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November 13, 2014

On Tuesday of this week, our nation’s federally/state funded programs (one of those being our schools) had a day off.  While it was a day to stay in our PJs a little bit longer, to break away from our typical routine, and perhaps to even enjoy an adventure - Veteran’s Day symbolizes much, much more.  It’s about service!  Women and men in our country have dedicated their lives to serving in the Armed Forces to protect our freedoms as Americans.  If engaged in a conversation with a veteran, one might ask, “When did you serve? How long did you serve?  Where did you serve?  Who were some of the brothers and sisters with whom you served?”


Those of you who actually :-) read my Thursday Word messages, have likely noticed that I have spoken about service in the past.  In the 2013-14 yearbook, I signed the cover letter with “At your service.”  Why?  Why is service such a significant concept in my life’s framework?  To lead, one must serve.  One must understand the needs that exist and be willing to roll up his/her sleeves to find solutions to challenges.  Service however is a concept that transcends leadership and holds for me a fundamental place examining the human experience.  If we look at the word to “serve,” in its most raw form, it is about putting the needs of others ahead of one’s own.  It’s about selflessness.  


Tuesday was a day to stop and honor those who serve our country.  Today is an opportunity for us to practice this service to others on “World Kindness Day” established through the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.  It certainly shouldn’t be necessary for a day to be set aside to encourage us to put someone else’s needs before our own; however, since it has been done, let’s ACT NOW and make it happen.  Perhaps today is the day that you smile (and say hello, and shake hands) of the stranger waiting next to you in the Rotunda of Almond School at dismissal.  Or maybe you write a handwritten note to an Almond staff member or volunteer parent to thank them for their service to our children.  Whatever you choose to do, do it with selflessness, a giving heart and no expectation of receiving anything in return.  That is the true nature of service and kindness.


With that in mind, I close with a humble CALL TO SERVICE!


We are in dire need of volunteers for hot lunch.  Each day approximately 200+ students eat hot lunch.  If your child participates in this offering, I, Mrs. Benadom, am personally asking you to help OUR SCHOOL serve your child.  It is incredibly frustrating, exhausting, and demoralizing to the few volunteers that we currently have to frantically attempt to serve students without the necessary adult support.  The end result is your child waiting in line for over half of their lunch to get their food because we do not have the 5 needed adults on hand to efficiently serve our students.  This service requires 1 hour of your time (11:45am - 12:45pm).  If every single parent of the 200+ students who utilize the hot lunch program served OUR STUDENTS once per month, this need would be satisfied.


There are many of you out there that already contribute countless hours of service to OUR SCHOOL!  Thank you for your gift of time, service, and selflessness.

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