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March 31, 2017

March 30, 2017


  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Tuesday, 4/18 - Evening School Coffee re: Supporting Your Child’s Gender Journey (Multi, 6:30pm)
  • Friday, 4/21 - International Feast (Multi, 6pm)
  • Monday, 4/24 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 4/25
    • Grade 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
    • Almond Singers Spring Concert (Multi, 7pm)
  • Wednesday, 4/26
    • Grades 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
    • Families from China arrive in PM @ Los Altos
  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Spring is a time of year when blossoms greet us after a long, wet winter.  

[Seventy five percent of our school year is complete, we have 44 remaining instructional days.]  

These bursts of color serve as reminders that beauty still exists.  

[We educators need to find resilience in our souls to focus our gaze on the bright ways that our students shine.]

Ocean Park Standoff’s song “Good News” captures this mindshift.  It is easy to get lost in the craziness of the world.  

Here is a whole lot of good news...

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/25, Respecting self & others, Eagerly helped clean up a mess in the classroom she didn’t make - Mrs. Hall
  • Ryan Apfelberg, 3/24, Always making good choices
  • Cesar Bautista, 3/16, Always making good choices, helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Dominique Beatty, 3/16, Always making good choices, helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Kavya Bhaskaran, 3/22, Owning learning
  • Dylan Brown, 3/22, Owning Learning
  • Abby Carter, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Fantastic origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Kate Carter, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, The best origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Julian Chavez, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Jeff Chen, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Super origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Axel Edin, 3/20, Always making good choices, Axel picked up basketballs after recess without being asked. :-) Mrs. Hall
  • Emilio Farias, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kider during recess & lunch.
  • Marat Gilvanov, 3/23, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others
  • Jacob Kung, 3/21, Solving problems, Came up with a respectful fair and mature way to discuss and hopefully solve a problem.
  • Ella Liniger, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Fanstastic origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Liam Meyer, 3/22, Always making good choices
  • Micheal Park, 3/20, Sovling problems, Eagerly cleaned up a mess in the classroom he didn’t make.  - Mrs. Hall
  • Angel Rios, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kinder during recess and lunch.
  • Eva Rolnick, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Great origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Konstantin Rolnick, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Super origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Nisha Sanjeevan, 3/14, Owning learning in math - Mr. Stuart
  • Izzy Sehnert, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Excellent origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Elliott Song, 3/16, Solving problems, picking up trash and placing jackets in lost and found
  • Sammie Stegina, 3/15, Owning learning via book review
  • Connor Uchida, 3/22, Always making good choices
  • German Zuniga, 3/23, Solving problems, Owning Learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Flynn, Jimmy - “He is constantly smiling and is friendly to everyone.” (Jen Walker)
  • Lenart, Ella - “Ella has developed a love of math even though it is complex and feels challenging. She is a roll model for others as she encourages them to push through the tough points and see the exciting parts of math. I see her having a growth mindset here and trying to instill that in others without even realizing she is doing that. Even more than doing math Ella loves nothing more than sharing multiple ways of thinking about problems.  One day in particular, on a day with a sub, the entire class was unclear on a complex math topic and wasn't understanding it.  Ella openly shared her method of tackling the problem with the class. She led the class in how she thought  about the problem. There was a huge "Ah ha" moment from the entire class. Sharing knowledge is a huge component of leadership, and I'm so proud of Ella for both stepping up and for successfully being able to get people to see a different perspective.”         (Kristen Lenart)
  • Popescu, Razvan - “Thank you, Razvan, for taking on the role of organizing the students in Helping Wings. You have made it possible for teachers to have student helpers and for students to be able to give back to their school.”    

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Alberico, Stacie - “I see how hard Ms. Aberico works every single day to move things along and keep the kids focused on learning.  These children may never say thank you to her, but the rest of us know and see it: Thank you Ms. Aberico.  Our TK class wouldn't be the same without your selfless effort and giving!” (Emily Guy)
  • Au, Sharon - “Its cold, its raining, its windy.. doesnt matter! You have Sharon standing there waving in kids and cars & controlling traffic for everyone's safety! She has the friendliest smile & tries hard to learn kids' names too! Thank you for what u do!” (Shivani Pradhan)  “For greeting us all by name and with a smile, morning and afternoon at the crossing in the carpark.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Aubrey, Allison - “For being an inspiration, from learning... to running :).” (Barbara Petit) “She always shares her resources and troubleshoots for our team-all with a smile on her face.” (Jessica Saretsky)
  • Axley, Natalie - “Making all her students feel super special.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Chan, Joe - “Mr. Chan is more than just a teacher who teaches academics. He truly cares for each of his students!  Many life lessons taught that will stay with my son for many years. (Parent)  “Caring and committed. More than just academics.  I appreciate how he always tries to get to know my child at a personal level.”  (Former & Current Parent)
  • Daggett, Annie - “Annie Daggett teaches key subjects but her effects on the kids transport past the classroom. Ms Daggett's teaches academics through projects and hands on methods that create long term learning -the kids talk about how much they love learning and doing the activities. They are developing a natural curiosity about learning. Ms. Daggett creates a warm environment where kids feel comfortable - the kids talk about how patient she is when things get a little crazy  in the classroom and much they appreciate her. She is honest and sharing. For example they like hearing her methods of dealing with difficult emotions, like breathing deeply a few times.  The kids feel safe and cared about and sometimes accidentally call her Mom.  Ms. Daggett essentially creates both a love of learning and creates internal motivation in kids which is an incredibly difficult thing to do.” (Kristen Lenart)
  • Eldridge, Jenny - “We appreciate Mrs. Eldridge because she warmly welcomed Everly into her classroom - and prepped the class to warmly welcome Everly - when she arrived as a new student in November.  It helped make the transition much easier for our daughter.” (Ashley & Richard Kraska)
  • Gomez, Martha - “Ms. Gomez supports so many things at our school, and always has a positive, can-do attitude.”           (Kristin)
  • Musselman, Joyce - “I work with Joyce on an almost weekly basis to handle the financial handshake between the school (Joyce) and the PTA (me). She has been unbelievably patient and kind as I move slowly through the learning curve. I can not thank her enough for all of her understanding and time she provides to me.” (Lori Sevcik)
  • Nguyen, Samantha - “Mrs. Nguyen takes time every morning to greet each one of her students before taking them to the classroom.  This is a nice personal way to start the day for her students. It shows she cares about them and recognizes them as individuals.   My daughter looks forward to this everyday and makes sure she's in line and ready to go to class!” (Eunice Louie)
  • Ohlund, Laura - “For inspiring our kids to stretch and grow, be bold, be adventurous and enjoy learning.” (Barbara Petit, Lucie Michel's mum)  “Dedicated and wants my child to excel in all areas.” (Parent)  "Ms. Ohlund is one of the most passionate, dedicated and extraordinary teachers at Almond. She is an amazing leader of her team, always communicating with the other fifth grade teachers about student needs and strengths as well as collaborating on curriculum to create the most dynamic lesson plans to support and motivate students in all areas of academics. She creates exciting science lessons that inspire students and she leads them to discover the greatness within themselves as scientists. [insert paragraph] Ms. Ohlund genuinely cares about her students and their access to the curriculum in all classes and goes above and beyond for her students so that each child feels important and able to succeed in her classroom. I have been amazed with the quick responses to parent emails, for being so thoughtful with her thorough answers and her action plans. Ms. Ohlund has also been the leader in getting her team to respond to student behavior questionnaires for individual student testing and has attended many long meetings with enthusiasm in order to create individualized learning plans for her special needs students. She has done everything she can to modify assignments whether it is using Google Voice in the classroom or helping students write down homework in their planner, Ms. Ohlund goes the extra mile to help her students to succeed as well as to also encourage them to become independent learners, thinkers and planners. [insert paragraph]  This is a teacher who leads her students to find that they are powerful beyond measure. She provides incredible feedback to her students on how to change course, try something new and different so that they can succeed using their strengths. Ms. Ohlund is that rare gem of a teacher who impacts her students for a lifetime." (Susana Herrera)
  • Powell, Melissa - "Thoughtful and engaging teacher who leads by example. She has high expectation from all our students and helps them achieve their academic goals as well as personal interests.” (anonymous) “Clear vision, direction and deep care for each and every child and their growth.” (Courtney Hu)
  • Reilly, Tammy - “Her gentle, loving way inspires students to be the best person they can be.  Because she develops such a rapport with children, they are given the confidence to work and learn to their full potential.” (Jen Walker)
  • Sanders, Jane - “Mrs. Sanders can handle (what seems to be) and unlimited number of simultaneous requests. She does this every day, with a smile on her face, and a huge willingness to help, even when it might be pretty inconvenient. (Amy Mendenhall)  “Jane fills the role of friend, confidant, mother, aunt, and nurse to so many of us in the Almond community including parents, teachers, and children. She not only does it with grace and humor but also with firmness and finesse.” (Lori Sevcik)  “She makes every student and parent feel valued and welcome.  Jane demonstrates the culture of our school from the moment someone first walks into the door.” (Jen Walker)
  • Schubert, Lisa - “She leads by example! She goes above and beyond to make our kids feel at home in TK. Even more incredible is her humility & selfless drive to give more, do more! She donated to PTA for kodable -programming for kids & Tkers have been coding since November it seems!” (Shivani Pradhan)  “She effuses passion, nurturance, warmth, patience and love for her students and her profession. She is truly a gem. She models a delicate balance of kindness and structure every time I am in her classroom. She is always smiling and laughing, but keeps it real! We are so grateful that my daughter's first elementary experience was through the eyes of Ms. Schubert.” (Gaby Stern)  “She handles a room of 25 5 year Olds like it's nothing, making each of them feel curious and excited about learning and coming to school. Each kids feels like she has her special attention. She is amazing.” (Laurel Anderson)  “Every child has individual time with her - they trust and love her, and there's nothing more I could ask for from a teacher.” (Emily Guy)  “Ms. Shubert is such a great TK teacher. She is so amazing with these little children. She gets right down to their level and speaks their language. All her students love her so much! I have learned so much from watching, first hand, how she deals with this age group of children.” (anonymous)

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Cai, Bingxue - “Run the Almond Hot Lunch Program which my daughter eats every day. That work alone requires the strength and perseverance of a saint!”               (Lori Sevcik)
  • Crosby, Christi - “She steps up for so many volunteer jobs. You can count on her to be helping at most every event.” (Erin Sobota)
  • Daniels, Barbara - “Barbara Daniels is one of those people who is always helping out and always with a smile and thank you. She has lead the Walkathon, Gala auction, Project Cornerstone (she will be leading 6th grade next year), Colonial Day and the PTA nomination committee - and I know she helps with hot lunch and participates in many other Almond activities. It is a pleasure to volunteer with Barbara as she calmly leads with a smile, incredible organization, appreciation, understanding and no drama. Barbara inspires others to volunteer, and there is no doubt, she makes a positive impact on our community. (Wendy McDowell)
  • Davari, Shahram - “Runs the Almond Hot Lunch Program which my daughter eats every day. That work alone requires the strength and perseverance of a saint!” (Lori Sevcik)
  • ElNaggar, Mona - “Mona has spent hours coordinating the Cornerstone Project.”           (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone” Renee Boustead
  • Sevcik, Lori - “Lori brings her amazing sense of humor, patience, positivity and can-do spirit to tons of Almond activities. I probably don't know all that she does but am thankful she makes time in her busy weeks to be treasurer on the PTA Board,  lead Girls on the Run, work on the school play, be a Room Parent and  volunteer for other school activities and events. She also ran an Almond Girl Scout troop for a few years too. I'm thankful for her being at Almond and there for the children!”   (Bronwyn O'Malley)
  • Smith, Luisa - “She graciously heads up the Almond Singers, The musicals and is the 3rd grade class parent for Mrs. Dadigian's class. She used to be the Daisy Scout leader as well. She has dedicated so much time to the school and hosted many auctioned off playdates. Gracias, Luisa!” (Robyn Hughes)  “Leading the Musical.”  (Renee Boustead)
  • Steciw, Sandrine - “She's been a hero at our school, working in many ways to support the students, staff and parents.  Sandrine has served over the past 5 years as Room Parent three times, Hot Lunch liaison for two years (a very tough job, and very important job, but not an appreciated job), as PTA officer, Junior Olympic helper, Colonial Day cooking lead,  chaperone on many field trips and overall a great Mom to our kids!  She is a leader at Almond and I am very proud and grateful for everything she has done.” (Oleg Steciw)
  • Walker, Jen - “Jen has spent so much time and energy coordinating the Cornerstone Project.” (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Watson, Julie - “She has spent so many hours coordinating the Cornerstone project.” (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone.” (Renee Boustead)  “She selflessly and quietly uses her many talents to support both students at Almond and various PTA committees that need her help.  Her kind, loving nature makes Almond a better place and she truly cares about kids and educators.” (Jen Walker)



  • For many, gender has existed in a binary paradigm (male/female).  Current research expands this construct to one that is multi-faceted and rich with dimension.  The greatest gift a parent can give their child is the assurance that they will be loved for who they are.  Period.
  • Join a group of distinguished guests, Coni Cullimore (Egan Assistant Principal), Dr. Jill Hagenkord (Almond Parent), Cade Maw (Egan Student), Mark Tanner (Almond Student), Kristin Clouser (Almond School Psychologist), and more still in the works.
  • When:  Tuesday, 4/18 at 6:30pm in the Multi.


  • A special thank you to the Almond families below who contributed $5,000 or more this school year to provide the cornerstone of LAEF’s grant. We’ll be recognizing all of our Leadership Circle donors in the Junior Olympics program.  It’s not too late to join them by donating before Friday, April 7th at or contacting the LAEF Office at 650.559.0445 /
  • Anonymous (2) * Alix & Steve Apfelberg * Rachel Harnish & Andrew Barton * Cheryl & Ken Branson * Jessica & Chris Chang * Victoria Lee & Alfred Chin * Amy Hsieh & Carty Chock * Jeff & Lisa Cuppett * Lucy & Jeffery Donovan * Sara & Brian Elkin * Lisa Guerra & Charles Kung * Rachel & Damien Lambert * Zhuyuan Liu & Yue Li * Wendy & Robert McDowell * Judy & Ron Nagy * Karen & Elliott Ng * Barbara Petit * Alina & Catalin Popescu * Jill & Jack Symon * Jane & Brian Tanabe

More will be explained in a subsequent message.  We apologize for the confusion.  Working to gain clarity and will then reach out.


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