clothes, toys, furniture, collectables, and any other products they wish to sell).  We are also inviting all the children and parents who are talented artists, designers, or avid hand-crafters to sell their creations.
  • When: Saturday May 6th, 2017
  • Where: Almond School Parking Lot
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • How to be part of the event:
    • Each family interested in selling items the day of the event, will set up a table in one of the parking spots. (Setting up time will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM)  The family-participant can either use one of the school’s tables or use their own furniture to sell their products.
  • The family-participant will decide between:
    • Donating part or all their profit.
    • Donating  food-drinks to be sold during the event.
  • We are looking for volunteers to help setting up tables on the day, selling the donated food and drinks, and/or cleaning up once the event is finished.
  • If you are interested please contact Jenny Rojas at


  • In April, the 1st-5th graders are reading Enemy Pie by Derek Munson. This book focuses on building interpersonal relationships by using a growth mindset that embraces meeting new people and discovering new things about classmates and friends.  Students will be challenged to recognize their own prejudice and stereotypes and how snap judgements about others can sometimes lead to a perceived "enemy."  The book also shows how a caring adult can help create opportunities for friendships to bloom and overcome obstacles.  
  • The Kindergarten students will be reading Reach Out and Give by Cheri Meiners. This book talks about the importance of service to your community.  It empowers children to understand that their special skills can make meaningful contributions to their family, school and neighborhood.  
  • This month the 6th graders are discussing "Middle School Confidential" - Chapter 8: Make New Friends. We will provide tools that they can use next year since everyone will be moving on to a new school with the opportunity to make new friends. We will discuss how starting a new friendship can be awkward or difficult, but that it is a lifelong skill that even adults can benefit from.
  • For more information about the ABC Program, see our section [] on the Almond website or contact Jen Walker, Julie Watson, or Mona ElNaggar


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