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March 12, 2018

March 8, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


A special thank you to the following amazing women who made this past Saturday’s auction a smashing success:  Nina Kramer, Gabi Gomez, Marcsi Elovson, Leslie Lee, and Linda Daniel.  In addition, none of this would have been possible without the gracious leadership of our PTA President, Rachel Harnish.  There were also many volunteers that assisted with set up, check in, spotting for paddles, check out, and more.  Thank you to each and every one of you. Finally, a word of thanks to our master of ceremonies, Raj Matthai.  You were eloquent and engaging as always.

For those who were not able to make it to this lovely evening, below is my address from evening that communicates my sincere gratitude for the time I have been able to spend with all of you these past five years.

Auction Greeting
Have you ever had one of those days where time feels as though it is passing with intention?  Not slowly.  Just deliberate.  You’re senses are heightened and you notice things you’ve not noticed before?

I’ve been having one of those days today.  In fact, many of my days feel that way as of late.

I came across one of those quote pictures from that captures this sentiment.  “And then it happens...One day you wake up and you’re in this place.  You’re in this place where everything feels right.  Your heart is calm.  You soul is lit.  Your thoughts are positive.  Your vision is clear.  You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through, and at peace with where you’re headed.”

Almond community, this has been a glorious adventure!  Five years ago I joined this extraordinary community.  And what a community we have been.  A community can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”  We began our journey together as strangers, but it is most definitely coming to a close, in fellowship.

It has been a privilege to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

It is no secret that what brings me unbridled joy each and every day are your children.  They are so magnificent. Every single one of them.  They crack me up with their humor and silliness.  They steal my heart with their kindness and tenderness. They enamor me with their their beautiful quirkiness.  They take my breath away with their boundless energy.  They are so full of promise.  It shines in their eyes, their smiles, the sound of their laughter, the skip in their step.  They are our future.  They will take the reins from us in the blink of an eye.  And when they do, it is my hope they will be fortified with resilience, confidence, goodness, love, a sense of justice, and courage.

I have walked alongside a staff that is like no other that I have known.  We are able to engage in high level discourse around mission and vision because we don’t waste time on givens.  Not only do these remarkable humans love your children, not only do they make it their priority to meet the needs of every learner, not only do they strive to make learning applicable and relevant - they take risks and are fearless.  What I most appreciate about the Almond staff though - is how they care for each other.  They know each other.  When one stumbles, they don’t walk by.  Instead, they kneel down, reach out their hands, and lift each other up.  I have personally experienced this support and it has left an indelible impression on my heart.  Thank you.

And, the final element in the holy school trinity - you, the parents.  You are the initial teachers of your children.  You taught them how to walk, talk, and love.  You become our partners for many years.  However, you carry on the teaching process until your last breath on this planet.  I have known you to be selfless, giving, generous, brilliant, trusting, and most importantly - your child’s consummate advocate.  We have celebrated joys together.  We have embraced and shed tears together.  During any encounter we’ve had where the mighty roar of a mama or papa bear sounded, I reminded myself that you are a parent who only wants what’s best for your cub.  I understand this - because I too am a parent.  You have raised wonderful children.   You deserve to be very proud.  Keep up the great work!

In my 20+ years as an educator, I’ve been a teacher, a district leader, and a school leader.  One of my realizations in this role is...leaders come and go.  Similarly, students and families come and go.  A family’s time at a particular school is temporary.  While typically the most stable element of a school is the staff, in actuality, that is also ever changing.  So, what remains in the wake of all of this passage?  The culture. The belief systems. The mission and the vision.

At Almond, we have a short and sweet mantra.  “Own it.”  Whatever that might be.  Own your learning.  Own your success.  Own the success of your team.  Own your mistakes.  I propose that we extend this notion as a community a bit further - in service of a more beautiful world.  Let us own the way we show respect to others.  Let us own a sense of decency and civilized behavior that every human on this planet has a right to receive.  Let us own accountability and responsibility for our own actions.  Let us own that we have the great privilege of shepherding forward the next generation as models of integrity.

Thank you for coming tonight.  Thank you to all who made this night possible.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

It has been my honor to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

Let us raise our glasses together for one last toast.  Be merry, dance, and spend...all for the sake of...OUR children.  Cheers.




  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized nametags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catchup with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao preforming on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • Thank you to all who participated in the live and silent auctions at this year's gala!  
  • We have just a couple of items left (Kindergarten art projects, premium symphony tickets, and camps) that were not bid on and are now ON SALE for their starting bid prices or less.  This means first come, first served, so hurry and buy now!  
  • There are also a few parties that still have a few spots open plus new spots made available for previously sold out parties.  Hurry to get your spot.  
  • (Note: Names of bidders from the gala are listed online for the parties.  Names of bidders from the Walkathon do not appear. If you're uncertain whether you've already bid on a party, please contact Nina at
  • Your Gala Auction Chairs, Nina & Gabby


  • This month, the 1st-5th grade ABC readers will present the book How Do I Stand In Your Shoes. The focus of this book is empathy, and it helps students notice, name, and understand the feelings or difficulties of others. Showing empathy is a complex social skill that requires practice but also an essential skill that can help prevent unhealthy patterns of put-downs, racism, and hostility.
  • Almond's 6th graders are continuing to discuss friendship dilemmas and how to deal with them using the book Middle School Confidential: Real Friends vs. The Other Kind, by Annie Fox. This month, we will focus on strategies for making new friends.
  • The Kindergarteners are reading Be Polite and Kind, by Cheri Meiner. This book encourages children to use good manners to help everyone get along and feel good.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Jen Walker( or Mona ElNaggar ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.


  • Congratulations to Jennifer Carlstrom, LAEF Board Member and former LAEF Board President, for being honored with a 2018 Gardner Award by the Los Altos Community Foundation for her outstanding volunteer service to our foundation.   If you are interested in volunteering for LAEF, or serving on our board, contact us at
  •  Did you know that LAEF funds the STEM IST at your school? As you enjoy your schools upcoming STEM Expo, please remember to donate to LAEF, if you haven’t already, and ensure LASD continues to offer STEM at all our elementary schools. We still need to raise $500K to fully fund this school year. Donate at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)



  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are will interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Mallory ALWAYS does her work and gives her best effort every time! Mallory often solves her problems by rereading directions and asking thoughtful, clarifying questions.
  • Egor Antonov, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Egor was a respectful listener during music class!
  • Grace Barnett, 3/7/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Grace always ask how she can help others! You can always count on Grace!
  • Macie Benson, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by showing her around the classroom and making sure she had a buddy at recess and lunch. :-)
  • Tim Bocking, 3/5/18, Owning learning. Tim made a goal to read 9 books during workshop, and he worked hard to achieve his goal!
  • Samantha Cermeno Garcia, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Chloe Chan, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Liana De Witt, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Alex Elovson, 3/1/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always working hard and has an excellent attitude in math! :-)
  • Camila Guerrero, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Camila practices her writing skills in her free time. She always remembers topic sentence, details with support, and a conclusion!
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Jungsoo showed perseverance in completing her work in writing.
  • Kyle Kragas, 3/5/18, Always making good choices. Picked up playground equipment without being asked!
  • Owen Kwok, 3/5/18, Solving problems, Owning learning . Owen helped a classmate focus and complete an entire writing activity. He not only owned his own learning, but his classmate's too!
  • Divisha Mathur, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Divisha has been an excellent class helper, cleaning up materials during transition time!
  • Angel Oregon, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Elyse Pollmann, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Brian Rancano Ramos, 3/1/18, Owning learning. Brian passed 5 iReady reading lessons in one period--WOW!!
  • Victoria Sganbatti, 3/7/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Victoria has been owning her learning by coming in before school to practice her reading.
  • Zachary Wang, 3/1/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Zachary consistently comes in the math classroom quietly, respectfully, and ready to learn! :-)
  • Liam White, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Liam is working hard to complete all assignments.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants will available at packet pickup and race day while supplies last.
  • This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run. Special comfy Home Run race shirts will be provided along with finisher medals to those who register. To register, volunteer, or for more race information, contact Sarah Robustelli or visit the event website at
  • New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!
  • Date: Saturday May 5, 2018
    • Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am
    • Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)
    • Group Registrations of 10 or more: $35 per person
    • Acquire group discount registration code from Sarah at
    • Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am
    • Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)
    • Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved.

March 8, 2018


  • Wednesday, 3/21, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 3/23
    • School Coffee re: Beyond Academics (8:30am, STEM Lab)
    • International Festival (PM, Multi)
  • Monday, 3/26, Books Inc. Book Fair Starts (ends Friday, 3/30)
  • Saturday, 3/31, Almond Community Service Event (9:30am, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 4/3, STEM Expo (TBD, Multi)
  • 4/9 - 4/13, Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 4/18, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 4/20, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Tuesday, 4/24, Almond Singer Concert (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 4/28, LASD Junior Olympics (8am-4pm, Mountain View High)
  • Tuesday, 5/8, LASD Gr. 4-6 Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • 5/14 - 5/18, 6th Graders at Science Camp
  • Friday, 5/18, School Coffee re: TBD (8:30am, STEM Lab)
  • Wednesday, 5/23, PTA General Meeting (8:30am, Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/24, Open House (6pm - 7pm)
  • Friday, 5/25, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Saturday, 5/31, Make Comfort Bags for Foster Kids (9:30am, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 12:15pm


A special thank you to the following amazing women who made this past Saturday’s auction a smashing success:  Nina Kramer, Gabi Gomez, Marcsi Elovson, Leslie Lee, and Linda Daniel.  In addition, none of this would have been possible without the gracious leadership of our PTA President, Rachel Harnish.  There were also many volunteers that assisted with set up, check in, spotting for paddles, check out, and more.  Thank you to each and every one of you. Finally, a word of thanks to our master of ceremonies, Raj Matthai.  You were eloquent and engaging as always.

For those who were not able to make it to this lovely evening, below is my address from evening that communicates my sincere gratitude for the time I have been able to spend with all of you these past five years.

Auction Greeting
Have you ever had one of those days where time feels as though it is passing with intention?  Not slowly.  Just deliberate.  You’re senses are heightened and you notice things you’ve not noticed before?

I’ve been having one of those days today.  In fact, many of my days feel that way as of late.

I came across one of those quote pictures from that captures this sentiment.  “And then it happens...One day you wake up and you’re in this place.  You’re in this place where everything feels right.  Your heart is calm.  You soul is lit.  Your thoughts are positive.  Your vision is clear.  You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through, and at peace with where you’re headed.”

Almond community, this has been a glorious adventure!  Five years ago I joined this extraordinary community.  And what a community we have been.  A community can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”  We began our journey together as strangers, but it is most definitely coming to a close, in fellowship.

It has been a privilege to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

It is no secret that what brings me unbridled joy each and every day are your children.  They are so magnificent. Every single one of them.  They crack me up with their humor and silliness.  They steal my heart with their kindness and tenderness. They enamor me with their their beautiful quirkiness.  They take my breath away with their boundless energy.  They are so full of promise.  It shines in their eyes, their smiles, the sound of their laughter, the skip in their step.  They are our future.  They will take the reins from us in the blink of an eye.  And when they do, it is my hope they will be fortified with resilience, confidence, goodness, love, a sense of justice, and courage.

I have walked alongside a staff that is like no other that I have known.  We are able to engage in high level discourse around mission and vision because we don’t waste time on givens.  Not only do these remarkable humans love your children, not only do they make it their priority to meet the needs of every learner, not only do they strive to make learning applicable and relevant - they take risks and are fearless.  What I most appreciate about the Almond staff though - is how they care for each other.  They know each other.  When one stumbles, they don’t walk by.  Instead, they kneel down, reach out their hands, and lift each other up.  I have personally experienced this support and it has left an indelible impression on my heart.  Thank you.

And, the final element in the holy school trinity - you, the parents.  You are the initial teachers of your children.  You taught them how to walk, talk, and love.  You become our partners for many years.  However, you carry on the teaching process until your last breath on this planet.  I have known you to be selfless, giving, generous, brilliant, trusting, and most importantly - your child’s consummate advocate.  We have celebrated joys together.  We have embraced and shed tears together.  During any encounter we’ve had where the mighty roar of a mama or papa bear sounded, I reminded myself that you are a parent who only wants what’s best for your cub.  I understand this - because I too am a parent.  You have raised wonderful children.   You deserve to be very proud.  Keep up the great work!

In my 20+ years as an educator, I’ve been a teacher, a district leader, and a school leader.  One of my realizations in this role is...leaders come and go.  Similarly, students and families come and go.  A family’s time at a particular school is temporary.  While typically the most stable element of a school is the staff, in actuality, that is also ever changing.  So, what remains in the wake of all of this passage?  The culture. The belief systems. The mission and the vision.

At Almond, we have a short and sweet mantra.  “Own it.”  Whatever that might be.  Own your learning.  Own your success.  Own the success of your team.  Own your mistakes.  I propose that we extend this notion as a community a bit further - in service of a more beautiful world.  Let us own the way we show respect to others.  Let us own a sense of decency and civilized behavior that every human on this planet has a right to receive.  Let us own accountability and responsibility for our own actions.  Let us own that we have the great privilege of shepherding forward the next generation as models of integrity.

Thank you for coming tonight.  Thank you to all who made this night possible.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

It has been my honor to serve your children, this incredible staff, and all of you.

Let us raise our glasses together for one last toast.  Be merry, dance, and spend...all for the sake of...OUR children.  Cheers.




  • Please join us in the multi on Saturday, March 31st, from 9:30am to 10:30am to make comfort bags for foster children!  We will fill pillowcases with stuffed toys, books, socks, games, etc. and make personalized nametags and cards for each foster kid.
  • In order to fill 50+ comfort bags, we need your help Almond Families!
  • There are three ways to help and you have till March 21st:
    • 1) Sign up here to donate an item (or more!)
    • 2) Sign up here to make a complete comfort bag for a specific child.  
    • 3) Paypal Cash - If you would prefer to donate cash and have us shop, please Paypal your cash donation to Seema at
  • RSVP Required for Event
    • To RSVP for the comfort bag making event, please email Polly at with number of attendees.  Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able.  


Come to the 5th Annual International Celebration and be Wowed by Mexican Guitarist, Ukranian Dance Troupe, Filipino Pro Dance Troupe and Our very own Student Performers
We are looking forward to an amazing line up for performers for the 5th Annual International Celebration on Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 8 pm in the Almond Multi. Please bring a favorite "international (or favorite)" dish to share (appetizer, entrée, or dessert) (serving 8-10 people) and catchup with friends and make new ones!). This year we are pleased to announce that families will be wowed by performances from our very own student performers Gabriel Barisic performing a Croatian Dance, Lucas Yao preforming on the Chinese Drums and by performances by the Kaisahan of San Jose Dance Company (Filipino) and the San Francisco based Ukrainian Dance Group "Burevisnyky". Please look out for the flyer coming home with your children - but we promise the evening promises to be an amazing evening of food, dance and music in celebration of our International diversity.

  • If your child would like to participate and share in a performance please contact Lori and Seema.
  • If you can help with the planning/organization of the event before hand or have ideas of how we can improve the event please let us know!  
  • If you can spare and hour or two the day of the event to help setup please come to the Almond multi at noon - all hands are appreciated!

We look forward to seeing Almond families at the International Celebration! For information or to signup to perform - please contact Seema Chavan ( or Lori Sevcik (  


  • Thank you to all who participated in the live and silent auctions at this year's gala!  
  • We have just a couple of items left (Kindergarten art projects, premium symphony tickets, and camps) that were not bid on and are now ON SALE for their starting bid prices or less.  This means first come, first served, so hurry and buy now!  
  • There are also a few parties that still have a few spots open plus new spots made available for previously sold out parties.  Hurry to get your spot.  
  • (Note: Names of bidders from the gala are listed online for the parties.  Names of bidders from the Walkathon do not appear. If you're uncertain whether you've already bid on a party, please contact Nina at
  • Your Gala Auction Chairs, Nina & Gabby


  • This month, the 1st-5th grade ABC readers will present the book How Do I Stand In Your Shoes. The focus of this book is empathy, and it helps students notice, name, and understand the feelings or difficulties of others. Showing empathy is a complex social skill that requires practice but also an essential skill that can help prevent unhealthy patterns of put-downs, racism, and hostility.
  • Almond's 6th graders are continuing to discuss friendship dilemmas and how to deal with them using the book Middle School Confidential: Real Friends vs. The Other Kind, by Annie Fox. This month, we will focus on strategies for making new friends.
  • The Kindergarteners are reading Be Polite and Kind, by Cheri Meiner. This book encourages children to use good manners to help everyone get along and feel good.
  • Please contact Almond co-leads Jen Walker( or Mona ElNaggar ( with any questions about the Project Cornerstone program.


  • Congratulations to Jennifer Carlstrom, LAEF Board Member and former LAEF Board President, for being honored with a 2018 Gardner Award by the Los Altos Community Foundation for her outstanding volunteer service to our foundation.   If you are interested in volunteering for LAEF, or serving on our board, contact us at
  •  Did you know that LAEF funds the STEM IST at your school? As you enjoy your schools upcoming STEM Expo, please remember to donate to LAEF, if you haven’t already, and ensure LASD continues to offer STEM at all our elementary schools. We still need to raise $500K to fully fund this school year. Donate at

LASD PARENT ED TALKS - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

  • In this one-hour parent session, STEM IST’s and LASD science teachers will share how students are building their understanding of science in order to make sense of the world around them through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The NGSS provide a strong science education that equips students with the ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems.
  • Friday, March 23, 2018 from 9:30am - 10:30am, Los Altos School District Offices
    iLearn Studio (201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024)



  • The 4th Annual STEM Expo is coming on April 3rd! The STEM Expo participation is open to any student in grades K-6 and this year, there is a new category to consider. This year, STEM Expo includes the category of Coding/Programming and students must create their own original coding project. STEM Expo allows students to work with other students from different grade levels and families can work together on a project. If your child is interested in participating, please go to THIS website to complete the “Intent to Participate”.
  • Also, Mrs. Leach is looking for volunteers to help with the set-up of the Expo, as well as parents that are will interview students about their projects. Please go to THIS website to check out volunteer opportunities to help promote science learning at Almond School.
  • If you have additional questions about STEM Expo after visiting THIS website, please feel free to contact Mrs. Leach at


  • Saturday, April 28, 2017 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School
  • The LASD Junior Olympics Committee has already been working hard to make Junior Olympics 2018 a day to remember.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28th for a fun-filled day at Mountain View High School.  It will begin with the 1320 yd run at 8:00am, followed by opening ceremonies at 9 am.  From about 9:30-1:30 will be most of the track and field events.  (listed below).  You won't want to miss the very popular Mascot Mania which takes place around 1:30pm.  The day ends at roughly 3:45 with the dash finals, hurdle finals and the relay races.  Bring the whole family but please leave your pets at home.  There will be lunch, snacks and drinks for sale AND plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your time to make this day extra special for your child!
  • General Information
    • Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available
    • Save the dates!
    • We Need Your Help Training our Young Athletes! Click 2018 Almond JO PE Training Volunteers to sign up.  

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Mallory ALWAYS does her work and gives her best effort every time! Mallory often solves her problems by rereading directions and asking thoughtful, clarifying questions.
  • Egor Antonov, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Egor was a respectful listener during music class!
  • Grace Barnett, 3/7/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Grace always ask how she can help others! You can always count on Grace!
  • Macie Benson, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by showing her around the classroom and making sure she had a buddy at recess and lunch. :-)
  • Tim Bocking, 3/5/18, Owning learning. Tim made a goal to read 9 books during workshop, and he worked hard to achieve his goal!
  • Samantha Cermeno Garcia, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Chloe Chan, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Liana De Witt, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Alex Elovson, 3/1/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always working hard and has an excellent attitude in math! :-)
  • Camila Guerrero, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Camila practices her writing skills in her free time. She always remembers topic sentence, details with support, and a conclusion!
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Jungsoo showed perseverance in completing her work in writing.
  • Kyle Kragas, 3/5/18, Always making good choices. Picked up playground equipment without being asked!
  • Owen Kwok, 3/5/18, Solving problems, Owning learning . Owen helped a classmate focus and complete an entire writing activity. He not only owned his own learning, but his classmate's too!
  • Divisha Mathur, 3/7/18, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Divisha has been an excellent class helper, cleaning up materials during transition time!
  • Angel Oregon, 3/5/18, Respecting self and others. Cleaning up after class.
  • Elyse Pollmann, 3/6/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Welcomed our new student by walking with her to lunch and asking her questions to get to know the student better. :-)
  • Brian Rancano Ramos, 3/1/18, Owning learning. Brian passed 5 iReady reading lessons in one period--WOW!!
  • Victoria Sganbatti, 3/7/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Victoria has been owning her learning by coming in before school to practice her reading.
  • Zachary Wang, 3/1/18, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Zachary consistently comes in the math classroom quietly, respectfully, and ready to learn! :-)
  • Liam White, 3/7/18, Owning learning. Liam is working hard to complete all assignments.


The 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk

  • Saturday, May 5, 2018 – 9 AM, NOTE: New date – 1st Saturday in May
  • For $10 off, use Discount Code “homerun”
  • Come out for the 17th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make Los Altos Hills Pathways your home run!
  • This year we are holding the event one week earlier than the normal scheduled weekend and it will be held on Saturday May 5th, 2018.
  • This year's event will enjoy a special Cinco de Mayo theme so wear your favorite festive running attire.  Free sombreros for interested participants

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