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Dear Almond Families,
Conferences are upon us! November 19 and 20 are designated conference days. Like all good conversations, parent–teacher conferences are opportunities for both parties to talk and listen. The conference is a time for you to learn about your child’s progress and engagement in school. This should focus on the whole child including both academic progress, and how your child connects with his/her peers and participates in our school community. This is also a time for the teacher to learn about what your child is like at home. Be sure to bring a list of questions that you would like to ask the teacher. Follow up after the conference by writing down the things that you and the teacher will each do to support your child. We all look forward to seeing you during these two very important days.
The parent-teacher partnership is a critical component of your child's school experience. Thank you for making time to meet with your child's teacher. Parents and staff working together is a critical combination for our students’ success!
Please join me tomorrow morning for this year’s first Principal Coffee. The theme of this week’s get-together is Literacy.
Here’s to fresh air during Thanksgiving break!
Camp Fire Relief Opportunities
As we get daily updates on the fires in Northern and Southern California and with that news of family/friends who have been impacted by these fires, we think of how much worse it is for the communities devastated by fire. True to Almond's spirit of community service, we are holding a donation drive as well as providing information on other ways to help fire victims.
Donate Cash/Gift Cards:
Almond Community Services will be collecting monetary donations. We will use your donations to purchase the top-requested gifts cards (Target, Walmart, Safeway, Costco, Bed Bath and Beyond, Trader Joes, etc.). We have heard from numerous organizations that donating gift cards is the most effective way to help because fire victims can buy exactly what they need. We will make sure the gift cards are delivered to the North Valley Community Foundation, a great organization that’s working directly to help fire victims of Paradise and the local community. Please PayPal donations to We will accept donations through Wednesday, November 21.
Donate Supplies:
In addition, if you would like to make a donation of supplies, a Gardner Bullis Parent (Taryn Merkley) is collecting supplies for her father to drive them up TOMORROW, Friday, to Red Cross shelters near Paradise (where her parents and siblings have all been volunteering). Specifically, they are requesting the following items:
If you drop these items off at the Egan office by noon TOMORROW, Cheryl Branson will make sure they get to Taryn.
More Resources:
This Mercury News article has provided links to allow for easy donations to Camp Fire victims, via organizations helping them directly. Some links are provided below:
GoFundMe has created a roundup of campaigns to raise money for victims.
If you have any questions please contact Seema Chavan or Polly Liu.
Thank you Almond!
Holiday Wish Drive
Holiday Wish Drive - Please Grant a Wish this Season! (Volunteer Opportunity)
Almond Community Services is pleased to host for its 4th year, a Holiday Wish Drive on behalf of Family Giving Tree (FGT). This is an Almond favorite and our most popular event every year! FGT is a charitable organization dedicated to inspiring underserved childrenand individuals throughout the bay area. For over 25 years, FGT has fulfilled over 1.3 million holiday wishes and is looking to fulfill the holiday wishes of over 75,000 local children, special need adults and seniors this holiday season. For more information on Family Giving Tree please visit www.FamilyGivingTree.
How to Participate?
Fulfill a Holiday Wish: Consider signing up to fulfill a holiday wish. It's easy and a great way to get your kids involved. Look through the holiday wishes with your children and select one or two wishes to fulfill (please note gifts should range between $25-$40). Gift donations are due before December 6th and can either be dropped off to Almond's front office (box marked Family Giving Tree) or can be dropped to Seema Chavan's home (658 Spargur Drive). Please sign up here: Family Giving Tree Gift List.
If you don't have time to select a gift or want us to fulfill wishes for your - please PayPal your donation to Seema at and note Family Giving Tree.
Volunteer at the Warehouse Event: We have secured 50 spots this year for some fun, hands-on volunteering at the FGT Warehouse on Sunday, December 16th, from 3-5pm. Come join us to help sort, wrap and prepare wishes for giving. All ages are welcome but please note this is not a drop off event and parent chaperones are required. Also we ask that for each child participating, please sign up for to fulfill a wish. Signups are on a first come first serve basis (they go fast so please RSVP as soon as you’re able) by emailing Polly Liu and she will confirm your attendance. We will send a follow up email with directions (warehouse is in Sunnyvale) and other specifics.
Thank you Almond for helping to fulfill wishes this holiday season!!
Almond Community Service
We have a Challenge Match!
We've raised $2.2 million so far, but still have $1.3 million to go to fund our grant to our school district this school year. Now is a great time to donate to LAEF because we have a new challenge match.Three generous anonymous donors will match every dollar donated before December 31st, up to a total of $25,000. Your donation will be doubled if you give now!
The suggested donation is $1,200 per student or $150/month, but donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Donate online, or text "LAEF" to 50155 to donate.
Learn how your student is benefitting from LAEF this school year.
Coming Soon: Free Seminar Co-sponsored by LAEF!
Raising Resilient Kids in a Stressful World
by Katie Hurley, L.C.S.W.
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 7:00 - 9:00 pm Los Altos High School,
Eagle Theater 201 Almond Ave, Los Altos, CA, Spanish Translation Available. Register Now.
Almond Yearbook
Hi Everyone,
We have already had a few big events and would love to gather your pictures for the yearbook.
To submit pictures, please go to:
You will find a number of categories, pick the appropriate one and upload your pictures! Very easy to do from your phone as well. I start building pages as events happen so if you already have some great pictures of the following, please upload right away:
I will send out additional reminders as events happen at school.
Thanks for helping me make the yearbook as special as possible for our school!
Liz Bacchi
Want to post an Announcement in the Thursday Word? If you have an announcement to include in the Thursday Word, please send it to AlmondThursdayWord@
3/6/25 5:49 PM